Smile CDR v2024.11.PRE
On this page:

42.2.1Available Localization Keys


The following table lists the strings that are supplied in the base localization definition file. Any of these strings can be overridden using the custom localization file.

Many of the properties listed here use numbered variables parameters, where {0} represents the first parameter, {1} represents the second, and so on. You may use these variables in your customized messages, or you may omit some or all of them. It is possible, for exmple, to omit the {0} variable and include only the {1} variable in a customized string.

To replace the default value for any of these keys, create a new entry in your Customization File with the format:

[key]=[new value]
Key Default Value
AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied Access Denied.
AbstractSecurityInterceptor.authenticationNotFound Request not authenticated.
AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials Incorrect or invalid credentials supplied.
AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.onlySupports Only UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken is supported.
Built-in Spring Messages
ExceptionTranslationFilter.insufficientAuthentication Insufficient Authentication
FhirEndpointErrorTrapFilter.failure_description.401_bad_auth_header HTTP 401 Not Authorized (Authorization header present but not accepted)
FhirEndpointErrorTrapFilter.failure_description.401_no_auth_header HTTP 401 Not Authorized (no Authorization header present)
ProviderManager.providerNotFound No Authorization Provider found.
app_gallery.status.INREVIEW In Review
app_gallery.status.LIVE Live
app_gallery.status.REJECTED Rejected
app_gallery.status.RETIRED Retired
app_gallery.status.SUSPENDED Suspended
audit_event_validation.wrong_module_type Wrong module type, found {0}. Log into the Web Admin Console Log out of the Web Admin Console Agreed to the Privacy Security Notice Admin Web MDM Clear links(<code>$mdm-clear</code>) Admin Web MDM CREATE Link (<code>$create-link</code>) Admin Web MDM Duplicate Golden Resources (<code>$duplicate-golden-resources</code>) Admin Web MDM Historical Links (<code>$link-history</code>) Admin Web MDM Merge Golden Resources (<code>$merge-golden-resources</code>) Admin Web MDM De-duplicate Golden Resources (<code>$not-duplicate</code>) Admin Web MDM Query Links (<code>$query-links</code>) Admin Web MDM Batch Submission For Processing(<code>$mdm-submit</code>) Admin Web MDM Update Link (<code>$update-link</code>) Archive module Create a new module Reinstate module Update/change/save module config Start a stopped module Stop a running module Confirm Two Factor TOTP Key Create Two Factor TOTP Key Revoke Two Factor TOTP Key DOCREF (<code>$docref</code>) QPP Build (<code>$qpp-build</code>) Logout from EasyShare Log into FHIRWeb Console Log out of FHIRWeb Console Add Tags to FHIR Resource Apply CodeSystem Delta: Add Concepts Apply CodeSystem Delta: Remove Concepts Create FHIR Resource Delete FHIR Resource Delete Expunge Delete Tags from FHIR Resource Diff Resource(s) ($diff) Expunge Fetch FHIR Result Page FHIR Get Resource Counts ($get-resource-counts) Fetch FHIR Resource Tags GraphQL Request FHIR Resource Instance History FHIR System History FHIR Resource Type History Initiate Bulk Export ($export) Initiate Bulk Import ($import) Mark all resources for reindexing Fetch FHIR Resource Metadata Add to FHIR Resource Metadata Delete from FHIR Resource Metadata FHIR Extended Operation (unclassified) Apply (<code>$apply</code>) Binary Access Read ($binary-access-read) Binary Access Write ($binary-access-write) Care Gaps (<code>$care-gaps</code>) Collect Data (<code>$collect-data</code>) Generate Document from Composition ($document) Request LiveBundle for a Rule and Target Id ($livebundle) Add a target to a LiveBundle subscriber group ($livebundle-group-add) Remove a target from a LiveBundle subscriber group ($livebundle-group-delete) Request LiveBundle Rule Watchlist ($livebundle-watchlist) Add a target to a LiveBundle Rule Watchlist ($livebundle-watchlist-add) Remove a target from a LiveBundle Rule Watchlist ($livebundle-watchlist-delete) CQL (<code>$cql</code>) Data Requirements (<code>$data-requirements</code>) EMPI Clear links(<code>$empi-clear</code>) FHIR EMPI Duplicate Persons (<code>$empi-duplicate-persons</code>) FHIR EMPI Merge Persons ($empi-merge-persons) FHIR EMPI Query Links (<code>$empi-query-links</code>) EMPI Batch Submission For Processing(<code>$empi-submit</code>) FHIR EMPI Update Link (<code>$empi-update-link</code>) Search entire Encounter record ($everything) Evaluate (<code>$evaluate</code>) CQL Evaluate Measure(<code>$evaluate-measure</code>) Evaluate Measures (<code>$evaluate-measures</code>) Search all records by type Patient Poll Bulk Export status Extract (<code>$extract</code>) Poll Bulk Import status MDM Clear links(<code>$mdm-clear</code>) FHIR MDM CREATE Link (<code>$mdm-create-link</code>) FHIR MDM Duplicate Golden Resources (<code>$mdm-duplicate-golden-resources</code>) FHIR MDM Query Links (<code>$mdm-link-history</code>) MDM Match(<code>$mdm-match</code>) FHIR MDM Merge Golden Resources ($mdm-merge-golden-resources) FHIR MDM De-duplicate Golden Resources (<code>$mdm-not-duplicate-golden-resources</code>) FHIR MDM Query Links (<code>$mdm-query-links</code>) MDM Batch Submission For Processing(<code>$mdm-submit</code>) FHIR MDM Update Link (<code>$mdm-update-link</code>) Find a member by patient and coverage information Search for most recent or last n=number of Observation records ($lastn) Package (<code>$package</code>) Search entire Patient record ($everything) Generate International Patient Summary / IPS ($summary) FHIR Patient Match ($match) Populate (<code>$populate</code>) Prepopulate (<code>$prepopulate</code>) Recreate terminology freetext indexes Submit attachment(s) for association with a Claim ($submit-attachment) Submit Data (<code>$submit-data</code>) Partition Management: Add Partition Partition Management: Delete Partition Partition Management: List Partitions Partition Management: Read Partition Partition Management: Update Partition FHIR Resource Patch Perform FHIR reindexing pass FHIR Process Message FHIR Resource Instance Read Submit reindexing job Reindex Individual Resource Instance Dry Run ($reindex-dryrun) Reindex Individual Resource Instance ($reindex) FHIR Resource Search (System-wide) FHIR Resource Search (Type-specific) FHIR Suggest Keywords ($suggest-keywords) FHIR Transaction Manually Trigger Subscription Update FHIR Resource Upload External Terminology Code System Invalidate ValueSet Expansion FHIR Resource Instance Read (Version-specific) Archive OpenID Connect Client Archive OpenID Connect Server Client Changed Own Secret Create OpenID Connect Client Create OpenID Connect Server Edit OpenID Connect Client Edit OpenID Connect Server Import CDA document Submit P2P batch job User approve SMART Client Scope Sign into OpenID Connect Server Sign out of OpenID Connect Server Revoke All Tokens With Approved Scope User revoke SMART Client Scope Revoke an OpenID Connect Token User agree to TOS User revokes agreement to TOS Create a new user Update user's own password Update another user's password Update an existing user User Self Registration View transaction log message body
ca.cdr.admin.web.controller.ConfigModulesController.cannotBeArchivedDueToDependencies Module: {0} cannot be archived as it affects Module(s): {1}
ca.cdr.admin.web.controller.ConfigModulesController.cannotBeReinstatedDueToDependency "Module: {0} cannot be reinstated as it depends on archived Module(s): {1}
ca.cdr.admin.web.controller.ConfigModulesController.moduleSuccessfullySaved Module {0} successfully saved
ca.cdr.admin.web.controller.ConfigUserManagerController.2fa_confirmed Two Factor Authentication has been enabled for your account.
ca.cdr.admin.web.controller.ConfigUserManagerController.2fa_created Two Factor code has been created. You must verify this in order to enable Two Factor Authentication.
ca.cdr.admin.web.controller.ConfigUserManagerController.2fa_disabled Two Factor Authentication has been disabled for your account.
ca.cdr.admin.web.controller.ConfigUserManagerController.2fa_incorrect Provided Two Factor code was incorrect.
ca.cdr.api.web.JettyHealthCheckFilterHttpResponses.healthy Listening: {0} transactions since started.
ca.cdr.api.web.JettyHealthCheckFilterHttpResponses.lastResponse5xx Last {0} responses have failed with HTTP {1} {2}.
ca.cdr.api.web.JettyHealthCheckFilterHttpResponses.noTransactions Listening: No transactions since started.
ca.cdr.camel.processor.BaseSmileProcessor.invalidParameterName The Smile Processor "{0}" does not support parameter "{1}".
ca.cdr.camel.processor.BaseSmileProcessor.unableToFindBean Unable to find bean "{0} in module "{1}".
ca.cdr.camel.processor.BundleProcessor.invalidPartitionId Invalid parameter "{0}" with value "{1}".
ca.cdr.clustermgr.entity.NodeHealthChecks.healthy Node is happy: {0} health checks passed.
ca.cdr.clustermgr.entity.NodeHealthChecks.unhealthy Node is unhappy: {0} health checks failed ({1} health checks passed).
ca.cdr.clustermgr.metric.BaseDbConnectionPoolMetric.healthCheck_healthy Acquired connection in {0}ms.
ca.cdr.clustermgr.metric.BaseDbConnectionPoolMetric.healthCheck_unhealthy Failed to acquire connection in {0}ms: {1}.
ca.cdr.clustermgr.svc.impl.ModuleConfigSvcImpl.archivingFailed_DependentModule Can not archive module {0} because the module {1} depends on it - Archive that module first
ca.cdr.clustermgr.svc.impl.ModuleConfigSvcImpl.archivingFailed_StillRunning Can not archive module {0} because it is still running
ca.cdr.clustermgr.svc.impl.StatsHeartbeatSvcImpl.last_heartbeat_failed Most recent heartbeat failed: {0}.
ca.cdr.clustermgr.svc.impl.StatsHeartbeatSvcImpl.last_heartbeat_succeeded Heartbeat succeeded in {0}ms.
ca.cdr.clustermgr.svc.impl.StatsHeartbeatSvcImpl.too_long_since_last_heartbeat Last successful heartbeat was {0} seconds ago.
ca.cdr.easyshare.shl.admin.web.ShlCreateController.createNoContentsProvided No contents have been provided to include in the link.
ca.cdr.easyshare.shl.admin.web.ShlCreateController.createNoLabelProvided Label must be provided.
ca.cdr.easyshare.shl.admin.web.ShlCreateController.createPasscodesDontMatch Passcodes do not match. Incorrect passcode An incorrect passcode has been used too many times. This record has been locked. No SMART Health Link can be found for this code. The link you are using may be invalid or it may have expired. The entered passcode was not correct for this SMART Health Link. This SMART Health Link is locked and can not currently be accessed. This SMART Health Link can not be used. It may have expired, or may be invalid.
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhir.interceptor.CdrEndpointRequestValidatingInterceptor.unknown_profiles One or more StructureDefinitions declared in Resource.meta.profile cannot be found in the repository. Unknown profile(s): {0}.
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhir.interceptor.CdrEndpointRequestValidatingInterceptor.validation_failed_with_error Validation Failed with Error
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhir.interceptor.CdrEndpointRequestValidatingInterceptor.validation_passed Validation Passed
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhir.interceptor.CdrEndpointRequestValidatingInterceptor.validation_passed_with_warning Validation Passed with Warning
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhir.web.BaseFhirEndpointServlet.invalid_tenant_id Invalid tenant ID: {0}.
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhir.web.BaseFhirEndpointServlet.unknownFhirOperationErrorSuppressed Unknown FHIR operation: This server does not know how to handle this request.
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhir.web.BaseFhirEndpointServlet.unknownResourceTypeErrorSuppressed Unknown resource type
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhirgw.svc.impl.BaseOrchestrator.allServersReturnedFailure All Gateway target servers produced unsuccessful responses
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhirgw.svc.impl.BaseOrchestrator.targetReturnedSpecificFailure Gateway target server produced exception {0}
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhirgw.svc.impl.BaseOrchestrator.targetServerCouldNotBeReached Gateway target server could not be reached
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhirgw.svc.impl.BaseOrchestrator.targetServerReturnedFailure Gateway target server produced unsuccessful response
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhirgw.svc.impl.BaseOrchestrator.targetThrewException Gateway target {0} threw exception: {1}
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhirgw.svc.impl.paging.BundlePagingSvcImpl.reverseLinkingNotSupported Gateway target does not support previous paging
ca.cdr.endpoint.fhirweb.controller.FhirwebController.forbidden_operation_exception You lack adequate permissions to perform the requested operation. Please review <a href="" target="_blank">Roles and Permissions</a>, and contact your Smile CDR administrator. Unknown HL7v2 Message Type (not going to process): {0} Both a code in PV1-14.1 and a system in PV1-14.3 must be populated for PV1-14: {0} More than one Observation resulting from this message has the same generated identifier. This is likely due to duplicate OBX-3 observation codes in the source message. Duplicate ID: {0} Encounter must have at least one business identifier, and the first business identifier must have a type code (PV1-19-5) of 'VN' as well as values in PV1-19-1 and PV1-19-4 General order has no ORC (Order Control) segment Immunization has invalid completion status: "{0}" Immunization has missing/invalid status: "{0}" Immunization has no valid identifier Field {0} has a length of {1} - Must be >= {2} and <= {3} Account status has an invalid value: "{0}" Invalid date provided in {0}, should be {1}: {2} Invalid diagnosis priority provided in {0}, should be an integer: {1} Invalid units of time provided: "{0}". Please convert to minutes Invalid event reason: "{0}" Invalid filler status code: "{0}" RXE-23 (Give Rate Amount) must be a non-negative quantity, range, or ratio. Invalid value provided: {0} Invalid merge request: MRG identifier already replaced by another Patient: {} Invalid merge request: PID-3 and MRG Patients are already linked: {}, {} Invalid merge request: This MRG identifier is merged to a different PID: {} Invalid merge request: PID-3 and MRG identifiers cannot be the same: {} Invalid value "{0}" for NM datatype {0} must provide a valid FHIR path: {1} {0} and {1} must both be populated Missing DG1-1 (Set ID). This value is required when use_dg1_segment_id_for_condition_identifier_value is enabled. {0} must be sufficiently populated (both EI-1 and EI-2) {0} includes multiple SPECIMEN groups; Observation.specimen will not be populated Missing identifier system at path {0} Missing identifier value at path {0} Unable to process result - No suitable identifier found in OBR segment Result status must be present and have a valid value, found: {0} Invalid Quantity Timing priority value: {0} When processing an OBX segment with an ED datatype, OBX-5-4 (encoding) must be "base64" When processing an OBX segment with an ED datatype, OBX-5-3 (subtype) must be populated Can not process an OBX segment with a datatype of ED in this context OBX-5 is of type NM but contains an invalid number. Will treat this value as a string (ST) instead Invalid component combination for structured numeric: {0} Observation status must be present and have a valid value, found: {0} Invalid value type "{0}" for OBX segment Segment ORC (Order Control) has no valid identifier No valid identifier found for Patient in segment PID, unable to process Patient Patient must have at least one business identifier, and the first business identifier must have a type code (PID-3-5) of "{0}" as well as values in PID-3-1 and PID-3-4 Pharmacy administration has no administered code Pharmacy administration has no administered code system Pharmacy administration has no valid completion status Pharmacy administration has no component code Pharmacy administration has no component code system Pharmacy administration has no sub-ID Pharmacy {0} has no valid {1} identifier Pharmacy order has missing/invalid status: "{0}" Pharmacy order has no component code Pharmacy order has no component code system Pharmacy order has no give code Pharmacy order has no give code RDE_O11 message structure requires at least one ORDER group but none is present Could not create contained organization - no valid name found Unknown appointment reason: "{0}" Unknown diagnosis coding method provided for {0}: {1} Unknown location type given: "{0}" Unknown observation code provided in {0}: {1} {0} must provide a valid FHIR resource type (case-sensitive): {1} Invalid boolean value "{0}" for {1}. Acceptable values are (case-insensitive): {2} Invalid value type "{0}" for {1}. Acceptable values are (case-sensitive): {2} Invalid value type "{0}" for path: {1} {0} must be populated Listening: {0} transactions since started. Listening: No transactions since started.
ca.cdr.endpoint.hl7v2.out.svc.impl.Hl7V2OutboundMapperSvcImpl.didNotFindPersistedMessageHeader Did not find a MessageHeader resource with target: {0}
ca.cdr.pers.svc.impl.ClusterNodeIndexingSvcImpl.healthy Indexed {0} resources in {1}ms ({2} pending, {3} since startup).
ca.cdr.pers.svc.impl.ClusterNodeIndexingSvcImpl.notRunSince Indexer has not run since {0}.
ca.cdr.pers.svc.impl.ClusterNodeIndexingSvcImpl.notRunning Indexer has never run.
ca.cdr.pers.svc.impl.ClusterNodeIndexingSvcImpl.passFailed Index pass failed with error: {0}. Invalid or expired 6-digit code The account associated with the provided username does not have an email address Could not find a user associated with the provided username Passwords are not matching Could not find user Incorrect Robot Test Response. Please Try Again! Username is already taken Missing required field: Email Address Missing required field: Family Name Missing required field: Given Name Missing required field: Username Successful password reset! Please Login No saved request found. Please close this page and try again. No access token found in request No session cookie found in request
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.beneficiaryNotFound Could not find beneficiary for coverage.
