49.35    Email Configuration 49.37    ETL Import: CSV Properties   

49.36.1MDM UI


The MDM UI configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • JSON Admin URL

  • OIDC Client ID

  • OIDC Issuer URL

  • OIDC Logout URL

  • OIDC Redirect URI

  • OIDC scopes

  • Organization Identifier

49.36.2Property: JSON Admin URL

Property Name JSON Admin URL
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description JSON Admin URL, reachable publicly by the client app (e.g. "https://mdmui.smilecdr.com/json-admin").
Applies to Modules
  • MDM UI
Default Value http://localhost:9000
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.json_admin_url = http://localhost:9000

49.36.3Property: OIDC Client ID

Property Name OIDC Client ID
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The Client ID registered with the OIDC server used for login.
Applies to Modules
  • MDM UI
  • Product Portal
Default Value MDM_UI
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.oidc_client_id = MDM_UI

49.36.4Property: OIDC Issuer URL

Property Name OIDC Issuer URL
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The Issuer URL for the OIDC server used for login.
Applies to Modules
  • MDM UI
  • Product Portal
Default Value http://localhost:9200/smartauth
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.oidc_issuer_url = http://localhost:9200/smartauth

49.36.5Property: OIDC Logout URL

Property Name OIDC Logout URL
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The URL to call at logout to end the user's session.
Applies to Modules
  • MDM UI
  • Product Portal
Default Value http://localhost:9200/smartauth/logout?cb=none&revoke=token&revoke=token_refresh
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.oidc_logout_url = http://localhost:9200/smartauth/logout?cb=none&revoke=token&revoke=token_refresh

49.36.6Property: OIDC Redirect URI

Property Name OIDC Redirect URI
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The base URL for this app, to redirect to after OIDC login. Must be registered with the OIDC server, must be reachable publicly by the client, port should match/forward to http listener port below.
Applies to Modules
  • MDM UI
Default Value http://localhost:8080/
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.oidc_redirect_uri = http://localhost:8080/

49.36.7Property: OIDC scopes

Property Name OIDC scopes
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The scopes for this app to request to the OIDC server at login.
Applies to Modules
  • MDM UI
  • Product Portal
Default Value profile offline_access launch/patient launch/practitioner openid cdr_all_user_authorities
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.oidc_scopes = profile offline_access launch/patient launch/practitioner openid cdr_all_user_authorities

49.36.8Property: Organization Identifier

Property Name Organization Identifier
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The business identifier of the organization to represent the organization that users of this app belong to, with pipe-delimited system and value, e.g. https://smilecdr.com/fhir/ns/OrganizationIdentifier|acme-hospital. This can be the identifier of an existing Organization resource in the FHIR database, or a new Organization resource will be created by the app if it does not yet exist. If no system is provided then a default system of https://smilecdr.com/fhir/ns/mdm/ui/orgids will be used.
Applies to Modules
  • MDM UI
Default Value https://smilecdr.com/fhir/ns/OrganizationIdentifer|defaultOrganization
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.organization_identifier = https://smilecdr.com/fhir/ns/OrganizationIdentifer|defaultOrganization
   49.35    Email Configuration 49.37    ETL Import: CSV Properties