49.76    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Contained Resource 49.78    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Forced Namespace Mode   

49.77.1HL7 v2.x Mapper - DG1


The HL7 v2.x Mapper - DG1 configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • Use DG1.1 as Condition.identifier.value` suffix.

49.77.2Property: Use DG1.1 as Condition.identifier.value` suffix.

Property Name Use DG1.1 as Condition.identifier.value` suffix.
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, Condition resources generated by a DG1 segment will have an identifier with the value composed of a concantenation of DG1-20.1 and DG1.1. When disabled (default), the concatenation will be composed of DG1-20.1 and DG1-3.1. In either case, a hyphen is used as a delimiter (i.e. -). Only use this setting when DG1-1 values are consistently populated in source messaging. If the value for a given DG1 segment may be different across discrete messages, this could result in failing to update the correct Condition resource. Where DG1-1 is not populated, an error is thrown when this setting is enabled.
Applies to Modules
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
  • HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_dg1.use_dg1_segment_id_for_condition_identifier_value = false
   49.76    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Contained Resource 49.78    HL7 v2.x Mapper - Forced Namespace Mode