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.beneficiaryWithoutIdentifier Coverage beneficiary does not have an identifier.
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.consentReleaseDataMismatch Consent policy does not match the data release segmentation capabilities.
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.coverageNotFound Could not find coverage for member based on coverage id or coverage identifier.
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.parameterIsEmpty Parameter "{0}" is empty.
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.parameterIsMissing Parameter "{0}" is required.
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.parameterOfWrongType Parameter "{0}" should have type "{1}".
ca.cdr.system2system.dataexchange.service.MemberMatchProvider.patientNotFound Could not find matching patient for coverage.
ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext.noStructures Could not find any HAPI-FHIR structure JARs on the classpath. Note that as of HAPI-FHIR v0.8, a separate FHIR strcture JAR must be added to your classpath (or project pom.xml if you are using Maven)
ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext.noStructuresForSpecifiedVersion Could not find the HAPI-FHIR structure JAR on the classpath for version {0}. Note that as of HAPI-FHIR v0.8, a separate FHIR strcture JAR must be added to your classpath (or project pom.xml if you are using Maven)
ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext.unknownResourceName Unknown resource name "{0}" (this name is not known in FHIR version "{1}")
ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeResourceDefinition.nonInstantiableType Resource type "{0}" can not be instantiated. Check that this class has a no-argument constructor, and that it is static if it is a nested type. Error is: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeResourceDefinition.typeWrongVersion This context is for FHIR version "{0}" but the class "{1}" is for version "{2}"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.binary.interceptor.BinaryStorageInterceptor.externalizedBinaryStorageExtensionFoundInRequestBody Illegal extension found in request payload - URL "{0}" and value "{1}"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.binary.provider.BinaryAccessProvider.noAttachmentDataPresent The resource with ID {0} has no data at path: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.binary.provider.BinaryAccessProvider.unknownBlobId Can not find the requested binary content. It may have been deleted.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.binary.provider.BinaryAccessProvider.unknownPath Unable to find content in resource of type {0} at path: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.binary.provider.BinaryAccessProvider.unknownType Content in resource of type {0} at path {1} is not appropriate for binary storage: {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.config.HapiFhirHibernateJpaDialect.forcedIdConstraintFailure The operation has failed with a client-assigned ID constraint failure. This typically means that multiple client threads are trying to create a new resource with the same client-assigned ID at the same time, and this thread was chosen to be rejected. It can also happen when a request disables the Upsert Existence Check.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.config.HapiFhirHibernateJpaDialect.resourceIndexedCompositeStringUniqueConstraintFailure The operation has failed with a unique index constraint failure. This probably means that the operation was trying to create/update a resource that would have resulted in a duplicate value for a unique index.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.config.HapiFhirHibernateJpaDialect.resourceVersionConstraintFailure The operation has failed with a version constraint failure. This generally means that two clients/threads were trying to update the same resource at the same time, and this request was chosen as the failing request.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseHapiFhirDao.incomingNoopInTransaction Transaction contains resource with operation NOOP. This is only valid as a response operation, not in a request
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseHapiFhirDao.invalidMatchUrlInvalidResourceType Invalid match URL "{0}" - Unknown resource type: "{1}"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseHapiFhirDao.transactionOperationFailedNoId Failed to {0} resource in transaction because no ID was provided
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseHapiFhirDao.transactionOperationFailedUnknownId Failed to {0} resource in transaction because no resource could be found with ID {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseHapiFhirDao.uniqueIndexConflictFailure Can not create resource of type {0} as it would create a duplicate unique index matching query: {1} (existing index belongs to {2}, new unique index created by {3})
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.cantValidateWithNoResource No resource supplied for $validate operation (resource is required unless mode is "delete")
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.deleteBlockedBecauseDisabled Resource deletion is not permitted on this server
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.deleteByUrlThresholdExceeded Failed to DELETE resources with match URL "{0}" because the resolved number of resources: {1} exceeds the threshold of {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.deleteResourceAlreadyDeleted Not deleted, resource {0} was already deleted.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.deleteResourceNotExisting Not deleted, resource {0} does not exist.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.duplicateCreateForcedId Can not create entity with ID[{0}], a resource with this ID already exists
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.failedToCreateWithClientAssignedId Can not create resource with ID[{0}], ID must not be supplied on a create (POST) operation
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.failedToCreateWithClientAssignedIdNotAllowed No resource exists on this server resource with ID[{0}], and client-assigned IDs are not enabled.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.failedToCreateWithClientAssignedNumericId Can not create resource with ID[{0}], no resource with this ID exists and clients may only assign IDs which contain at least one non-numeric character
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.failedToCreateWithInvalidId Can not process entity with ID[{0}], this is not a valid FHIR ID
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.incorrectResourceType Incorrect resource type detected for endpoint, found {0} but expected {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.inlineMatchNotSupported Inline match URLs are not supported on this server. Cannot process reference: "{0}"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.invalidBundleTypeForStorage Unable to store a Bundle resource on this server with a Bundle.type value of: {0}. Note that if you are trying to perform a FHIR 'transaction' or 'batch' operation you should POST the Bundle resource to the Base URL of the server, not to the '/Bundle' endpoint.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.invalidMatchUrlNoMatches Invalid match URL "{0}" - No resources match this search
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.invalidParameterChain Invalid parameter chain: {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.invalidSearchParameter Unknown search parameter "{0}" for resource type "{1}". Valid search parameters for this search are: {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.invalidSortParameter Unknown _sort parameter value "{0}" for resource type "{1}" (Note: sort parameters values must use a valid Search Parameter). Valid values for this search are: {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.invalidSortParameterTooManyChains Invalid _sort expression, can not chain more than once in a sort expression: {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.invalidVersion Version "{0}" is not valid for resource {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.missingBody No body was supplied in request
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.multipleParamsWithSameNameOneIsMissingTrue This server does not know how to handle multiple "{0}" parameters where one has a value of :missing=true
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulCreate Successfully created resource "{0}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulCreateConditionalNoMatch Successfully conditionally created resource "{0}". No existing resources matched URL "{1}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulCreateConditionalWithMatch Successfully conditionally created resource "{0}". Existing resource matched URL "{1}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulDeletes Successfully deleted {0} resource(s).
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulPatch Successfully patched resource "{0}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulPatchConditional Successfully conditionally patched resource. Existing resource {0} matched URL: {1}.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulPatchConditionalNoChange Successfully conditionally patched resource with no changes detected. Existing resource {0} matched URL: {1}.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulPatchNoChange Successfully patched resource "{0}" with no changes detected.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulTimingSuffix Took {0}ms.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulUpdate Successfully updated resource "{0}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulUpdateAsCreate Successfully created resource "{0}" using update as create (ie. create with client assigned ID).
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulUpdateConditionalNoChangeWithMatch Successfully conditionally updated resource "{0}" with no changes detected. Existing resource matched URL "{1}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulUpdateConditionalNoMatch Successfully conditionally updated resource "{0}". Created resource because no existing resource matched URL "{1}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulUpdateConditionalWithMatch Successfully conditionally updated resource "{0}". Existing resource matched URL "{1}".
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.successfulUpdateNoChange Successfully updated resource "{0}" with no changes detected.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.transactionContainsMultipleWithDuplicateId Transaction bundle contains multiple resources with ID: {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.transactionEntryHasInvalidVerb Transaction bundle entry has missing or invalid HTTP Verb specified in Bundle.entry({1}).request.method. Found value: "{0}"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.transactionInvalidUrl Unable to perform {0}, URL provided is invalid: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.transactionMissingUrl Unable to perform {0}, no URL provided.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.transactionOperationWithIdNotMatchFailure Failed to {0} resource with match URL "{1}" because the matching resource does not match the provided ID
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.transactionOperationWithMultipleMatchFailure Failed to {0} resource with match URL "{1}" because this search matched {2} resources
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.unableToDeleteNotFound Unable to find resource matching URL "{0}". Nothing has been deleted.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseStorageDao.updateWithNoId Can not update resource of type {0} as it has no ID
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseTransactionProcessor.fhirPatchShouldNotUseBinaryResource Binary PATCH detected with FHIR content type. FHIR Patch should use Parameters resource.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseTransactionProcessor.missingMandatoryResource Missing required resource in Bundle.entry[{1}].resource for operation {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseTransactionProcessor.missingPatchBody Unable to determine PATCH body from request
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseTransactionProcessor.unsupportedResourceType Resource {0} is not supported on this server. Supported resource types: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.HistoryBuilder.noSystemOrTypeHistoryForPartitionAwareServer Type- and Server- level history operation not supported across partitions on partitioned server
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.JpaResourceDaoSearchParameter.invalidSearchParamExpression The expression "{0}" can not be evaluated and may be invalid: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.index.IdHelperService.nonUniqueForcedId Non-unique ID specified, can not process request
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.graphql.DaoRegistryGraphQLStorageServices.invalidGraphqlArgument Unknown GraphQL argument "{0}". Value GraphQL argument for this type are: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.graphql.DaoRegistryGraphQLStorageServices.invalidGraphqlCursorArgument GraphQL Cursor "{0}" does not exist and may have expired
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.interceptor.CascadingDeleteInterceptor.noParam Note that cascading deletes are not active for this request. You can enable cascading deletes by using the "_cascade=delete" URL parameter.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.interceptor.CascadingDeleteInterceptor.successMsg Cascaded delete to {0} resources: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.interceptor.validation.RuleRequireProfileDeclaration.illegalProfile Resource of type "{0}" must not declare conformance to profile: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.interceptor.validation.RuleRequireProfileDeclaration.noMatchingProfile Resource of type "{0}" does not declare conformance to profile from: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.BaseRequestPartitionHelperSvc.nonDefaultPartitionSelectedForNonPartitionable Resource type {0} can not be partitioned
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.BaseRequestPartitionHelperSvc.unknownPartitionId Unknown partition ID: {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.BaseRequestPartitionHelperSvc.unknownPartitionName Unknown partition name: {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.PartitionLookupSvcImpl.cantCreateDefaultPartition Can not create partition with name "DEFAULT"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.PartitionLookupSvcImpl.cantCreateDuplicatePartitionName Partition name "{0}" is already defined
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.PartitionLookupSvcImpl.duplicatePartitionId Partition ID already exists
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.PartitionLookupSvcImpl.invalidName Partition name "{0}" is not valid
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.PartitionLookupSvcImpl.missingPartitionIdOrName Partition must have an ID and a Name
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.PartitionLookupSvcImpl.noIdSupplied No Partition ID supplied
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.partition.PartitionLookupSvcImpl.unknownPartitionId No partition exists with ID {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.patch.FhirPatch.invalidInsertIndex Invalid insert index {0} for path {1} - Only have {2} existing entries
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.patch.FhirPatch.invalidMoveDestinationIndex Invalid move destination index {0} for path {1} - Only have {2} existing entries
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.patch.FhirPatch.invalidMoveSourceIndex Invalid move source index {0} for path {1} - Only have {2} existing entries
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.patch.JsonPatchUtils.failedToApplyPatch Failed to apply JSON patch to {0}: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.provider.BaseJpaProvider.cantCombintAtAndSince Unable to combine _at and _since parameters for history operation
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.provider.DiffProvider.cantDiffDifferentTypes Unable to diff two resources of different types Invalid {0} parameter value: "{1}". {2} Invalid/unsupported resource type: "{0}" Unsupported search modifier(s): "{0}" for resource type "{1}". Valid search modifiers are: {2} Can not sort on coordinate parameter "{0}" unless this parameter is also specified as a search parameter with a latitude/longitude value The _source parameter is disabled on this server The :text modifier is disabled for this search parameter The :text modifier is disabled on this server Unable to handle number prefix "{0}" for value: {1} Unable to handle quantity prefix "{0}" for value: {1} Resource type "{0}" is not a valid target type for reference search parameter: {1} Invalid token specified for parameter {0} - No code specified: {1}|{2} Invalid token specified for parameter {0} - No system specified: {1}|{2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.extractor.BaseSearchParamExtractor.externalReferenceNotAllowed Resource contains external reference to URL "{0}" but this server is not configured to allow external references
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.extractor.BaseSearchParamExtractor.failedToExtractPaths Failed to extract values from resource using FHIRPath "{0}": {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermConceptMappingSvcImpl.matchesFound Matches found
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermConceptMappingSvcImpl.noMatchesFound No Matches found
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermConceptMappingSvcImpl.onlyNegativeMatchesFound Only negative matches found
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.cannotCreateDuplicateCodeSystemUrl Can not create multiple CodeSystem resources with CodeSystem.url "{0}", already have one with resource ID: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.cannotCreateDuplicateCodeSystemUrlAndVersion Can not create multiple CodeSystem resources with CodeSystem.url "{0}" and CodeSystem.version "{1}", already have one with resource ID: {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.cannotCreateDuplicateConceptMapUrl Can not create multiple ConceptMap resources with ConceptMap.url "{0}", already have one with resource ID: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.cannotCreateDuplicateConceptMapUrlAndVersion Can not create multiple ConceptMap resources with ConceptMap.url "{0}" and ConceptMap.version "{1}", already have one with resource ID: {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.cannotCreateDuplicateValueSetUrl Can not create multiple ValueSet resources with ValueSet.url "{0}", already have one with resource ID: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.cannotCreateDuplicateValueSetUrlAndVersion Can not create multiple ValueSet resources with ValueSet.url "{0}" and ValueSet.version "{1}", already have one with resource ID: {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.cannotUpdateUrlOrVersionForValueSetResource Cannot update URL or version for ValueSet resource. Existing ValueSet resource with resource ID {0} found with ValueSet.url "{1}" and ValueSet.version "{2}"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.expansionRefersToUnknownCs Unknown CodeSystem URI "{0}" referenced from ValueSet
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.expansionTooLarge Expansion of ValueSet produced too many codes (maximum {0}) - Operation aborted!
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.unknownCodeInSystem Unknown code "{0}#{1}"
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.validationPerformedAgainstPreExpansion Code validation occurred using a ValueSet expansion that was pre-calculated at {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.valueSetCantInvalidateNotYetPrecalculated ValueSet with URL "{0}" already has status: {1}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.valueSetExpandedUsingInMemoryExpansion ValueSet with URL "{0}" was expanded using an in-memory expansion
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.valueSetExpandedUsingPreExpansion ValueSet was expanded using an expansion that was pre-calculated at {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.valueSetNotFoundInTerminologyDatabase ValueSet can not be found in terminology database: {0}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.valueSetNotYetExpanded ValueSet "{0}" has not yet been pre-expanded. Performing in-memory expansion without parameters. Current status: {1} | {2}
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.valueSetNotYetExpanded_OffsetNotAllowed ValueSet expansion can not combine "offset" with "ValueSet.compose.exclude" unless the ValueSet has been pre-expanded. ValueSet "{0}" must be pre-expanded for this operation to work.
ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.term.TermReadSvcImpl.valueSetPreExpansionInvalidated ValueSet with URL "{0}" precaluclated expansion with {1} concept(s) has been invalidated
ca.uhn.fhir.parser.ParserState.wrongResourceTypeFound Incorrect resource type found, expected "{0}" but found "{1}" Invalid Content-Type for PATCH operation: {0} Missing or invalid content type for PATCH operation Invalid match URL "{0}" - Multiple resources match this search Failed to parse response from server when performing {0} to URL {1} - {2} Encountered IOException when performing {0} to URL {1} - {2} Unable to determine the resource type from the given URI: {0} Unable to determing encoding of request (body does not appear to be valid XML or JSON) The given URI is not an absolute URL and is not usable for this operation: {0} Can not perform paging operation because no link was found in Bundle with relation "{0}" No version specified in URL for 'vread' operation: {0} Failed to retrieve the server metadata statement during client initialization. URL used was {0} The server at base URL "{0}" returned a conformance statement indicating that it supports FHIR version "{1}" which corresponds to {2}, but this client is configured to use {3} (via the FhirContext). ID parameter can not be null or empty for compartment search Invalid search parameter "{0}". Parameter contains a chain ({1}) and chains are not supported for this parameter (chaining is only allowed on reference parameters) Requests for _getpages must use HTTP GET This is the base URL of FHIR server. Unable to handle this request, as it does not contain a resource type or operation name. This is the base URL of a multitenant FHIR server. Unable to handle this request, as it does not contain a tenant ID. Invalid request: The FHIR endpoint on this server does not know how to handle {0} operation[{1}] with parameters [{2}] Invalid request Bundle.type value for transaction: {0} Can not create resource with ID "{0}", an ID element must not be supplied in the resource body on a create (POST) operation Can not create resource with ID "{0}", ID must not be supplied on a create (POST) operation (use an HTTP PUT / update operation if you wish to supply an ID) Can not update resource, resource body must contain an ID element which matches the request URL for update (PUT) operation - Resource body ID of "{0}" does not match URL ID of "{1}" Can not update resource, resource body must contain an ID element for update (PUT) operation Can not update resource, request URL must contain an ID element for update (PUT) operation (it must be of the form [base]/[resource type]/[id]) Invalid {2} parameter value: "{0}". Valid values are: {1} 'OR' query parameters (values containing ',') are not supported in _include parameters HTTP Method {0} is not allowed for this operation. Allowed method(s): {1} Can not invoke operation {0} using HTTP GET because parameter {1} is not a primitive datatype Search ID "{0}" does not exist and may have expired Invalid query parameter(s) for this request: "{0}" Failed to parse request body as {0} resource. Error was: {1} Incorrect Content-Type header value of "{0}" was provided in the request. A FHIR Content-Type is required for "{1}" operation No Content-Type header was provided in the request. This is required for "{0}" operation ID parameter can not be null or empty for compartment search Method [{0}] in provider [{1}] has an @IdParam parameter. This is only allowable for compartment search (e.g. @Search(compartment=&quot;foo&quot;) ) Method [{0}] in provider [{1}] contains search parameter annotated to use name [{2}] - This name is reserved according to the FHIR specification and can not be used as a search parameter name. Can not combine _summary=text with other values for _summary
ca.uhn.fhir.validation.FhirValidator.noPhError Ph-schematron library not found on classpath, can not enable perform schematron validation
ca.uhn.fhir.validation.FhirValidator.noPhWarningOnStartup Ph-schematron library not found on classpath, will not attempt to perform schematron validation
ca.uhn.fhir.validation.ValidationContext.unableToDetermineEncoding Unable to determine encoding (e.g. XML / JSON) on validation input. Is this a valid FHIR resource body?
ca.uhn.fhir.validation.ValidationResult.noIssuesDetected No issues detected during validation Failure Channel Name The name of Kafka topic or ActiveMQ queue where resources are sent after they have exceeded the maximum number of retry attempts, and have still not been successfully processed. Retry Delay(ms) The minimum amount of time to wait (milliseconds) between retry attempts. Maximum amount of retry attempts. The maximum amount of times to attempt import before considering a message failed. Non-zero value required for retry to be enabled. If set to zero, failed messages will skip the retry channel completely and go directly to the failure channel. Maximum Delay(ms) between attempts. The maximum amount of time to wait (milliseconds) between retry attempts. This provides an upper limit for exponential backoff. Retry Channel Name The name of Kafka topic or ActiveMQ queue where inbound resources are sent when a failure occurs during processing of an incoming resource. Non-null value required for retry to be enabled. Retriable Exceptions A list of Exception classes that indicate processing should be retried. Add one per line. If left blank, all exceptions will be treated as retriable. Any exceptions that are caught that are non-retriable will cause the message to go directly to the failure channel. Retry Strategy Which backoff strategy to attempt during retries. Valid options are <code>CONSTANT</code> and <code>EXPONENTIAL</code>. Non-null value required for retry to be enabled.
dateformatter.1_day_ago 1 day ago
dateformatter.n_days_ago {0} days ago
dateformatter.never Never Today The following decisions have been made regarding screenshots and/or video submitted for viewing in the Gallery app description page: ${TEXT} New decisions on submitted screenshots and video for ${APPLICATION_NAME} The following assets have been submitted (or re-submitted) for review. Please approve those to appear in the Gallery. Please decline those that do not meet Gallery standards: ${TEXT} New assets for review from ${DEVELOPER_NAME} for ${APPLICATION_NAME} - Smile App Management Console This is a notification that one or more App Attestations are now out of date. You must re-attest to the terms for these apps. If you do not re-attest, a warning may be placed so as to warn members of potential misuse of personal health information. To re-attest, you must re-register the apps. Go to the Portal to view all Apps. Action Required from App Developer Portal This is a notification that a document is ready for the app ${APPLICATION_NAME}, registered by ${DEVELOPER_NAME}. Go to the Console to view all registrations. Document ready for ${APPLICATION_NAME} - Smile App Management Console Company name: ${COMPANY_NAME} First name: ${FIRST_NAME} Last name: ${LAST_NAME} Business email: ${EMAIL} Job title: ${JOB_TITLE} Business phone: ${PHONE} Industry: ${INDUSTRY} Product name: ${PRODUCT_NAME} Vendor: ${VENDOR} Message: ${MESSAGE} New submission on Contact Us Form Hi, ${FIRST_NAME}, A Smile Marketplace representative will contact you shortly. In the meantime, want to learn how Smile enables the Internet of Health (IoH)? Read this informative blog series, written by Smile's CEO: Keep smiling. Thank you for your inquiry! New App Request Received! A new app request has been submitted. Visit the App Management Console to view details and take action. New app request from Member. Thank you for your request! Your request has been submitted. Next, we will contact the app developer on your behalf. If the developer responds, they will be asked about their commitment to protect your health data. We will then share their answer with you as this may inform your decision to use the app. Your app request was received. This is a notification of a new registration from ${DEVELOPER_NAME} for the app ${APPLICATION_NAME}. Go to the Console to view all registrations. New registration from ${DEVELOPER_NAME} - Smile App Management Console This is a notification of a status change on ${APPLICATION_NAME}. The App status has been changed as follows: ${APPLICATION_STATUS}. Go to the Portal to view all Apps. App Status Change on ${APPLICATION_NAME} from Developer Portal
email.template.fp.idcode.sent.body This is a security notification from Smile Digital Health. You have been issued the following validation code: ${IDENTIFICATION_CODE} Please provided it in the user interface to reset your password.
email.template.fp.idcode.sent.subject Password Reset 6-digit code DB Connection Pool Custom Healthcheck FullText Indexer Cluster Heartbeat HL7 v2.x MLLP Listener HTTP Pipeline Search Parameter Analysis Search Parameter Synchronization Statistics Collapser Old Statistics Purge Statistics Heartbeat Transaction Log Purge Transaction Log Purger
jakarta.validation.constraints.AssertFalse.message must be false
jakarta.validation.constraints.AssertTrue.message must be true
jakarta.validation.constraints.DecimalMax.message must be less than ${inclusive == true ? ''or equal to '' : ''''}{value}
jakarta.validation.constraints.DecimalMin.message must be greater than ${inclusive == true ? ''or equal to '' : ''''}{value}
jakarta.validation.constraints.Digits.message numeric value out of bounds (<{integer} digits>.<{fraction} digits> expected)
jakarta.validation.constraints.Email.message must be a well-formed email address
jakarta.validation.constraints.Future.message must be a future date
jakarta.validation.constraints.FutureOrPresent.message must be a date in the present or in the future
jakarta.validation.constraints.Max.message must be less than or equal to {value}
jakarta.validation.constraints.Min.message must be greater than or equal to {value}
jakarta.validation.constraints.Negative.message must be less than 0
jakarta.validation.constraints.NegativeOrZero.message must be less than or equal to 0
jakarta.validation.constraints.NotBlank.message must not be blank
jakarta.validation.constraints.NotEmpty.message must not be empty
jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull.message must not be null
jakarta.validation.constraints.Null.message must be null
jakarta.validation.constraints.Past.message must be a past date
jakarta.validation.constraints.PastOrPresent.message must be a date in the past or in the present
jakarta.validation.constraints.Pattern.message must match "{regexp}"
jakarta.validation.constraints.Positive.message must be greater than 0
jakarta.validation.constraints.PositiveOrZero.message must be greater than or equal to 0
jakarta.validation.constraints.Size.message size must be between {min} and {max}
moduleCategory.ADMIN.shortName Admin
moduleCategory.APPLICATIONS.shortName Applications
moduleCategory.CLUSTERMGR.shortName Cluster Manager
moduleCategory.EXCHANGE.shortName Data Exchange
moduleCategory.FHIR.shortName FHIR
moduleCategory.FHIR_ADDONS.shortName Add-Ons
moduleCategory.FHIR_PERSISTENCE.shortName FHIR Storage
moduleCategory.SECURITY.shortName Security
moduleCategory.SECURITY_IN_LOCAL.shortName Local Inbound Security
module_config.admin_web_console.privacy_security_notice.copy Privacy Text
module_config.admin_web_console.privacy_security_notice.copy.desc The text of the privacy security notice, to display to a user.
module_config.admin_web_console.privacy_security_notice.expiry Expiry time (days)
module_config.admin_web_console.privacy_security_notice.expiry.desc The amount of time before the user needs to agree to the privacy security notice again, in days.
module_config.admin_web_console.privacy_security_notice.version Version
module_config.admin_web_console.privacy_security_notice.version.desc The version of the privacy security notice, new versions will require agreeing to the notice again.
module_config.admin_web_console.transaction_log.payload_body_display_mode Transaction Log - Event Body Display Mode
module_config.admin_web_console.transaction_log.payload_body_display_mode.desc This setting controls whether Transaction Log payload bodies are displayed by default.
module_config.app_gallery.api.url JSON URL
module_config.app_gallery.api.url.desc JSON Admin URL (e.g. "") Default Attestation (Legal) Default HTML file for Legal Attestation (e.g. "default-attestation-legal.html")
module_config.app_gallery.attestation.plain.file Default Attestation (Plain)
module_config.app_gallery.attestation.plain.file.desc Default HTML file for Plain Attestation (e.g. "default-attestation-plain.html")
module_config.app_gallery.attestation.title Default Attestation Title
module_config.app_gallery.attestation.title.desc Default Attestation Title (e.g. "CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule")
module_config.app_gallery.auth.url Auth URL
module_config.app_gallery.auth.url.desc Auth URL for authenticating users of Admin Console and Developer Portal (e.g. "") Client ID The OIDC Client ID that is supplied by appSphere in the request flow. This ID will be passed around as a URL parameter so it is recommended that it be a fairly simple string (e.g. Please refer to OpenID Connect Clients setup) Legal Company Name This is used for legal documentation such as in Attestation documents and should not be changed without reason (e.g. "Smile CDR") Admin Console Name Admin Console Name to display in the application Contact Helpdesk The URL or mail-to link for Gallery support (e.g. "", "") Contact Us URL appSphere Admin Contact Us URL (e.g. "") Email From Address Emails sent from matching EMAIL will be sent from this e-mail address.
module_config.app_gallery.fhir.sandbox.url FHIR Sandbox URL
module_config.app_gallery.fhir.sandbox.url.desc The FHIR REST Endpoint URL for Sandbox testing.
module_config.app_gallery.fhir.url FHIR URL
module_config.app_gallery.fhir.url.desc FHIR REST Endpoint URL (e.g. "") Application Gallery Name Application Gallery Name to display in the application
module_config.app_gallery.hero.image.large Hero Image, Large Format URL
module_config.app_gallery.hero.image.large.desc Hero image for the white-labelled Gallery desktop size, .png, min width 2000px (e.g. "assets/masthead-desktop.png")
module_config.app_gallery.hero.image.small Hero Image, Small Format URL
module_config.app_gallery.hero.image.small.desc Hero image for the white-labelled Gallery mobile size, .png, min width 1000px (e.g. "assets/masthead-mobile.png")
module_config.app_gallery.logo.small.url Company Logo Small URL
module_config.app_gallery.logo.small.url.desc Logo displayed in nav bar, .png, exact height 28px (e.g. "assets/smileCdrLogo.png")
module_config.app_gallery.logo.url Company Logo Large URL
module_config.app_gallery.logo.url.desc Logo displayed at login, .png, height 50-100px (e.g. "assets/smileCdrLogo.png")
module_config.app_gallery.notification.emails Notification Emails
module_config.app_gallery.notification.emails.desc The Console Managers will use these emails to receive notifications for new registrations and document uploads. Comma separated.
module_config.app_gallery.payer.auto_grant_scopes Payer Auto-Grant Scopes
module_config.app_gallery.payer.auto_grant_scopes.desc Any scopes listed here will be granted to the client/payer every time it authorizes without requiring user approval. Unlike Auto-Approve Scopes, the user/client does not need to request any scopes listed here in order for them to be granted (whitespace separated).
module_config.app_gallery.payer.enabled Enable Payer Functionality
module_config.app_gallery.payer.enabled.desc Switching between YES and NO options may result in unstable Payer functionality. Keep Payer functionality enabled as a Payer Admin to avoid this.
module_config.app_gallery.phi.warning.url PHI Warning URL
module_config.app_gallery.phi.warning.url.desc The URL containing a plain-language explanation of the declined attestation Developer Portal Name Developer Portal Name to display in the application
module_config.app_gallery.privacy.url Privacy Policy URL
module_config.app_gallery.privacy.url.desc appSphere Privacy Policy URL Request app mail-to The URL or mail-to link for the Console Manager responsible for contacting unregistered vendors (e.g. "", "")
module_config.app_gallery.terms.url Terms of Use URL
module_config.app_gallery.terms.url.desc appSphere Terms of Use URL
module_config.awshl_out.endpoint.password HealthLake REST Endpoint Password
module_config.awshl_out.endpoint.password.desc This should be supplied automatically by the AWS console.
module_config.awshl_out.endpoint.url HealthLake Endpoint URL
module_config.awshl_out.endpoint.url.desc The HealthLake FHIR REST URL
module_config.awshl_out.endpoint.username HealthLake REST Endpoint Username
module_config.awshl_out.endpoint.username.desc This should be supplied automatically by the AWS console. HealthLake Region Name The HealthLake Region Name
module_config.awshl_out.role.arn HealthLake role ARN
module_config.awshl_out.role.arn.desc The HealthLake Amazon Resource Name of the update Role
module_config.awshl_out.subscription.automanage.enabled Auto-Manage Subscription Resource
module_config.awshl_out.subscription.automanage.enabled.desc If enabled, this module will automatically create a subscription resource that feeds data to this export module. Note that this feature only currently works for FHIR R4 storage modules. See <a href="/docs/aws/amazon_healthlake_gettingstarted.html#automanage">Auto-Manage Subscription</a> for more information.
