54.82    HL7 v2.x Mapper - OBR 54.84    HL7 v2.x Mapper - ORC   

54.141.1HL7 v2.x to FHIR Mapper - OBSERVATION Group


The HL7 v2.x to FHIR Mapper - OBSERVATION Group configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - NTE

  • OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - OBX

54.141.2Property: OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - NTE

Property Name OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - NTE
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description This delimiter will be used as a separator between multiple repetitions of NTE-3 (Note Text), as well as NTE-3 from multiple contiguous NTE segments following a given OBX segment. By default, \n is used to indicate a newline.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
Default Value \n
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_observation_group.observation_group_text_delimiter.nte = \n

54.141.3Property: OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - OBX

Property Name OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - OBX
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description Where OBX-2 (Observation Value Type) is one of ST, TX, or FT, this delimiter will be used as a separator between multiple repetitions of OBX-5 (Value). By default, \n is used to indicate a newline.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
Default Value \n
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_observation_group.observation_group_text_delimiter.obx = \n
   54.82    HL7 v2.x Mapper - OBR 54.84    HL7 v2.x Mapper - ORC