52.8    Transaction Log Persistence 52.10    Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR)   

52.9.1Digital Quality Measures (DQM)


The DQM Module enables several quality improvement features and operations that are detailed out in the following documents.

52.9.2Operation and Feature Documentation


DQM Module operation user guides and documentation can be found with the following links

52.9.3Premium Features


Features that are only available in CDR

52.9.4Required Modules


This Module has dependencies on the activation of other modules in CDR before it can be used.

  • CQL Module - where you manage your CQL configurations
  • License Module - where you enter your license key for CDR
  • FHIR Endpoint Module - Where you activate FHIR endpoint for CDR
  • Persistence Module - Database settings and configurations for CDR. Note that as of 2024.11, DQM will rely on the Persistence Module through a transitive dependency via the FHIR Endpoint Module.

52.9.5DQM UI


DQM Module has an available Smart-On-FHIR application to enable better workflow experience for DQM operations and features.

For more information see Quality Payment Program.

52.9.6Configuration Categories


These are the configuration options for DQM module where users can customize their deployment and set operational needs.



The Digital Quality Measures (DQM) module can depend on the following modules:

   52.8    Transaction Log Persistence 52.10    Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR)