49.37    ETL Import: Source 49.39    FHIR Binary Storage   

49.38.1Measure Evaluation


The Measure Evaluation configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • Subject Chunk Size

  • Measure Chunk Size

  • Measure Report default reporter

  • Threaded Subject Chunk Size

  • Number of Threads

  • Enabled Threading

  • Measure Report Reporter from Group

  • Include Patients from Related Managing Organizations

49.38.2Property: Subject Chunk Size

Property Name Subject Chunk Size
Property Key
Description The maximum quantity of subjects to process per batch2 job work-chunk. This allows for batch2 job work-chunks to optimally process a maximum volume of subjects in parallel, setting this value too high will maximize work-chunk throughput, but will slow processing speed.
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value 50
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.chunksize = 50

49.38.3Property: Measure Chunk Size

Property Name Measure Chunk Size
Property Key
Description The maximum quantity of measures that will be evaluated per batch2 job work-chunk during distributed measure evaluation request. This allows for batch2 job work-chunks to optimally process at a specific volume, setting this value too high will maximize work-chunk throughput, but slow processing speed. Example: If requesting 9 Measure resources to be evaluated, and 'Measure Chunk Size'= 4, it will create 3 Measure-Chunks: 1) Measures 1, 2, 3, 4. 2) Measures 5, 6, 7, 8. 3) Measure 9
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value 4
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.num_measures_per_subject_chunk = 4

49.38.4Property: Measure Report default reporter

Property Name Measure Report default reporter
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description The default value that will be added to MeasureReport.reporter field when executing Async $evaluate-measure operation. This should be a reference to Organization resource.
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.reporter = 

49.38.5Property: Threaded Subject Chunk Size

Property Name Threaded Subject Chunk Size
Property Key
Description The number of patients to batch per thread for parallel processing of data for measure evaluation. Example: If processing 1000 patients in a measure evaluation query, thread-Number =2, and Thread-Batch-Size is set to 500, then system will split 1000 patients into two batches of 500 patients, distribute query to two threads for processing, and collect results from threads when complete.
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value 25
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.thread_batchsize = 25

49.38.6Property: Number of Threads

Property Name Number of Threads
Property Key
Description The quantity of concurrent processors to make available from the system for measure evaluation operations & $care-gaps queries. Note: This value needs to be less than available processors on SmileCdr instance to perform optimally.
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value 2
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.thread_number = 2

49.38.7Property: Enabled Threading

Property Name Enabled Threading
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description Enabling Threading will allow for additional parallel processing of measure evaluation of subject quantity up to the setting 'Threaded Batch Size'.
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.threading_enabled = false

49.38.8Property: Measure Report Reporter from Group

Property Name Measure Report Reporter from Group
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If set to true, evaluate-measure operation will attempt to source MeasureReport.reporter from evaluate-measure operation's 'subject' or 'practitioner' parameter by using the Group's resource field, managingEntity. If unable to source reference from Group, MeasureReport reporter will use default dqm.evaluate_measure.reporter setting.
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value true
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.use_group_ref = true

49.38.9Property: Include Patients from Related Managing Organizations

Property Name Include Patients from Related Managing Organizations
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If set to true, evaluate-measure subject parameter will collect Patient resources with a matching Patient.managingOrganization reference in addition to Organizations related by the Organization.partOf field.
Applies to Modules
  • Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.evaluate_measure.use_part_of_organizations = false
   49.37    ETL Import: Source 49.39    FHIR Binary Storage