module_config.awshl_out.subscription.criteria Auto-Managed Subscription Criteria
module_config.awshl_out.subscription.criteria.desc If <em>Auto-Manage Subscription Resource</em> is enabled, this setting controls the criteria that will be used.
module_config.awshl_out.subscription.maximum_retry_attempts Maximum amount of retry attempts for subscription
module_config.awshl_out.subscription.maximum_retry_attempts.desc The maximum amount of times to attempt subscription delivery before considering a message failed. Non-zero value required for retry to be limited. If set to zero, subscription delivery will revert to default behaviour, which is to retry indefinitely.
module_config.base.requires.ADMIN_JSON The JSON Admin API exposes endpoints for MDM and Smile Module Configuration. JSON Admin API
module_config.base.requires.BOOT_AFTER Module that must start before this module is started. Boot After
module_config.base.requires.CDA_EXCHANGE The CDA Exchange+ module is used for processing CDA documents received in the channel. CDA Exchange+ module (optional)
module_config.base.requires.CLUSTERMGR The cluster manager to use as a manager for this module.
module_config.base.requires.CQL The CQL module is used for evaluating CQL Libraries CQL
module_config.base.requires.EASYSHARE_PUBLIC The EasyShare Public module to use for storage and retrieval of shared links EasyShare Public
module_config.base.requires.ENDPOINT_CDS_HOOKS The CDS hook Endpoint to register this plugin against. Endpoint CDS hooks
module_config.base.requires.ENDPOINT_FHIR The underlying FHIR endpoint for this module. FHIR Endpoint
module_config.base.requires.ENDPOINT_FHIR_SANDBOX The FHIR Endpoint for connecting to test data for sandbox testing. Sandbox FHIR Endpoint
module_config.base.requires.ENDPOINT_HL7V2_IN The HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint module is used for processing Hl7v2 messages received in the channel. HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint(optional)
module_config.base.requires.ENDPOINT_SUBSCRIPTION_WEBSOCKET Add this to include the websocket URL in your server's FHIR CapabilityStatement Websocket Subscription Endpoint
module_config.base.requires.ETL_IMPORTER The ETL Import module is used for processing CSVs received in the channel. ETL Import(optional)
module_config.base.requires.MDM The Master Data Management (MDM) module is used for linking resources from multiple source systems. MDM
module_config.base.requires.NARRATIVE_GENERATOR The Narrative Generator module is used to create FHIR narrative content based on the structured contents of resources. Narrative Generator Package Cache
module_config.base.requires.PERSISTENCE_ALL The FHIR Storage module to associate with this module.
module_config.base.requires.PERSISTENCE_ALL.forSecurityModule The (optional) FHIR Storage module to supply any authentication callback scripts called by this module. FHIR Storage Module FHIR Storage Module (any FHIR version)
module_config.base.requires.PERSISTENCE_DSTU2 The FHIR DSTU2 Storage engine to use as a manager for this module. FHIR DSTU2 Storage
module_config.base.requires.PERSISTENCE_DSTU3 The FHIR R3 Storage engine to use as a manager for this module. FHIR R3 Storage
module_config.base.requires.PERSISTENCE_R4 The FHIR R4 Storage engine to use as a manager for this module. FHIR R4 Storage
module_config.base.requires.SECURITY_IN_ANONYMOUS This dependency may optionally be used to specify a security module to use for anonymous authentication (essentially this means that the given provider will provide the account containing permissions to be assigned to anonymous requests). Anonymous Authentication
module_config.base.requires.SECURITY_IN_OIC The inbound security module (or outbound security module if using internal access tokens) to use for authenticating and authorizing users to this module using OpenID Connect Authentication. OpenID Connect Authentication
module_config.base.requires.SECURITY_IN_SAML The SAML Inbound Security module to use when performing a SAML user authentication. SAML Authentication
module_config.base.requires.SECURITY_IN_UP The inbound security module to use for authenticating and authorizing users to this module where authentication requires a username and password. Username/Password Authentication
module_config.base.requires.SECURITY_USER_SELF_REGISTRATION This can be supplied to some interactive modules in order to support self-registration of users. User Self Registration Provider
module_config.base.requires.SUBSCRIPTION The subscription matcher matches new and updated resources against active subscriptions and sends matches to endpoints. Subscription Matcher
module_config.base.requires.VALIDATION_SUPPORT This dependency supplies validation artifacts (StructureDefinitions, ValueSets, etc.) and provides terminology services used by the validator. Validation Support
module_config.base_jetty_server.2fa.required Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Required
module_config.base_jetty_server.2fa.required.desc Specifies whether Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required at login for all users.
module_config.base_jetty_server.access_log.appenders Appenders
module_config.base_jetty_server.access_log.appenders.desc Specifies the appenders for the access log on this endpoint. See <a href="/docs/product_configuration/http_server_setup.html#access-logs">Access Logs</a> for information on how these are configured.
module_config.base_jetty_server.anonymous.access.account_username Anonymous Account Username
module_config.base_jetty_server.anonymous.access.account_username.desc The account name for the system account to use for anonymous requests.
module_config.base_jetty_server.anonymous_access_enabled Allow Anonymous Access
module_config.base_jetty_server.anonymous_access_enabled.desc If enabled, anonymous requests (i.e. requests without credentials) will be allowed to proceed. This means that they will not be blocked by the security manager, and they will instead proceed under the authority of the designated anonymous user. Only roles and permissions that have been assigned to the anonymous user will be granted to these requests. See <a href="/docs/security/anonymous_access.html">Anonymous Access</a> for more information.
module_config.base_jetty_server.bind_address Bind Address
module_config.base_jetty_server.bind_address.desc The local network interface address to bind to. Set to <code></code> to bind to all addresses.
module_config.base_jetty_server.block_http_head Block HTTP HEAD
module_config.base_jetty_server.block_http_head.desc If set, the server will reject the HTTP <code>HEAD</code> verb. This verb is considered insecure in some environments.
module_config.base_jetty_server.block_http_options Block HTTP OPTIONS
module_config.base_jetty_server.block_http_options.desc If set, the server will reject the HTTP <code>OPTIONS</code> verb. This verb is considered insecure in some environments.
module_config.base_jetty_server.context_path Context Path
module_config.base_jetty_server.context_path.desc This setting provides the path at the given port that this server will listen on. By default the server simply listens at the <code>/</code> path, but this could be changed to a sub-path for some network architectures. For example, if a reverse proxy is proxying the server but also serving other endpoints with the same port at different paths, this setting can be used as a hint to this server as to which path should be used.
module_config.base_jetty_server.context_path.extended This setting provides the path at the given port that this server will listen on. By default the server simply listens at the <code>/</code> path, but this could be changed to a sub-path for some network architectures. For example, if a reverse proxy is proxying the server but also serving other endpoints with the same port at different paths, this setting can be used as a hint to this server as to which path should be used. If a reverse proxy is serving this server in such a way that a request to the proxy at <code>/baseurl/foo/index.html</code> should map to <code>/index.html</code> on this server, you should put <code>/baseurl/foo</code> as the context root.
module_config.base_jetty_server.cors_allowed_headers CORS Allowed Request Headers
module_config.base_jetty_server.cors_allowed_headers.desc A comma-separated list of allowable request headers for the CORS filter. These will be added in addition to the default headers required for Smile CDR's default functionality.
module_config.base_jetty_server.cors_enable CORS Enabled
module_config.base_jetty_server.cors_enable.desc Should this endpoint allow the use of <a href="" target="_blank">CORS</a>? Enable this item only if you understand what it is doing.
module_config.base_jetty_server.cors_origins CORS Origins
module_config.base_jetty_server.cors_origins.desc A comma-separated list of allowable origins for the CORS filter. For example: <code>,</code>. You may also use the wildcard value <code>*</code> to allow CORS for all domains, however this is generally not considered a good practice for production systems serving sensitive data.
module_config.base_jetty_server.custom_response_headers Custom Headers
module_config.base_jetty_server.custom_response_headers.desc Specify custom headers that will be added to every response. Each new header must be specified on a new line. Each line must be in the format HeaderName:HeaderValue (with a colon after the name).
module_config.base_jetty_server.endpoint_health.path Endpoint Health Path
module_config.base_jetty_server.endpoint_health.path.desc Specifies a path (in the form <code>/path/to/endpoint</code>) that will be used as the Endpoint Health Check path. See <a href="/docs/monitoring/monitoring_basics.html#endpoint-health">Endpoint Health</a> for information on this feature.
module_config.base_jetty_server.endpoint_health.status_code_if_unhealthy Unhealthy Status Code
module_config.base_jetty_server.endpoint_health.status_code_if_unhealthy.desc Status code to return if any Health Checks are unhealthy.
module_config.base_jetty_server.frame_options.allow_from Frame Options (Allow From)
module_config.base_jetty_server.frame_options.allow_from.desc This setting can be used to set the <a href="">X-Frame-Options</a> header. Leave this setting blank (the default) in order to set a value of <code>DENY</code>. See <a href="/docs/product_configuration/http_server_setup.html#frame-options">Frame Options</a> for more information.
module_config.base_jetty_server.https_forwarding_assumed HTTPS Forwarding Assumed
module_config.base_jetty_server.https_forwarding_assumed.desc If enabled, the server will treat incoming requests as though they were secure even if they are not. This is useful in order to force redirects to use HTTPS in environments where the <code>X-Forwarded-Proto</code> does not reliably get passed from network infrastructure in front of Smile CDR to Smile CDR.
module_config.base_jetty_server.max_header_size.request.kb Maximum Request Header Size (KB)
module_config.base_jetty_server.max_header_size.request.kb.desc This setting controls the maximum total size for the request headers to parse by the server. Increase this setting if you expect to have large request header groups.
module_config.base_jetty_server.max_header_size.response.kb Maximum Response Header Size (KB)
module_config.base_jetty_server.max_header_size.response.kb.desc This setting controls the maximum total size for the response headers to be generated by the server. Increase this setting if you expect the server to generate large response headers, e.g. if <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/tracing_and_provenance.html#performance-tracing">Performance Tracing</a> or validation will be output to the HTTP headers.
module_config.base_jetty_server.pin_host Pin Host
module_config.base_jetty_server.pin_host.desc If set, the server will always use the given host name instead of respecting the <code>Host</code> header. This can be useful to mitigate <a href="">host poisoning attacks</a>. The value for this setting is a comma-separated list in the form: <code>,</code>. Any request that does not request one of the hosts in the list will be treated as though it had requested the first entry in the list.
module_config.base_jetty_server.port Listener Port
module_config.base_jetty_server.port.desc The TCP port on which this module listens.
module_config.base_jetty_server.read_idle_timeout.millis Read Idle Timeout (millis)
module_config.base_jetty_server.read_idle_timeout.millis.desc When reading a request payload arriving from a client, this value specifies how long the server should wait if data stalls before timing out.
module_config.base_jetty_server.respect_forward_headers Respect Forward Headers
module_config.base_jetty_server.respect_forward_headers.desc If enabled, the server will respect values provided by the client in the HTTP <code>Forward</code>, <code>X-Forwarded-For</code>, <code>X-Forwarded-Host</code>, and <code>X-Forwarded-Proto</code> headers. These headers are useful in cases where Smile CDR is being served behind a reverse proxy. This setting should be disabled if the server is not behind a proxy since this could allow clients to masquerade their source IP, which is a security risk. See <a href="/docs/product_configuration/http_server_setup.html#respecting-forward-headers">Respecting Forward Headers</a> for more information.
module_config.base_jetty_server.saml.enabled SAML Authentication Enabled
module_config.base_jetty_server.saml.enabled.desc If enabled, this server will support authentication using SAML. See <a href="/docs/security/saml_inbound_security_module.html">SAML Inbound Security</a> for more information. HTTP Basic Security Should this endpoint support the use of <a href="" target="_blank">HTTP Basic Access Authentication</a>? HTTP Basic Realm The realm to provide in HTTP 401 Authorization Required responses. OpenID Connect Security Should this endpoint support the use of OpenID Connect Authentication (e.g. <a href="" target="_blank">SMART</a>)?
module_config.base_jetty_server.session_scavenger_interval_millis Session Scavenger Interval (Millis)
module_config.base_jetty_server.session_scavenger_interval_millis.desc The number of milliseconds between session scavenger passes.
module_config.base_jetty_server.session_timeout_mins Session Timeout (Mins)
module_config.base_jetty_server.session_timeout_mins.desc The number of minutes that a user session can sit idle before it is eligible to expire.
module_config.base_jetty_server.sessions.maximum_concurrent Maximum concurrent session per user
module_config.base_jetty_server.sessions.maximum_concurrent.desc If set to a value greater than zero, this server will limit the number of concurrent sessions per user. If the same user initiates a new session with this module, any existing sessions will be invalidated.
module_config.base_jetty_server.suppress_error_details Suppress Error Details
module_config.base_jetty_server.suppress_error_details.desc If enabled, the server suppresses most details about errors from being released in HTTP responses. For example, invalid paths will not be echoed in 404 messages and details about invalid OAuth2 scopes will be suppressed. This setting is useful for production environments, as it minimizes the risk of malicious users gaining insights into the running system via error messages.
module_config.base_jetty_server.suppress_platform_info Suppress Platform Information
module_config.base_jetty_server.suppress_platform_info.desc If this setting is enabled, Smile CDR will not advertise the software or version being used via the REST endpoint CapabilityStatement/Conformance or <code>X-Powered-By</code> header.
module_config.base_jetty_server.threadpool.accept_queue_size Thread Pool Accept Queue Size
module_config.base_jetty_server.threadpool.accept_queue_size.desc If set, provides the number of requests that will be queued waiting for an available thread before giving up and rejecting incoming connections. By default the queue is unbounded.
module_config.base_jetty_server.threadpool_max Thread Pool Maximum Size
module_config.base_jetty_server.threadpool_max.desc The maximum number of threads to create for servicing requests when this module is under full load.
module_config.base_jetty_server.threadpool_min Thread Pool Minimum Size
module_config.base_jetty_server.threadpool_min.desc The minimum number of threads to keep idle in the pool between servicing requests.
module_config.base_jetty_server.trusted_client.assert_permissions Assert Permissions
module_config.base_jetty_server.trusted_client.assert_permissions.desc If enabled, the trusted client will be allowed to assert a set of permissions to grant the calling user, replacing the existing permissions.
module_config.base_jetty_server.trusted_client.enabled Trusted Client Mode Enabled
module_config.base_jetty_server.trusted_client.enabled.desc If enabled, client requests will be inspected for a header indicating the identity and/or permissions to grant the calling user. Note that this <strong>should only be enabled</strong> in circumstances where the FHIR client is trusted not to be malicious (e.g. a server-to-server communication). See the <a href="/docs/security/trusted_client_mode.html" target="_blank">Trusted Client Mode</a> documentation for more information.
module_config.base_jetty_server.use_inmemory_sessions Use In-Memory Sessions
module_config.base_jetty_server.use_inmemory_sessions.desc If enabled, any HTTP sessions created for this listener will be stored only in memory, as opposed to being persisted in the database. This may lead to a performance boost in some situations but also prevents sessions from working in some clustered configurations or surviving a restart of the system. Note that not all listeners even create sessions (e.g. FHIR endpoints do not) so this setting may have no effect.
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.cipher_blacklist TLS Cipher Blacklist
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.cipher_blacklist.desc If specified, contains a space-separated list of ciphers that are not permitted for use by TLS clients. See <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#tls-ciphers-and-protocol">Selecting Ciphers and Protocol</a> for more information.
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.cipher_whitelist TLS Cipher Whitelist
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.cipher_whitelist.desc If specified, contains a space-separated list of ciphers that are permitted for use by TLS clients. See <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#tls-ciphers-and-protocol">Selecting Ciphers and Protocol</a> for more information.
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.protocol_blacklist TLS Protocol Blacklist
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.protocol_blacklist.desc If specified, contains a space-separated list of protocols that are not permitted for use by TLS clients. See <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#tls-ciphers-and-protocol">Selecting Ciphers and Protocol</a> for more information.
