49.124    Security Inbound Script 49.126    Inbound SMART on FHIR Endpoints   

49.125.1Inbound SMART on FHIR Authentication


The Inbound SMART on FHIR Authentication configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • Authentication Cache Timeout (Seconds)

  • Prevent Token KeyID Reuse

  • Require Key Expiry

  • Scopes Supported

  • Trust Intra-Cluster SMART Tokens from Module(s)

49.125.2Property: Authentication Cache Timeout (Seconds)

Property Name Authentication Cache Timeout (Seconds)
Property Key
Description If set to a non-zero, non-negative value, successfully validated authentication tokens will be cached for the given number of seconds. This cache has a positive impact on performance since validating a token is a non-trivial operation and may involve lookups and crypto operations. However, setting this timeout to a value that is high means that invalidated tokens will be trusted for longer than they should be.
Applies to Modules
  • SMART Inbound Security
Default Value 300
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.cache_authentication.seconds = 300

49.125.3Property: Prevent Token KeyID Reuse

Property Name Prevent Token KeyID Reuse
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, the server will block tokens with a signed key from being reused. In other words, when the key is decoded as a JWT, the kid (KeyID) claim is verified to ensure that the same key has not been reused.
Applies to Modules
  • SMART Inbound Security
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.key_validation.prevent_token_key_reuse = false

49.125.4Property: Require Key Expiry

Property Name Require Key Expiry
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, the server will block tokens that do not have an expiry.
Applies to Modules
  • SMART Inbound Security
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.key_validation.require_key_expiry = false

49.125.5Property: Scopes Supported

Property Name Scopes Supported
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description A space separated list of scopes to advertise as supported in the .well-known/smart-configuration
Applies to Modules
  • FHIR Gateway REST Endpoint
  • FHIR REST Endpoint (All FHIR Versions)
  • FHIR REST Endpoint (DSTU2 - Deprecated)
  • FHIR REST Endpoint (R3 - Deprecated)
  • FHIR REST Endpoint (R4 - Deprecated)
  • Hybrid Providers REST Endpoint
  • SMART Inbound Security
  • SMART Outbound Security
Default Value openid fhirUser
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.smart_configuration.scopes_supported = openid fhirUser

49.125.6Property: Trust Intra-Cluster SMART Tokens from Module(s)

Property Name Trust Intra-Cluster SMART Tokens from Module(s)
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description This property provides a comma-separated list of Smile CDR SMART Outbound Security modules from which tokens will be accepted. See Accepting Internal Access Tokens for information on how to use this setting. Values for this setting should be in the form node_id/module_id, where this refers to a SMART Outbound Security module. If no value is supplied, only tokens issued by external OpenID Connect providers will be trusted, and these providers must be registered as OpenID Connect servers in the Smile CDR configuration.
Applies to Modules
  • SMART Inbound Security
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.trust_intra_cluster_tokens.modules = 
   49.124    Security Inbound Script 49.126    Inbound SMART on FHIR Endpoints