Smile CDR v2024.11.PRE
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49.23.1Cluster Manager Maintenance


The Cluster Manager Maintenance configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • Audit Log Broker Channel Name

  • Audit Log Broker Enabled

  • Always Write to Cluster Manager Log

  • Audit Log Database Async Writes

  • Audit Log Database Enabled

  • Request headers to store

  • Reload Scripts on Module Config Save

  • Stats Retention (Days) - Day Level

  • Stats Retention (Days) - Hour Level

  • Stats Retention (Days) - Minute Level

  • Transaction Log Retention (Days)

  • Scheduler Thread Count

  • Heartbeat Persist Frequency MS

  • Stats Cleanup Frequency MS

  • Stats Persist Frequency MS

  • Support writes to LOB columns

49.23.2Property: Audit Log Broker Channel Name

Property Name Audit Log Broker Channel Name
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The audit logs will be sent to the specified topic/queue name. Must be non-empty.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value smilecdr-audit
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID] = smilecdr-audit

49.23.3Property: Audit Log Broker Enabled

Property Name Audit Log Broker Enabled
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description This setting may be used to submit all audit log events to a message queue.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID] = false

49.23.4Property: Always Write to Cluster Manager Log

Property Name Always Write to Cluster Manager Log
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description Forces Smile CDR to always send audit logs to the cluster manager audit database, even if another module of type audit is defined. Normally, creating such a module would disable the builtin audit log in the cluster manager. Setting this setting to true will cause all audit log events to be written to both databases.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value true
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.audit_log.db.always_write_to_clustermgr = true

49.23.5Property: Audit Log Database Async Writes

Property Name Audit Log Database Async Writes
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, writing to the audit log will be performed asynchronously, resulting in potentially shorter transaction times and a more efficient use of the database. An in-memory asynchronous queue is used, meaning that there can be a small delay between an auditable action occurring and the audit log being written.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.audit_log.db.async_writes.enabled = false

49.23.6Property: Audit Log Database Enabled

Property Name Audit Log Database Enabled
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description This setting may be used to disable saving audit logs to all event writers if it is not needed in a given solution design.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value true
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.audit_log.db.enabled = true

49.23.7Property: Request headers to store

Property Name Request headers to store
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description This setting can be set to a comma-delimited list of header names that the audit service will extract from the request and store with any Audit Log.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.audit_log.request_headers_to_store = 

49.23.8Property: Reload Scripts on Module Config Save

Property Name Reload Scripts on Module Config Save
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, when module configuration is saved via the Web Admin Console or the Admin JSON endpoint, then all scripts in that configuration will be reloaded on the server where the save occurred. This allows javascript developers to quickly test changes to scripts on a standalone development server without having to restart the module. Note this will only reload the script on the process where the save occurred. If you need to reload scripts in a module running in a cluster, you should restart the module.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.reload_scripts_on_save = false

49.23.9Property: Stats Retention (Days) - Day Level

Property Name Stats Retention (Days) - Day Level
Property Key
Description The number of days that statistics at the day precision will be retained.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value 365
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.retain_day_stats_days = 365

49.23.10Property: Stats Retention (Days) - Hour Level

Property Name Stats Retention (Days) - Hour Level
Property Key
Description The number of days that statistics at the hour precision will be retained.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value 31
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.retain_hour_stats_days = 31

49.23.11Property: Stats Retention (Days) - Minute Level

Property Name Stats Retention (Days) - Minute Level
Property Key
Description The number of days that statistics at the minute precision will be retained.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value 7
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.retain_minute_stats_days = 7

49.23.12Property: Transaction Log Retention (Days)

Property Name Transaction Log Retention (Days)
Property Key
Description The number of days that entries in the transaction log should be retained before being deleted from the database. If blank, the transaction log will be retained indefinitely.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value 7
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.retain_transaction_log_days = 7

49.23.13Property: Scheduler Thread Count

Property Name Scheduler Thread Count
Property Key
Description The number of threads allocated to processing Scheduled Jobs (both local and clustered). See Scheduler Performance for more information.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Subscription Matcher (All FHIR Versions)
Default Value 4
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.schedule.thread_count = 4

49.23.14Property: Heartbeat Persist Frequency MS

Property Name Heartbeat Persist Frequency MS
Property Key
Description How often module health status is persisted to the database
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value 15000
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.stats.heartbeat_persist_frequency_ms = 15000

49.23.15Property: Stats Cleanup Frequency MS

Property Name Stats Cleanup Frequency MS
Property Key
Description How often module performance statistics are deleted from the database and collapsed into time interval statistics. Should be greater than stats.stats_persist_frequency_ms
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value 300000
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.stats.stats_cleanup_frequency_ms = 300000

49.23.16Property: Stats Persist Frequency MS

Property Name Stats Persist Frequency MS
Property Key
Description How often module performance statistics are persisted to the database. Should be greater than or equal to stats.heartbeat_persist_frequency_ms
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value 60000
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.stats.stats_persist_frequency_ms = 60000

49.23.17Property: Support writes to LOB columns

Property Name Support writes to LOB columns
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, will still write to pre-migration LOB columns when supported.
Applies to Modules
  • Cluster Manager
Default Value true
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.support_legacy_lob_server = true
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