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.protocol_whitelist TLS Protocol Whitelist
module_config.base_server.tls.protocol.protocol_whitelist.desc If specified, contains a space-separated list of protocols that are permitted for use by TLS clients. See <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#tls-ciphers-and-protocol">Selecting Ciphers and Protocol</a> for more information.
module_config.base_server.tls_clientauth_enabled TLS Client Authentication
module_config.base_server.tls_clientauth_enabled.desc Should the listener for this module require incoming connections to authenticate using TLS Client Authentication?
module_config.base_server.tls_debug_disable_sni_check TLS: Disable SNI checking for debugging
module_config.base_server.tls_debug_disable_sni_check.desc If specified, disables SNI checking for any module that uses TLS (not recommended for production)
module_config.base_server.tls_enabled TLS Enabled
module_config.base_server.tls_enabled.desc Should the listener for this module require TLS (i.e. SSL or HTTPS) encryption for incoming connections?
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_file TLS KeyStore Filename
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_file.desc The filename for the TLS KeyStore used to hold private keys for TLS connections. This can be in the format <code>classpath:path/to/file.p12</code> or <code>file:///path/to/file.p12</code>. Valid file extensions are <code>.jks</code> (Java Keystore) or <code>.p12</code> (PKCS#12 store).
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_keyalias TLS KeyStore Key Alias
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_keyalias.desc The alias for the specific key within the KeyStore that should be selected for incoming TLS connections.
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_keypass TLS KeyStore Key Password
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_keypass.desc The password for the specific key within the KeyStore (leave blank if the key has no password).
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_password TLS KeyStore Password
module_config.base_server.tls_keystore_password.desc The password for the TLS KeyStore (leave blank if the store has no password).
module_config.base_server.tls_truststore_file TLS TrustStore Filename
module_config.base_server.tls_truststore_file.desc The filename for the TLS <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#truststores-and-keystores">TrustStore</a> used to hold trusted certificates for TLS connections. This can be in the format <code>classpath:path/to/file.p12</code> or <code>file:///path/to/file.p12</code>. Valid file extensions are <code>.jks</code> (Java Keystore) or <code>.p12</code> (PKCS#12 store).
module_config.base_server.tls_truststore_password TLS TrustStore Password
module_config.base_server.tls_truststore_password.desc The password for the TLS TrustStore (leave blank if the store has no password).
module_config.camel.definitions.spring_context_config.class Spring Context Config Class(es)
module_config.camel.definitions.spring_context_config.class.desc A comma or whitespace-separated list of Configuration classes for a Spring Annotation-based Context which will be used to provide Apache Camel processors
module_config.camel.fhir_version FHIR Version
module_config.camel.fhir_version.desc The FHIR version that will be used with the Camel routes.
module_config.camel.functions.script.file Camel Functions (File)
module_config.camel.functions.script.file.desc This is the filepath to the JavaScript functions that can be called within Camel routes.
module_config.camel.functions.script.text Camel Functions (Text)
module_config.camel.functions.script.text.desc JavaScript functions that can be called within Camel routes
module_config.camel.routes.script.file Camel Routes (File)
module_config.camel.routes.script.file.desc This is the filepath to the routes that will be used with Smile CDR. It can be a yaml or xml file.
module_config.camel.routes.script.text Camel Routes (Text)
module_config.camel.routes.script.text.desc These are the routes that will be used with Smile CDR. It can be in yaml or xml format.
module_config.caregaps.reporter Reporter
module_config.caregaps.reporter.desc Organization id registered with Smile CDR instance, for which gaps in care report will be generated, meaning when the $care-gaps operation is executed generates any possible bundle with set of reported issues.
module_config.caregaps.section_author Section Author
module_config.caregaps.section_author.desc Organization section author to be used for the organization registered with Smile CDR instance, for which gaps in care report will be generated.
module_config.caregaps.threading_enabled Multi-Threading Enabled
module_config.caregaps.threading_enabled.desc When enabled $care-gaps will evaluate subjects in parallel to increase performance, the quantity of concurrent threads is configured under 'Number of Threads' in advanced setting. If disabled, dqm module will use single threaded evaluation. Assembly Device ID An identifier of a <code>Device</code> resource in the repository that represents this instance of Smile CDR in its role as a transformer of CDA documents. If set, the resource having this identifier will be used as an agent of type Assembler in a generated <code>Provenance</code> resource associated to all the resources in a <code>Bundle</code> derived from an imported CDA document. If no <code>Device</code> with a matching identifier is found, one will be created. If this parameter is not set, no <code>Provenance</code> resource will be generated.
module_config.cda_exchange.base_url Base URL for Local Resources
module_config.cda_exchange.base_url.desc When generating an II datatype element from a FHIR id, this base URL will be used as the root of the II element if the identified resource is local.
module_config.cda_exchange.cda_processing_script.file CDA Processing Script (File)
module_config.cda_exchange.cda_processing_script.file.desc If provided, specifies a script containing callback functions that are executed to enhance processing logic for CDA Import and CDA Export. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>
module_config.cda_exchange.cda_processing_script.text CDA Processing Script (Text)
module_config.cda_exchange.cda_processing_script.text.desc If provided, specifies a script containing callback functions that are executed to enhance processing logic for CDA Import and CDA Export.
module_config.cda_exchange.interceptor_bean_types Interceptor Bean Types
module_config.cda_exchange.interceptor_bean_types.desc A comma-separated list of bean classes (fully qualified names) to register as CDA import/export Interceptors.
module_config.cda_exchange.prefer_supplied_translations Prefer user-supplied terminology translations
module_config.cda_exchange.prefer_supplied_translations.desc Allows users to specify their own translations for the terminology aspects of bidirectional CDA to FHIR translation
module_config.cda_exchange.store_original_ccd Store Original CCD
module_config.cda_exchange.store_original_ccd.desc Only applies to imports. Stores the received CDA document on a FHIR DocumentReference resource and generates an entry in the audit log, regardless of whether the import succeeded.
module_config.cda_exchange.target_ig Target Implementation Guide
module_config.cda_exchange.target_ig.FHIR_CORE_PROFILE C-CDA v2.1 :: FHIR R4
module_config.cda_exchange.target_ig.USCDI_V2 C-CDA v2.1 :: USCDI v2
module_config.cda_exchange.target_ig.US_CORE_IG C-CDA v2.1 :: US Core 5.0.1
module_config.cda_exchange.target_ig.desc The Implementation Guide (IG) that the generated FHIR resources should conform to.
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.cds_on_fhir.client_id_header_name Client Id Header Name
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.cds_on_fhir.client_id_header_name.desc The name of the authorization header to be added to remote endpoint calls made via CDS on FHIR service requests
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.cds_on_fhir.enabled Enable CDS on FHIR
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.cds_on_fhir.enabled.desc If enabled CDS Services will be automatically generated from PlanDefinitions and executed via the $apply operation. Note: Enabling this feature will require a persistence layer, a FHIR Endpoint and the CQL module.
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.definitions.fhir_version FHIR Version
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.definitions.fhir_version.desc The version of FHIR for resources included within CDS Hooks messages
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.definitions.spring_context_config.class Spring Context Config Class
module_config.cds_hooks_endpoint.definitions.spring_context_config.class.desc This is the classname for a Spring Annotation-based Context Config which will be used to create the CDS Hooks services Concurrent Consumers The number of the concurrent consumers. Concurrent Retry Consumers The number of concurrent consumers on the retry channel. Channel Name The name of Kafka topic or ActiveMQ queue where inbound resources will be arriving.
module_config.channel_import.default_mediatype Default mediaType
module_config.channel_import.default_mediatype.desc If set, applies the mediaType to incoming messages that are missing the mediaType attribute. Legal values are text/plain, text/csv, application/fhir+json, application/json. Defaults to application/fhir+json.
module_config.channel_import.etl_script.file Channel Import ETL Script (File)
module_config.channel_import.etl_script.file.desc If set, supplies the absolute filepath of a file containing an ETL processor used for certain mime types in the Channel Import service.
module_config.channel_import.etl_script.text Channel Import ETL Script (Text)
module_config.channel_import.etl_script.text.desc If set, supplies an ETL processor used for certain mime types in the Channel Import service.
module_config.channel_import.interceptor_bean_types Interceptor Bean Types
module_config.channel_import.interceptor_bean_types.desc A comma or whitespace-separated list of bean classes to register as Smile CDR Interceptors. Audit Log Broker Channel Name The audit logs will be sent to the specified topic/queue name. Must be non-empty. Audit Log Broker Enabled This setting may be used to submit all audit log events to a message queue.
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.db.always_write_to_clustermgr Always Write to Cluster Manager Log
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.db.always_write_to_clustermgr.desc Forces Smile CDR to always send audit logs to the cluster manager audit database, even if another module of type <code>audit</code> is defined. Normally, creating such a module would disable the builtin audit log in the cluster manager. Setting this setting to true will cause all audit log events to be written to both databases.
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.db.async_writes.enabled Audit Log Database Async Writes
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.db.async_writes.enabled.desc If enabled, writing to the audit log will be performed asynchronously, resulting in potentially shorter transaction times and a more efficient use of the database. An in-memory asynchronous queue is used, meaning that there can be a small delay between an auditable action occurring and the audit log being written.
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.db.enabled Audit Log Database Enabled
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.db.enabled.desc This setting may be used to disable saving audit logs to all event writers if it is not needed in a given solution design.
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.request_headers_to_store Request headers to store
module_config.clustermgr.audit_log.request_headers_to_store.desc This setting can be set to a comma-delimited list of header names that the audit service will extract from the request and store with any Audit Log.
module_config.clustermgr.db_schema_update_mode Database Update Mode
module_config.clustermgr.db_schema_update_mode.desc Controls whether Smile CDR should attempt to update the Cluster Manager database on startup. If the database schema is out of date, Smile CDR automatically runs migration on the Cluster Manager database if the value is "UPDATE" If the value is "NONE", then Smile CDR will abort on startup if the Cluster Manager database is out of date. When set to "NONE", you should use the "smileutil migrate" command to upgrade the Cluster Manager database manually.
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.address Message Broker Address
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.address.desc The connection string to use when connecting to a remote broker.
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.channel_naming.prefix (Deprecated)Channel Naming Prefix
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.channel_naming.prefix.desc (Deprecated)If specified, all channels used by the Message Broker will have the given prefix applied to their name.
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.password Message Broker Password
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.password.desc The password to use when connecting to the message broker.
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.type Message Broker Type
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.type.desc Determines the type of message broker used for subscriptions. If EMBEDDED_ACTIVEMQ is chosen, it is started by the Subscription Matcher module. EMBEDDED_ACTIVEMQ and REMOTE_ACTIVEMQ use the following "Message Broker" configuration. KAFKA uses the following "Kafka" configuration. Use NONE if a broker is not required (e.g. if your server does not require subscriptions.)
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.username Message Broker Username
module_config.clustermgr.messagebroker.username.desc The username to use when connecting to the message broker.
module_config.clustermgr.reload_scripts_on_save Reload Scripts on Module Config Save
module_config.clustermgr.reload_scripts_on_save.desc If enabled, when module configuration is saved via the Web Admin Console or the Admin JSON endpoint, then all scripts in that configuration will be reloaded on the server where the save occurred. This allows javascript developers to quickly test changes to scripts on a standalone development server without having to restart the module. Note this will only reload the script on the process where the save occurred. If you need to reload scripts in a module running in a cluster, you should restart the module.
module_config.clustermgr.schedule.thread_count Scheduler Thread Count
module_config.clustermgr.schedule.thread_count.desc The number of threads allocated to processing Scheduled Jobs (both local and clustered). See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/batch_and_scheduled_jobs.html#scheduler-performance">Scheduler Performance</a> for more information.
module_config.clustermgr.seed_keystores.file OpenId Connect Keystores Pre-Seed File
module_config.clustermgr.seed_keystores.file.desc Provides the location of a file to use to pre-seed OpenId Connect Keystores at startup time. See <a href="/docs/installation/pre_seeding.html">Pre-Seeding</a> for more information.
module_config.clustermgr.stats.heartbeat_persist_frequency_ms Heartbeat Persist Frequency MS
module_config.clustermgr.stats.heartbeat_persist_frequency_ms.desc How often module health status is persisted to the database
module_config.clustermgr.stats.stats_cleanup_frequency_ms Stats Cleanup Frequency MS
module_config.clustermgr.stats.stats_cleanup_frequency_ms.desc How often module performance statistics are deleted from the database and collapsed into time interval statistics. Should be greater than stats.stats_persist_frequency_ms
module_config.clustermgr.stats.stats_persist_frequency_ms Stats Persist Frequency MS
module_config.clustermgr.stats.stats_persist_frequency_ms.desc How often module performance statistics are persisted to the database. Should be greater than or equal to stats.heartbeat_persist_frequency_ms
module_config.clustermgr.support_legacy_lob_server Support writes to LOB columns
module_config.clustermgr.support_legacy_lob_server.desc If enabled, will still write to pre-migration LOB columns when supported.
module_config.clustermgr.transaction_log_step.serialization.bodytype.mode Transaction Log Step Body Serialization Mode
module_config.clustermgr.transaction_log_step.serialization.bodytype.mode.desc Controls whether the transaction log step body is serialized as formatted JSON or flattened(inline) Transaction Log Broker Enabled If enabled, the transaction log will submit events to the configured broker for use in realtime reporting.
module_config.clustermgr.transactionlog.enabled Transaction Log Database Storage Enabled
module_config.clustermgr.transactionlog.enabled.desc If disabled, no new entries will be written to the transaction log table in the database. Existing entries will remain available until the configured retention period has elapsed.
module_config.clustermgr.transactionlog.show_request_body.enabled Transaction Log Show Request Body Enabled
module_config.clustermgr.transactionlog.show_request_body.enabled.desc If enabled, the transaction log will show the body of the FHIR request events.
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.prometheus_datasource_id Prometheus Datasource ID
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.prometheus_datasource_id.desc The datasource ID to allow Grafana to ingest dashboard JSON files.
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_day_stats_days Stats Retention (Days) - Day Level
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_day_stats_days.desc The number of days that statistics at the day precision will be retained.
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_hour_stats_days Stats Retention (Days) - Hour Level
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_hour_stats_days.desc The number of days that statistics at the hour precision will be retained.
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_minute_stats_days Stats Retention (Days) - Minute Level
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_minute_stats_days.desc The number of days that statistics at the minute precision will be retained.
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_transaction_log_days Transaction Log Retention (Days)
module_config.clustermgr_maintenance.retain_transaction_log_days.desc The number of days that entries in the transaction log should be retained before being deleted from the database. If blank, the transaction log will be retained indefinitely.
module_config.cql.compiler.analyze_data_requirements Data Analysis
module_config.cql.compiler.analyze_data_requirements.desc Determines whether the CQL compiler should do detailed data-requirements analysis when compiling CQL.
module_config.cql.compiler.collapse_data_requirements Collapse Data Analysis
module_config.cql.compiler.collapse_data_requirements.desc Determines whether the CQL compiler should "collapse" (i.e. optimize) data-requirements when they are generated.
module_config.cql.compiler.compatibility_level CQL Language Level
module_config.cql.compiler.compatibility_level.desc This setting controls the language-level that the CQL compiler should run in. Most DSTU3 content uses CQL version 1.3, while newer content uses CQL version 1.5. If you experience compilation errors please verify the CQL language level being used in the expressions.
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_default_model_info_load Default Model Info
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_default_model_info_load.desc Indicates to include default model information.
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_list_demotion Disable List Demotion
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_list_demotion.desc Disables demotion of list-valued expressions to singletons.
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_list_promotion Disable List Promotion
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_list_promotion.desc Disables promotion of singletons to list-valued expressions.
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_list_traversal Disable List Traversal
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_list_traversal.desc Disables traversal of paths on list-valued expressions.
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_method_invocation Disable Method Invocation
module_config.cql.compiler.disable_method_invocation.desc Disables method-style invocation support.
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_annotations Annotations
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_annotations.desc Indicates that the translator should produce source code annotations as part of the output.
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_date_range_optimization Date Range Optimization
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_date_range_optimization.desc Indicates that the translator should perform date range optimization of retrieves where possible.
