Smile CDR v2024.11.PRE
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   49.76    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Forced Namespace Mode 49.78    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Medications   

49.77.1HL7 v2.x Mapper - General


The HL7 v2.x Mapper - General configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • Create MessageHeader for Each Message

  • Creation Mode - Practitioner

  • Escape Markdown Punctuation: NTE-3

  • Patient Primary Identifier Search Parameter

  • Inferred TimeZone When Not Present

  • Map Identifiers using NamingSystem

  • Mapper Bean Types

  • MessageHeader Hardcoded Destination Name

  • Process AL1 Segments

  • Store Original HL7v2 message

49.77.2Property: Create MessageHeader for Each Message

Property Name Create MessageHeader for Each Message
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, a MessageHeader resource will be created and stored in the repository for every HL7 v2.x message that is processed. See Creating MessageHeader for more information.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.create_message_header = false

49.77.3Property: Creation Mode - Practitioner

Property Name Creation Mode - Practitioner
Property Key
Property Type ENUM
Description This setting controls the create/update mode for Practitioner resources that are generated when converting from HL7 v2.x. This setting can be used to specify that resources should always be updated using values from the v2.x message (conditional update) or should only be created if they do not already exist (conditional create).
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.creation_mode.practitioner = CONDITIONAL_UPDATE

49.77.4Property: Escape Markdown Punctuation: NTE-3

Property Name Escape Markdown Punctuation: NTE-3
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, all markdown punctuation will be escaped in NTE-3 segments.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.escape_markdown_punctuation_nte3 = false

49.77.5Property: Patient Primary Identifier Search Parameter

Property Name Patient Primary Identifier Search Parameter
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description If specified, Patient resources will be created using this search parameter to match the primary identifier. Typically the default value of identifier is good for this setting.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value identifier
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.identifiers.patient.primary_identifier_search_param_name = identifier

49.77.6Property: Inferred TimeZone When Not Present

Property Name Inferred TimeZone When Not Present
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description If enabled, the given timezone offset will be used when an HL7 v2.x timestamp (TS) datatype is received that does not contain a timezone offset. This is useful because many HL7 v2.x systems do not transmit an offset, assuming instead that all times they transmit are in their local timezone. Set this value to explicitly state which timezone to infer.

Values for this property should be a valid Java TimeZone identifier (e.g. America/Chicago or Australia/Canberra).

Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.infer_timezone_when_not_present = 

49.77.7Property: Map Identifiers using NamingSystem

Property Name Map Identifiers using NamingSystem
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, the HL7 v2.x -> FHIR mapper will attempt to use NamingSystem resources stored in the repository when mapping identifiers. See NamingSystem Mapping for information on this process.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.map_identifiers_using_namingsystem_inbound = false

49.77.8Property: Mapper Bean Types

Property Name Mapper Bean Types
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description A comma-separated list of bean classes that will be used to map messages as they are processed by this endpoint. Classes listed here must implement the interface
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.mapper_bean_types = 

49.77.9Property: MessageHeader Hardcoded Destination Name

Property Name MessageHeader Hardcoded Destination Name
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description If set, supplies a hardcoded value to use for the field in generated MessageHeader resources. This can be useful if you wish to place an identifier to uniquely track all messages received from a specific endpoint.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.messageheader.hardcoded_destination_name = 

49.77.10Property: Process AL1 Segments

Property Name Process AL1 Segments
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If this is enabled, AL1 segments will be processed on incoming messages. Note that this can have a significant impact on performance and storage requirements.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.process_al1_segments = false

49.77.11Property: Store Original HL7v2 message

Property Name Store Original HL7v2 message
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, the original HL7v2 message will be stored as received on a MessageHeader resource.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.store_original_message = false
   49.76    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Forced Namespace Mode 49.78    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Medications