54.111    OpenID Connect (OIDC) 54.113    Prior Authorization Coverage Requirement Discovery   

54.141.1Payer to Payer


The Payer to Payer configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • Organization Identifier CodeSystem URL

54.141.2Property: Organization Identifier CodeSystem URL

Property Name Organization Identifier CodeSystem URL
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description Organization Identifier CodeSystem URL in use for NPI. For example: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBIdentifierType
Applies to Modules
  • Payer to Payer
Default Value http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBIdentifierType
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.organization.identifier.codesystemurl = http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/CodeSystem/C4BBIdentifierType
   54.111    OpenID Connect (OIDC) 54.113    Prior Authorization Coverage Requirement Discovery