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_detailed_errors Detailed Errors
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_detailed_errors.desc Indicates that the translator should produce detailed errors.
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_interval_demotion Enable Interval Demotion
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_interval_demotion.desc Enables demotion of interval-valued expressions to points.
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_interval_promotion Enable Interval Promotion
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_interval_promotion.desc Enables promotion of point-valued expressions to intervals.
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_locators Locators
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_locators.desc Indicates that the translator should include source code locators within output ELM.
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_results_type Results Type
module_config.cql.compiler.enable_results_type.desc Indicates that the translator should include result types in the output ELM.
module_config.cql.compiler.error_level Error Level
module_config.cql.compiler.error_level.desc Determines the level of severity required for the CQL compiler to report an issue. Info enables all messages, while Error enables only Error messages
module_config.cql.compiler.require_from_keyword Require From Keyword
module_config.cql.compiler.require_from_keyword.desc Indicates that all queries will be required to start with a from keyword.
module_config.cql.compiler.signature_level Signature Level
module_config.cql.compiler.signature_level.desc Determines the level of detail to output to compiled CQL for signature resolution. This should generally not be changed.
module_config.cql.compiler.translator_format Format for ELM
module_config.cql.compiler.translator_format.desc The target format for the output
module_config.cql.compiler.validate_units Validate units
module_config.cql.compiler.validate_units.desc This flag controls whether the CQL compiler validates unit quantities for conversion
module_config.cql.compiler.verify_only Semantic Analysis
module_config.cql.compiler.verify_only.desc This flag controls whether the CQL compiler should emit compiled CQL or simply run semantic analysis.
module_config.cql.retrieve.retrieve_settings_profile_mode Profile Mode
module_config.cql.retrieve.retrieve_settings_profile_mode.desc Profiles are completely unsupported for now, default to OFF until supported. Options: ENFORCED, OPTIONAL, DECLARED, TRUST, OFF
module_config.cql.retrieve.retrieve_settings_search_filter_mode Search Filter Mode
module_config.cql.retrieve.retrieve_settings_search_filter_mode.desc Applies to all search parameters, EXCEPT terminology search parameters, which are controlled by terminology settings. Options: AUTO, USE_SEARCH_PARAMETERS, FILTER_IN_MEMORY
module_config.cql.retrieve.retrieve_settings_terminology_filter_mode Terminology Filter Mode
module_config.cql.retrieve.retrieve_settings_terminology_filter_mode.desc How to do a filter, if and when we need a filter. e.g. Observation O where O.code ~ "ValueSet". Options: AUTO, USE_VALUE_SET_URL, USE_INLINE_CODES, FILTER_IN_MEMORY
module_config.cql.runtime.debug_logging_enabled Debug Logging
module_config.cql.runtime.debug_logging_enabled.desc Enabling debug logging will cause the SmileCDR server to output detailed evaluation logs for CQL. This can be useful for debug purposes. Debug logging has a significant performance impact.
module_config.cql.runtime.enable_expression_caching Enable Expression Caching
module_config.cql.runtime.enable_expression_caching.desc Enable expression caching allows to CQL engine to optimize expression reuse during evaluation, improving performance.
module_config.cql.runtime.enable_validation Enable Validation
module_config.cql.runtime.enable_validation.desc Enable validation checks compiled CQL prior to execution.
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_code_lookup_mode ValueSet Code Lookup Mode
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_code_lookup_mode.desc How to do Code Lookups. Options: AUTO, USE_VALIDATE_CODE_OPERATION, USE_CODESYSTEM_URL
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_valueset_expansion_mode ValueSet Expansion Mode
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_valueset_expansion_mode.desc How to do Expansions. Options: AUTO, USE_EXPAND_OPERATION, PERFORM_NAIVE_EXPANSION
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_valueset_membership_mode ValueSet Membership Mode
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_valueset_membership_mode.desc How to do ValueSet Code MemberShip. Options: AUTO, USE_VALIDATE_CODE_OPERATION, USE_EXPANSION
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_valueset_pre_expansion_mode ValueSet Pre-Expansion Mode
module_config.cql.terminology.terminology_settings_valueset_pre_expansion_mode.desc How to treat pre-expanded value sets. If a value set is not pre-expanded, fall back to the expansion behavior. Defined by the expansion Mode. Options: REQUIRE, USE_IF_PRESENT, IGNORE
module_config.cql.use_embedded_libraries Use Embedded Libraries
module_config.cql.use_embedded_libraries.desc SmileCDR ships with embedded versions of some commonly used CQL libraries, specifically FHIRHelpers. This switch determines whether or not the cql engine will use those embedded libraries.In the case you want to supply your our version of FHIRHelpers, you should set this to false
module_config.data_exchange.identifier_system_for_local_patient Reference System used by Target Patient
module_config.data_exchange.identifier_system_for_local_patient.desc The reference system that is present in the identifiers of the target Patient. The identifier from this system will be added to the Patient resources that result from the <code>$sdh.s2s.invoke-export</code> operation.
module_config.data_exchange.identifier_system_for_original_id Responder Identifier System
module_config.data_exchange.identifier_system_for_original_id.desc The system for the Identifier that will be used to store the original ids of the imported resources from the responder server.
module_config.data_exchange.max_poll_attempts_for_export Maximum poll attempts for exported results.
module_config.data_exchange.max_poll_attempts_for_export.desc Specifies the maximum number of attempts to poll for exported results before failing the job. It is recommended to set a reasonable number of attempts.
module_config.data_exchange.rule_interceptor_script.file Member Match Patient Matching Script (File)
module_config.data_exchange.rule_interceptor_script.file.desc If set, supplies the absolute filepath of a file containing a javascript function that performs patient matching for the <code>$member-match</code> operation. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.data_exchange.rule_interceptor_script.text Member Match Patient Matching Script (Text)
module_config.data_exchange.rule_interceptor_script.text.desc If set, supplies a javascript function that performs patient matching for the <code>$member-match</code> operation. See <a href="/docs/system_to_system_data_exchange/custom_matching_script.html">Custom Matching Script</a> for more information.
module_config.data_exchange.seed_servers.file OIC Server Seed File
module_config.data_exchange.seed_servers.file.desc Provides the location of a file to use to pre-seed OpenID Connect Server definitions at startup time. These servers will only be used and only be available to the System to System Data Exchange Module for $sdh.s2s.invoke-export operations. See <a href="/docs/installation/pre_seeding.html">Pre-Seeding</a> for more information on seeding files.
module_config.data_exchange.support_consent_filtering Support Consent Filtering
module_config.data_exchange.support_consent_filtering.desc Enable <a href="">Consent filtering</a> on $member-match requests. If enabled, <code>#regular</code> consent policies are supported; otherwise only <code>#sensitive</code> is supported.
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.chunksize Chunk Size
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.chunksize.desc Number of Subjects per chunk during evaluation
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.reporter Measure Report default reporter
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.reporter.desc The default value that will be added to MeasureReport.reporter field when executing Async $evaluate-measure operation. This should be a reference to Organization resource.
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.thread_batchsize Threaded Batch Size
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.thread_batchsize.desc The number of patients to break up per thread for parallel processing of data. Example: if processing 1000 patients in a measure evaluation query, thread-Number =2, and Thread-Batch-Size is set to 500, then system will split 1000 patients into two batches of 500 patients, distribute query to two threads for processing, and collect results from threads when complete.
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.thread_number Number of Threads
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.thread_number.desc The quantity of concurrent processors to make available from the system for $evaluate-measure & $care-gaps queries. Note: This value needs to be less than available processors on SmileCdr instance to perform optimally.
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.threading_enabled Enabled Threading
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.threading_enabled.desc Enable parallel processing of $evaluate-measure quality report queries on multiple threads.
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.use_group_ref Measure Report Reporter from Group
module_config.dqm.evaluate_measure.use_group_ref.desc If set to true, evaluate-measure operation will attempt to source MeasureReport.reporter from evaluate-measure operation's 'subject' or 'practitioner' parameter by using the Group's resource field, managingEntity. If unable to source reference from Group, MeasureReport reporter will use default dqm.evaluate_measure.reporter setting.
module_config.email_server.smtp.hostname Email SMTP Hostname
module_config.email_server.smtp.hostname.desc For Email delivery, specifies the SMTP server hostname.
module_config.email_server.smtp.password Email SMTP Password
module_config.email_server.smtp.password.desc For Email delivery, specifies the SMTP server password.
module_config.email_server.smtp.port Email SMTP Port
module_config.email_server.smtp.port.desc For Email delivery, specifies the SMTP server port.
module_config.email_server.smtp.use_starttls Use STARTTLS for connection security
module_config.email_server.smtp.use_starttls.desc For Email delivery, specifies if we wish to use STARTTLS as our connection security protocol.
module_config.email_server.smtp.username Email SMTP Username
module_config.email_server.smtp.username.desc For Email delivery, specifies the SMTP server username.
module_config.empi.consumer_count EMPI Consumer Thread Count
module_config.empi.consumer_count.desc Number of concurrent threads dedicated to matching incoming Patient and Practitioner resources. Experimental new feature under development.
module_config.empi.prevent_eid_updates Prevent modification of External EIDs
module_config.empi.prevent_eid_updates.desc If enabled, EMPI Enterprise Identifiers (EIDs) may not be modified once set on a Patient/Practitioner.
module_config.empi.prevent_multiple_eids Prevent multiple EIDs from existing simultaneously on a Patient/Practitioner
module_config.empi.prevent_multiple_eids.desc If enabled, Patient/Practitioner creates and updates will be rejected if they contain multiple Enterprise Identifiers (EIDs).
module_config.empi.script.file EMPI Rule Definition Script (File)
module_config.empi.script.file.desc If set, supplies the absolute filepath of a file containing a set of EMPI rules used by the EMPI service. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.empi.script.text EMPI Rule Definition Script (Text)
module_config.empi.script.text.desc If set, supplies a set of EMPI rules used by the EMPI service.
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.passcode.case_sensitive Passcode Case Sensitive
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.passcode.case_sensitive.desc If enabled, passcodes associated with individual SMART Health Links will be case sensitive.
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.passcode.database_encoding Passcode Encoding Scheme
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.passcode.database_encoding.desc Specify the scheme that will be used to store passcodes in the database. Note that changing this value will only affect newly created and updated passwords. Existing passwords will remain encoded using the scheme that was selected at the time that they were saved. See <a href="/docs/appendix/password_hashing_algorithms.html">Password Hashing Algorithms</a> for more information.
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.passcode.lock_after_failed_attempt_count Lock After Failed Passcode Attempts
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.passcode.lock_after_failed_attempt_count.desc SMART Health Links will be locked if this number of incorrect passcode attempts are made.
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.public.base_url Public Base URL
module_config.endpoint_easyshare.shl.public.base_url.desc This is the internet-facing address that Smart Health Link consumers and API clients will use to access this module endpoint.
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.json_admin_url JSON Admin URL
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.json_admin_url.desc JSON Admin URL, reachable publicly by the client app (e.g. "").
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_client_id OIDC Client ID
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_client_id.desc The Client ID registered with the OIDC server used for login.
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_issuer_url OIDC Issuer URL
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_issuer_url.desc The Issuer URL for the OIDC server used for login.
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_logout_url OIDC Logout URL
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_logout_url.desc The URL to call at logout to end the user's session.
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_redirect_uri OIDC Redirect URI
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_redirect_uri.desc The base URL for this app, to redirect to after OIDC login. Must be registered with the OIDC server, must be reachable publicly by the client, port should match/forward to http listener port below.
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_scopes OIDC scopes
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.oidc_scopes.desc The scopes for this app to request to the OIDC server at login.
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.organization_identifier Organization Identifier
module_config.endpoint_mdm_ui.organization_identifier.desc The business identifier of the organization to represent the organization that users of this app belong to, with pipe-delimited system and value, e.g.|acme-hospital. This can be the identifier of an existing Organization resource in the FHIR database, or a new Organization resource will be created by the app if it does not yet exist. If no system is provided then a default system of <code></code> will be used.
module_config.etl_import.asynchronous_mode.batch_size Async Mode Batch Size
module_config.etl_import.asynchronous_mode.batch_size.desc Controls the number of rows to process as a single batch.
module_config.etl_import.asynchronous_mode.enabled Asynchronous Mode Enabled
module_config.etl_import.asynchronous_mode.enabled.desc If enabled, data will be imported asynchronously. See <a href="/docs/bulk/etl_import_module.html#asynchronous">Asynchronous Mode</a> for more information.
module_config.etl_import.asynchronous_mode.file_size Async Mode File Size
module_config.etl_import.asynchronous_mode.file_size.desc Controls the maximum number of lines that will be placed into a single file. Larger values may improve performance, but will require more memory as each file will be loaded into memory while it is being processed.
module_config.etl_import.csv.delimiter CSV File Delimiter
module_config.etl_import.csv.delimiter.desc For CSV import files, this setting defines the delimiter to use when parsing files. Escape special characters with '\'. E.g. for tab, use '\t'. Note only one delimiter is supported.
module_config.etl_import.csv.parse_quotes Parse Quotes
module_config.etl_import.csv.parse_quotes.desc If enabled, quoted values will be parsed per the rules specified in <a href="">RFC 4180</a>. If this is disabled, quoted values will be parsed verbatim (and any quote marks will be included in the parsed values).
module_config.etl_import.import_source Import Source
module_config.etl_import.import_source.desc This setting defines the format for files being imported.
module_config.etl_import.mapping.script Mapping Script (Text)
module_config.etl_import.mapping.script.desc This is the script that processes each received row. It must have at least one function, with signature <code>function handleEtlImportRow(inputMap, context)</code>. See <a href="/docs/bulk/etl_import_module.html">ETL Importer</a> module for details on how this function works.
module_config.etl_import.mapping.script.file Mapping Script (File)
module_config.etl_import.mapping.script.file.desc This is the filepath to the script that processes each received row. The script must have at least one function, with signature <code>function handleEtlImportRow(inputMap, context)</code>. See <a href="/docs/bulk/etl_import_module.html">ETL Importer</a> module for details on how this function works. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.etl_import.parallelism.hashing.script Worker Row Hashing Function (Text)
module_config.etl_import.parallelism.hashing.script.desc If set, this script is used to provide an appropriate hash for each individual row in order to ensure that rows are processed in an appropriate order. This setting may be left blank if in-order processing of individual rows is not necessary.
module_config.etl_import.parallelism.hashing.script.file Worker Row Hashing Function (File)
module_config.etl_import.parallelism.hashing.script.file.desc This is the filepath to the script that is used to provide an appropriate hash for each individual row in order to ensure that rows are processed in an appropriate order. This setting may be left blank if in-order processing of individual rows is not necessary.
module_config.etl_import.parallelism.threadcount Worker Thread Count
module_config.etl_import.parallelism.threadcount.desc This setting configures the number of worker threads that will be allocated to processing rows of the CSV file. If set to <code>1</code>, the file will be processed in a single-threaded manner.
module_config.etl_import.synchronous_mode.continue_on_failure Synchronous Mode: Continue On Failure
module_config.etl_import.synchronous_mode.continue_on_failure.desc If enabled, in synchronous mode any errors in processing will not abort processing but will instead result in a log line being written and processing will continue.
module_config.etl_import.transaction_log.enabled Enable Transaction Log
module_config.etl_import.transaction_log.enabled.desc If enabled, FHIR Search/Read/Create/Update/Delete operations executed from within the Javascript environment will generate transaction logs. Note that this can have a significant impact on performance and storage requirements.
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_conversion.enabled Versioned API Mode
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_conversion.enabled.desc This setting enables versioned mode, which allows a client to request a specific version of FHIR via the <code>fhirVersion</code> parameter in the <code>Accept</code> header, and the server will automatically convert responses to conform to the desired version. Conversions are performed automatically using community-maintained translations that are supplied as a part of the FHIR specification, and they are not guaranteed to be correct.
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.allow_compartment_searches Allow Searches With Compartment Access
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.allow_compartment_searches.desc When disabled, the server will proactively reject searches on resource types, even though a resource in the compartment could possibly be in the results. When enabled, the searches will be accepted, but the server will filter the results to only include resources that are in the compartment. Enabling this flag is less secure, as the interceptor may leak the existence of resources that are not in the compartment.
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.automatically_narrow_search_scope Automatically Narrow Search Scope
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.automatically_narrow_search_scope.conditional Narrow Conditional URL Search Scope
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.automatically_narrow_search_scope.conditional.desc When narrowing search scope, if this setting is enabled the URLs of conditional operations will also be narrowed. For example, the request URL in a <a href="/docs/fhir_standard/fhir_crud_operations.html#conditional-update">Conditional Update</a> operation or the If-None-Exist header in a <a href="/docs/fhir_standard/fhir_crud_operations.html#conditional-create">Conditional Create</a> operation will be narrowed. This setting only applies if <em>Automatically Narrow Search Scope</em> is also enabled.
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.automatically_narrow_search_scope.desc When enabled, the server will automatically try to narrow the scope of searches when the user only has permission to access specific instances or compartments. For example, when a user only has the <code>FHIR_READ_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT/Patient/123</code> permission and tries to perform a search for <code>Observation?code=foo</code>, this search will be performed automatically as <code>Observation?subject=Patient/123&amp;code=foo</code>. See <a href="/docs/security/roles_and_permissions.html#block-unless-code-in-valueset">Block Unless Code in ValueSet</a> for more information. Note that in order to avoid accidental disclosure of non-narrowed resource counts, search total counts will be unavailable if this feature is enabled.
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.reject_insufficient_permissions_with_401 Reject Insufficient Permissions with HTTP 401
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.reject_insufficient_permissions_with_401.desc If enabled, an HTTP 401 will be used instead of an HTTP 403 response for unauthorized operations. See <a href="/docs/smart/fhir_authentication.html#rejecting-unauthorized-fhir-calls">Rejecting Unauthorized FHIR Calls</a> for more information.
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.watermark_responses.enabled Watermark Responses Enabled
module_config.fhir_endpoint.fhir_endpoint_security.watermark_responses.enabled.desc This setting enables Response Watermarking, which injects an extension into returned resources containing several details about the access path used to retrieve the resource including the Transaction GUID, a timestamp, and the full resource fetch URL. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/fhir_endpoint_module.html#response-watermarking">Response Watermarking</a> for more information.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.base_url_fixed Fixed Value for Endpoint Base URL
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.base_url_fixed.desc If specified, the server will always use this base URL for FHIR responses (e.g. in <code>Location</code> headers, Bundle paging links, etc.). Note that changing this setting <strong>does not actually change the port or address</strong> that Smile CDR will use to serve up this endpoint. This setting merely changes the URL that will be advertised in responses.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.base_url_fixed.extended If specified, the server will always use this base URL for FHIR responses (e.g. in <code>Location</code> headers, Bundle paging links, etc.). Note that changing this setting <strong>does not actually change the port or address</strong> that Smile CDR will use to serve up this endpoint. This setting merely changes the URL that will be advertised in responses. This feature is typically used in Smile CDR installations where network infrastructure in place between the publicly accessible FHIR API network endpoint and Smile CDR prevents Smile CDR from being aware of what address end users are actually using to access the FHIR APIs. This generally means reverse proxies and load balancers that are not able to correctly supply a <code>Forwarded</code> header, or equivalent as described <a href="">here</a>.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.browser_syntax_highlighting.enabled Browser Syntax Highlighting Enabled
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.browser_syntax_highlighting.enabled.desc If a FHIR request is determined to be coming from a browser, should the server use syntax highlighting to format the response? This option is useful for beginners who want to play with the FHIR API but can cause problems for some AJAX applications since FHIR content might be returned using formatted HTML instead of raw JSON/XML.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.browser_syntax_highlighting.show_request_headers Show Request Headers
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.browser_syntax_highlighting.show_request_headers.desc If enabled, the request headers will be shown in the syntax highlighted response page (when used).
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.browser_syntax_highlighting.show_response_headers Show Response Headers
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.browser_syntax_highlighting.show_response_headers.desc If enabled, the response headers will be shown in the syntax highlighted response page (when used).
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.enabled Consent Service Enabled
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.enabled.desc This is a switch to enable or disable the consent service for this module.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.java_types Java Consent Service Types
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.java_types.desc If set, provides a whitespace or comma separated list of Java class names to instantiate and use as consent service implementations. See <a href="/docs/security/consent_service_java.html">Consent Service: Java API</a> for more information. Note that if both JavaScript and Java based implementations are provided, the JavaScript implementations will be invoked first.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.script.file Consent Service Script (File)
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.script.file.desc If set, supplies a set of callback functions that will be executed for the consent service. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.script.text Consent Service Script (Text)
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.consent_service.script.text.desc If set, supplies a set of callback functions that will be executed for the consent service.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.custom_interceptor_can_replace_authorization_interceptor Can Replace Authorization Interceptor
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.custom_interceptor_can_replace_authorization_interceptor.desc If enabled, if a custom interceptor is found that extends the HAPI FHIR AuthorizationInterceptor, it will replace the built-in Smile CDR AuthorizationInterceptor.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.default_encoding Default Encoding
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.default_encoding.desc Specifies the default encoding (i.e. JSON/XML) to use if the client does not specify a preference in the request.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.default_prefer_return Default Prefer Return
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.default_prefer_return.desc This setting controls the default HTTP response payload for FHIR create/update/patch/transaction operations. By default the body of the resource as it was stored is returned (<code>REPRESENTATION</code>), but this default behavior can be changed to return an OperationOutcome resource (<code>OPERATION_OUTCOME</code>) or no payload at all (<code>MINIMAL</code>) by modifying this setting. Note that clients may override the default behavior on individual requests using the HTTP <code>Prefer</code> header as described in the <a href="">FHIR Specification</a>.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.default_pretty_print Pretty-Print by Default
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.default_pretty_print.desc If enabled, responses will be pretty-printed by default unless the client request explicitly requests non-pretty-printed responses. Pretty-printed responses are useful for debugging and human readability but they contain extra spaces so they can have performance and size impacts.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.copyright Copyright Message
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.copyright.desc Use this field to supply a copyright message that will be included in the generated CapabilityStatement. Markdown is permitted in this field.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.implementation.description Implementation Description
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.implementation.description.desc This field will populate the <code>CapabilityStatement.implementation.description</code> field in the generated CapabilityStatement. Use this field to supply a description of the nature/purpose/name of this server.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.include_partition.desc If enabled, this server will include a list of partition names and descriptions (if any) in the CapabilityStatement. Include Partition Name
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.enabled Enable OpenAPI / Swagger Support
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.enabled.desc If enabled, this server will automatically generate OpenAPI (aka Swagger) documentation, and enable a Swagger UI display module.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.swagger_ui.custom_css.text Swagger-UI Custom CSS (Text)
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.swagger_ui.custom_css.text.desc If specified, provides raw CSS text that will be served as a part of the Swagger-UI page.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.swagger_ui.logo_url Swagger-UI Logo URL
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.swagger_ui.logo_url.desc Specifies an image URL to use as the banner image on the Swagger-UI page. Note that <code>astronaut.png</code> may be used to display the Smile CDR astronaut adventurer, or <code>raccoon.png</code> may be used to display the HAPI FHIR raccoon mascot.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.swagger_ui.use_resource_pages Swagger-UI Uses Resource Pages
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_capabilty_statement.openapi.swagger_ui.use_resource_pages.desc If enabled, Swagger-UI will be divided into individual pages for each supported resource type, as well as a page for system-level interactions. Disabling this can be helpful on servers where only a limited number of interactions and/or resource types are enabled. Disable this with caution if you have a large number of resource types and interactions enabled on your server, as this can lead to an unusable Swagger-UI page. Software Name If set, provides the software name that will be exported in the server CapabilityStatement (as well as any generated OpenApi documentation). If not set, defaults to "Smile CDR". Software Version If set, provides the software version that will be exported in the server CapabilityStatement (as well as any generated OpenApi documentation). If not set, defaults to the current Smile CDR software version.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_terminology.response.populate_display.enabled Populate Response Coding Displays
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_terminology.response.populate_display.enabled.desc If enabled, the server will attempt to resolve and populate the display fields of any codes that are present in response Coding elements without the <code>Coding.display</code> value present. See <a href="/docs/terminology/response_terminology_enhancement.html#populate-display">Terminology Mapping</a> for more information.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_terminology.response.translation_enabled Response Mapping
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_terminology.response.translation_enabled.desc If enabled, attempt to translate and enrich Codings found in response resources and resources in bulk export files. See <a href="/docs/terminology/response_terminology_enhancement.html#mapping">Populate Missing Display Names</a> for more information.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_terminology.response.translation_spec.text Mapping Spec (Text)
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.fhir_endpoint_terminology.response.translation_spec.text.desc Provides the mapping specification for <strong>Response Mapping</strong>. Value must be a valid <a href="/docs/javascript_execution_environment/callback_models.html#fhirendpointterminologyresponsemappingspec">FhirEndpointTerminologyResponseMappingSpec</a> object.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.hfql.endpoint.enabled HFQL/SQL Endpoint Enabled
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.hfql.endpoint.enabled.desc If this is enabled, this endpoint will support queries from the <a href="/docs/hfql/">HFQL/SQL JDBC Driver</a>.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.interactions.allow_specs Allowed Interactions
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.interactions.allow_specs.desc If not blank, provides a list of allowed interactions. Any other interactions will be disabled on this endpoint (note that removed interactions may still be available as a part of FHIR transaction/batch operations). See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/fhir_endpoint_customization.html#customizing-available-interactions">Customizing Available Interactions</a> for more information.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.interceptor_bean_types Interceptor Bean Types
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.interceptor_bean_types.desc A comma or whitespace-separated list of bean classes to register as HAPI FHIR/Smile CDR Interceptors.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.partitioning.tenant_identification_strategy Tenant Identification Strategy
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.partitioning.tenant_identification_strategy.desc If the attached FHIR Storage module has partitioning enabled and is configured to run in <em>REQUEST_TENANT</em> mode, this setting determines how tenants are identified. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/partitioning.html#tenant-identification-strategy">Tenant Identification Strategies</a> for more information.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.process_request_header.request_source_enabled Process Header: Request Source
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.process_request_header.request_source_enabled.desc If enabled, the server will respect the <code>X-Request-Source</code> header. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/fhir_endpoint_module.html#capturing-source-information">Capturing Source Information</a> for more details.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.agent_type Agent Type
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.agent_type.desc The participation the agent had with respect to the activity. This should be the code system value and then pipe-delimited with the code value, e.g.|transmitter.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.agent_who Agent Who
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.agent_who.desc Required if Provenance injection is enabled. The organization that participated in the event. This should be a reference to an Organization, e.g. Organization/123.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.everything_enabled $everything operation
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.everything_enabled.desc If set to <code>true</code>, a Provenance resource will be injected when $everything operation is invoked.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.profile Profile
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.profile.desc The profile (references to [[[StructureDefinition]]]) that the Provenance claims to conform to, e.g.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.revinclude_enabled _revinclude=Provenance:target
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.provenance_injection.revinclude_enabled.desc If set to <code>true</code>, a Provenance resource will be injected when a search that includes ?_revinclude=Provenance:target is invoked.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.enabled Request Validating Enabled
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.enabled.desc If enabled, the official FHIR StructureDefinitions and ValueSets will be used to validate resources for incoming FHIR requests.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.fail_on_severity Fail On Severity
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.fail_on_severity.desc The severity at which to fail validated requests. <p><b>Request Validating must be enabled for this setting to take effect.</b></p>
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.response_headers.enabled Validation Response Headers Enabled
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.response_headers.enabled.desc If enabled, an informative header will be added to the response during validation. <p><b>Request Validating must be enabled for this setting to take effect.</b></p>
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.tags.enabled Validation Tags Enabled
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.request_validating.tags.enabled.desc If enabled, an informative tag will be added to a resource during validation. Existing Smile CDR validation tags will be stripped from the incoming resource. <p><b>Request Validating must be enabled for this setting to take effect.</b></p>
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.resource_provider_bean_types Resource Provider Bean Types
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.resource_provider_bean_types.desc A comma-separated list of bean classes to register as Smile CDR Resource Providers.
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.serve_raw_media_resource Serve Raw Media Resources
module_config.fhir_endpoint_servlet.serve_raw_media_resource.desc If enabled, clients may request a FHIR Read on a Media resource using either an Accept header or an additional parameter that requests the raw contents of the resource be served directly instead of the complete FHIR resource. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/binary_data.html#serving-raw-media">Serving Raw Media Resources</a> for more information.
module_config.fhir_gateway.definitions.spring_context_config.class Spring Context Config Class
module_config.fhir_gateway.definitions.spring_context_config.class.desc This is the classname for a Spring Annotation-based Context Config which will be used to create the custom providers
module_config.fhir_gateway.fhir_version FHIR Version
module_config.fhir_gateway.fhir_version.desc This is the FHIR Version supported by this gateway endpoint.
module_config.fhir_gateway.gateway_configuration.file Gateway Configuration (File)
module_config.fhir_gateway.gateway_configuration.file.desc Supplies the JSON configuration for the gateway as file link. See <a href="/docs/fhir_gateway/configuration_document.html">FHIR Gateway Configuration Document</a> for information on the format of this setting.
module_config.fhir_gateway.gateway_configuration.show_underlying_errors Show Underlying Errors
module_config.fhir_gateway.gateway_configuration.show_underlying_errors.desc On failures, all underlying errors will be included in the failure message.
module_config.fhir_gateway.gateway_configuration.text Gateway Configuration (Text)
module_config.fhir_gateway.gateway_configuration.text.desc Supplies the JSON configuration for the gateway as raw text. See <a href="/docs/fhir_gateway/configuration_document.html">FHIR Gateway Configuration Document</a> for information on the format of this setting.
module_config.fhir_gateway.jwt_encryption.jwks_file Encryption JWKS (File)
module_config.fhir_gateway.jwt_encryption.jwks_file.desc Supplies the JWKS (Keystore) used to encrypt links supplied to the client.
module_config.fhir_gateway.jwt_encryption.jwks_text Encryption JWKS (Text)
module_config.fhir_gateway.jwt_encryption.jwks_text.desc Supplies the JWKS (Keystore) used to encrypt links supplied to the client.
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination.default_page_size The default page size
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination.default_page_size.desc The default number of resources per page when _count is not provided. If not specified, it will be set to 20.
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination.maximum_page_size The maximum page size
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination.maximum_page_size.desc The maximum allowable value for _count. Higher _count values will be reduced to this value. If not specified, it will be set to 100.
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination_cache.expiration.seconds Cache Expiration Seconds
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination_cache.expiration.seconds.desc The number of second for cache expiration (Default 300)
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination_cache.max_size.entries Cache Maximum Entries
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination_cache.max_size.entries.desc The maximum number of responses to store in the cache. This setting only applies to cache type: <em>CAFFEINE</em>.
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination_cache.type Cache Provider
module_config.fhir_gateway.pagination_cache.type.desc The cache provider: NONE (default) or INFINISPAN or CAFFEINE.
module_config.fhirweb.partitioning.tenant_name Tenant Name
module_config.fhirweb.partitioning.tenant_name.desc If this server uses a URL_BASED Tenant Identification Strategy, then this field indicates the name of the tenant that should be added to the URL for all FHIR requests. Secure Application Context For Customer-Provided Beans If enabled, only a subset of the application context will be available to customer-provided beans. This is a security feature that prevents custom code from accessing various internal Smile CDR beans. Interceptor Bean Types A comma or whitespace-separated list of bean classes to register as Smile CDR Interceptors.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.forced_namespace_mode.encounter_system Forced Namespace Mode: Encounter System
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.forced_namespace_mode.encounter_system.desc If a URI is provided, the first encounter identifier (<code>PV1-19[0].1</code>) will be treated as the primary identifier, and this value will be used as the <code>Encounter.identifier.system</code> in the generated FHIR resource.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.forced_namespace_mode.patient_system Forced Namespace Mode: Patient System
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.forced_namespace_mode.patient_system.desc If a URI is provided, the first patient identifier (<code>PID-3[0].1</code>) will be treated as the primary identifier, and this value will be used as the <code>Patient.identifier.system</code> in the generated FHIR resource.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.identifiers.patient.primary_identifier_search_param_name Patient Primary Identifier Search Parameter
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.identifiers.patient.primary_identifier_search_param_name.desc If specified, Patient resources will be created using this search parameter to match the primary identifier. Typically the default value of <code>identifier</code> is good for this setting.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.map_identifiers_using_namingsystem_inbound Map Identifiers using NamingSystem
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.map_identifiers_using_namingsystem_inbound.desc If enabled, the HL7 v2.x -&gt; FHIR mapper will attempt to use NamingSystem resources stored in the repository when mapping identifiers. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/namingsystem_mapping.html">NamingSystem Mapping</a> for information on this process.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.process_al1_segments Process AL1 Segments
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper.process_al1_segments.desc If this is enabled, AL1 segments will be processed on incoming messages. Note that this can have a significant impact on performance and storage requirements.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_contained_resource.use_standalone_gt1_related_person Use standalone Related Person
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_contained_resource.use_standalone_gt1_related_person.desc If enabled, Related Person resource derived from gt1 segment will be standalone resource; otherwise they will be contained resources.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_contained_resource.use_standalone_nk113_associated_party Use standalone Associated Party
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_contained_resource.use_standalone_nk113_associated_party.desc If enabled, Associated Party resource derived from NK113 segment will be standalone resource; otherwise they will be contained resources.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_contained_resource.use_standalone_pid18_patient_account Use standalone Patient Account
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_contained_resource.use_standalone_pid18_patient_account.desc If enabled, Patient Account resource derived from PID18 segment will be standalone resource; otherwise they will be contained resources.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_dg1.use_dg1_segment_id_for_condition_identifier_value Use DG1.1 as Condition.identifier.value` suffix.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_dg1.use_dg1_segment_id_for_condition_identifier_value.desc If enabled, Condition resources generated by a DG1 segment will have an identifier with the value composed of a concantenation of <code>DG1-20.1</code> and <code>DG1.1</code>. When disabled (default), the concatenation will be composed of <code>DG1-20.1</code> and <code>DG1-3.1</code>. In either case, a hyphen is used as a delimiter (i.e. <code>-</code>). Only use this setting when DG1-1 values are consistently populated in source messaging. If the value for a given DG1 segment may be different across discrete messages, this could result in failing to update the correct Condition resource. Where DG1-1 is not populated, an error is thrown when this setting is enabled.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.create_message_header Create MessageHeader for Each Message
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.create_message_header.desc If enabled, a MessageHeader resource will be created and stored in the repository for every HL7 v2.x message that is processed. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/inbound_hl7v2.html#messageheader">Creating MessageHeader</a> for more information.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.creation_mode.practitioner Creation Mode - Practitioner
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.creation_mode.practitioner.desc This setting controls the create/update mode for Practitioner resources that are generated when converting from HL7 v2.x. This setting can be used to specify that resources should always be updated using values from the v2.x message (conditional update) or should only be created if they do not already exist (conditional create).
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.escape_markdown_punctuation_nte3 Escape Markdown Punctuation: NTE-3
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.escape_markdown_punctuation_nte3.desc If enabled, all markdown punctuation will be escaped in NTE-3 segments.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.infer_timezone_when_not_present Inferred TimeZone When Not Present
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.infer_timezone_when_not_present.desc If enabled, the given timezone offset will be used when an HL7 v2.x timestamp (TS) datatype is received that does not contain a timezone offset. This is useful because many HL7 v2.x systems do not transmit an offset, assuming instead that all times they transmit are in their local timezone. Set this value to explicitly state which timezone to infer. <p>Values for this property should be a valid Java TimeZone identifier (e.g. <code>America/Chicago</code> or <code>Australia/Canberra</code>).</p>
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.mapper_bean_types Mapper Bean Types
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.mapper_bean_types.desc A comma-separated list of bean classes that will be used to map messages as they are processed by this endpoint. Classes listed here must implement the interface <code></code>.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.messageheader.hardcoded_destination_name MessageHeader Hardcoded Destination Name
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.messageheader.hardcoded_destination_name.desc If set, supplies a hardcoded value to use for the <code></code> field in generated MessageHeader resources. This can be useful if you wish to place an identifier to uniquely track all messages received from a specific endpoint.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.store_original_message Store Original HL7v2 message
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.store_original_message.desc If enabled, the original HL7v2 message will be stored as received on a MessageHeader resource.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_medications.use_standalone_medications_with_administered_code Use Standalone Medications with Administered Code
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_medications.use_standalone_medications_with_administered_code.desc If enabled, Medication resources derived from RXA segments will be standalone resources; otherwise they will be contained resources. This should <strong>only</strong> be enabled if <code>RXA-5</code> (Administered Code) uniquely identifies a given medication and <strong>all</strong> of its meaningful fields. Note that a standalone Medication will <strong>not</strong> be created if the Administered Code is missing, even if this setting is enabled.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_medications.use_standalone_medications_with_component_code Medication Component Mapping Mode
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_medications.use_standalone_medications_with_component_code.desc Medication Components derived from RXC-2 segments can be mapped as <code>Medication</code> (contained or standalone) or as <code>CodeableConcept</code>. Medication components should <strong>only</strong> be mapped to Medication if <code>RXC-2</code> (Component Code) uniquely identifies a given <code>Medication</code> and <strong>all</strong> of its meaningful fields.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_medications.use_standalone_medications_with_give_code Use Standalone Medications with Give Code
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_medications.use_standalone_medications_with_give_code.desc If enabled, Medication resources derived from RXE segments will be standalone resources; otherwise they will be contained resources. This should <strong>only</strong> be enabled if <code>RXE-2</code> (Give Code) uniquely identifies a given Medication and <strong>all</strong> of its meaningful fields. Note that a standalone Medication will <strong>not</strong> be created if the Give Code is missing, even if this setting is enabled.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.observation_identification_mode Observation Identification Mode
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.observation_identification_mode.desc This setting controls how Observation resources created by mapping OBX segments are given an identifier upon creation. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/processing_results.html#observation-identification">Observation Identification</a> for information on how this setting works.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.use_obr2_placer_order_number_as_primary Use OBR-2 as Primary Identifier
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.use_obr2_placer_order_number_as_primary.desc If enabled, the value of <code>OBR-2</code> (Placer Order Number) will be used as a primary identifier for generated <code>DiagnosticReport</code> resources. Note that at least one of <code>OBR-2</code> or <code>OBR-3</code> must be enabled, or both.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.use_obr2_placer_order_number_as_primary.extended If enabled, the value of <code>OBR-2</code> (Placer Order Number) will be used as a primary identifier for generated <code>DiagnosticReport</code> resources. Note that at least one of <code>OBR-2</code> or <code>OBR-3</code> must be enabled for use as the primary identifier. It is also acceptable to select both, in which case updates will affect any existing <code>DiagnosticReport</code> that has either identifier.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.use_obr3_filler_order_number_as_primary Use OBR-3 as Primary Identifier
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.use_obr3_filler_order_number_as_primary.desc If enabled, the value of <code>OBR-3</code> (Filler Order Number) will be used as a primary identifier for generated <code>DiagnosticReport</code> resources. Note that at least one of <code>OBR-2</code> or <code>OBR-3</code> must be enabled, or both.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.use_obr3_filler_order_number_as_primary.extended If enabled, the value of <code>OBR-3</code> (Filler Order Number) will be used as a primary identifier for generated <code>DiagnosticReport</code> resources. Note that at least one of <code>OBR-2</code> or <code>OBR-3</code> must be enabled for use as the primary identifier. It is also acceptable to select both, in which case updates will affect any existing <code>DiagnosticReport</code> that has either identifier.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_observation_group.observation_group_text_delimiter.nte OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - NTE
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_observation_group.observation_group_text_delimiter.nte.desc This delimiter will be used as a separator between multiple repetitions of NTE-3 (Note Text), as well as <code>NTE-3</code> from multiple contiguous NTE segments following a given OBX segment. By default, <code>\n</code> is used to indicate a newline.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_observation_group.observation_group_text_delimiter.obx OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - OBX
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_observation_group.observation_group_text_delimiter.obx.desc Where <code>OBX-2</code> (Observation Value Type) is one of <code>ST</code>, <code>TX</code>, or <code>FT</code>, this delimiter will be used as a separator between multiple repetitions of OBX-5 (Value). By default, <code>\n</code> is used to indicate a newline.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_orc.use_orc3_filler_order_number_as_primary Use ORC-3 as Primary Identifier
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_orc.use_orc3_filler_order_number_as_primary.desc If enabled, ORC-3 will be used instead of ORC-2 when populating <code>MedicationAdministration.identifier</code>. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/segment_definitions.html#field-rxa-2-administration-sub-id-counter">Field RXA-2: Administration Sub-ID Counter</a> for information on this process.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_order_observation_group.order_observation_group_text_delimiter.nte ORDER_OBSERVATION Group Text Delimiter - NTE
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_order_observation_group.order_observation_group_text_delimiter.nte.desc This delimiter will be used as a separator between multiple repetitions of NTE-3 (Note Text), as well as <code>NTE-3</code> from multiple contiguous NTE segments following a given OBR segment. By default, <code>\n</code> is used to indicate a newline.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pid.patient_primary_identifier_type Patient Primary Identifier Type
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pid.patient_primary_identifier_type.desc The HL7 v2.x inbound processor requires a specific value be present in <code>PID-3[0]-5</code>. It will accept only one of the allowable values per HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint module, and will default to <code>MR</code> if this setting is not specified. This first repetition will be used as the primary business identifier for the resulting Patient. Note that this setting should not be changed for a repository that already contains data. Changing it may result in multiple Patient resources for the same real-world patient.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pv1.coding_system_admission_type Coding System for PV1-4 Admission Type
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pv1.coding_system_admission_type.desc If a URI provided, this code system will be used for admission type. Otherwise, the default v2-0007 system will be used.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pv1.parse_providers Parse Encounter Providers
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pv1.parse_providers.desc If enabled, providers will be read from PV1-7, PV1-8, PV1-9, and PV1-17. If disabled, these fields will be ignored. This option is disabled by default, as it is preferable to specify the Encounter practitioner assignments using the ROL segment.
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pv1.treat_pv1_3_and_6_patient_locations_as_atomic Treat PV1-3 and PV1-6 Patient Locations as Single Atomic Locations
module_config.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pv1.treat_pv1_3_and_6_patient_locations_as_atomic.desc By default, we treat each of <code>PL.1</code>, <code>PL.2</code>, and <code>PL.3</code> as distinct locations (e.g. ward, room, bed). <code>PL.1</code>, <code>PL.2</code>, and <code>PL.3</code> will each result in a unique Location resource. If this setting is enabled, all of <code>PL-1</code>, <code>PL-2</code>, and <code>PL-3</code> will be treated as a single atomic location (e.g. ward-room-bed). Processing the PL in this way will result in a single Location resource.
module_config.hl7v2_listener_interceptors.interceptor_bean_types Interceptor Bean Types
module_config.hl7v2_listener_interceptors.interceptor_bean_types.desc A comma or whitespace-separated list of bean classes to register as Smile CDR Interceptors.
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.intermediate_logging_enabled Intermediate Logging Enabled
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.intermediate_logging_enabled.desc If enabled, additional steps in the HL7 v2.x to FHIR conversion process will appear in the transaction log. This provides insight into both the v2.x messages after any transformations have been applied, as well as the resultant FHIR transaction bundle before any transformations have been applied.
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.non_standard_segment_behaviour Non-standard segment behaviour
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.non_standard_segment_behaviour.desc Specifies behaviour for non-standard HL7 v2.x segments (Z-Segments): determines whether they are in the root of the message or in the current segment.
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.storage_tenant_name Storage Tenant Name
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.storage_tenant_name.desc When using an HL7 v2.x Listener with a multitenant server, this setting can be used to specify the tenant name that will be used to store data from this listener.
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.transport Transport Protocol
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.transport.desc Specifies the transport used to send HL7 v2.x messages to Smile CDR. Note that most existing systems will send the MLLP protocol unless specifically configured otherwise. All HTTP configuration sections are ignored for MLLP over TCP. MLLP Listener configuration ignored for HL7 over HTTP.
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.unprocessable_message_handling Unprocessable Message Handling
module_config.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.unprocessable_message_handling.desc This setting controls how the HL7 v2.x listening endpoint should respond when a message can not be processed (e.g. due to the message being invalid, business rule failures, conversion failures, etc.). This setting does not affect behavior when Smile CDR experiences internal errors such as database connectivity failures.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.charset.forced Charset: Forced
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.charset.forced.desc If a charset is specified here (e.g. <code>ISO-8859-1</code> or <code>UTF-8</code>), all message parsing will use the given charset. Only used for MLLP. Ignored for HL7 over HTTP.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.charset.respect_msh18 Charset: Respect MSH-18
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.charset.respect_msh18.desc If enabled, the Minimal Lower Level Protocol (MLLP) listener will use the charset specified in <code>MSH-18</code> of a given message as the encoding to use when parsing the rest of the message. This is disabled by default as <code>MSH-18</code> is often incorrect in real world applications; however, it should be enabled in systems that are known to use it correctly. Ignored for HL7 over HTTP.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.listener_script.file Listener Processing Script (File)
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.listener_script.file.desc If specified, provides a script that is executed to provide processing logic for the endpoint. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/inbound_hl7v2.html#callback-scripts">Scripted Processing Mode</a> for more information. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.listener_script.text Listener Processing Script (Text)
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.listener_script.text.desc If specified, provides a script containing callback functions that are executed to enhance the processing logic for the endpoint. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/inbound_hl7v2.html#callback-scripts">Scripted Processing Mode</a> for more information.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.mllp_port HL7 v2.x MLLP Listener Port
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.mllp_port.desc The TCP port on which this module listens.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.port HL7 v2.x Listener Port
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.port.desc The TCP port on which this module listens.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.socket_timeout.millis Socket Timeout (Millis)
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.socket_timeout.millis.desc The number of milliseconds that this port should block on read/write operations before flagging an error and aborting.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.transport Transport Protocol
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_listener.transport.desc Specifies the transport used to send HL7 v2.x messages to Smile CDR. Note that most existing systems will send the MLLP protocol unless specifically configured otherwise.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.coding_system_admission_type Coding System for PV1-4 Admission Type
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.coding_system_admission_type.desc If a URI provided, this code system will be used for admission type. Otherwise, the default v2-0007 system will be used.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.delay_between_failed_deliveries.millis Delay Between Failed Deliveries (millis)
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.delay_between_failed_deliveries.millis.desc If set to a number above 0, sets the minimum number of milliseconds to wait after a failed delivery attempt before trying again.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.forward_persisted_messages Forward Persisted Messages
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.forward_persisted_messages.desc If enabled, sends persisted HL7 v2.x messages back out verbatim. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/inbound_hl7v2.html#storing-messages">Storing HL7 v2.x Messages As-Is</a> for details. HL7 v2.x Destination Host The TCP hostname to which this module will transmit.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.map_identifiers_using_namingsystem Map Identifiers using NamingSystem
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.map_identifiers_using_namingsystem.desc If enabled, the FHIR -&gt; HL7 v2.x mapper will attempt to use NamingSystem resources stored in the repository when mapping identifiers. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/namingsystem_mapping.html">NamingSystem Mapping</a> for information on this process.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.path Request Path
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.path.desc The path to transmit messages to. Note that this applies only to HTTP transports and will be ignored for MLLP transports.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.populate_al1_segments Populate AL1 Segments
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.populate_al1_segments.desc If enabled, AL1 segments will be populated using the AllergyIntolerance resources associated with the Patient.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.populate_encounter_participants_in_pv1 Populate Encounter Participants in PV1
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.populate_encounter_participants_in_pv1.desc If enabled, practitioner assignments (PV1-7, PV1-8, PV1-9, and PV1-17) will be populated in the PV1 segment.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.port HL7 v2.x Destination Port
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.port.desc The TCP port to which this module will transmit.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.retry_message_on_nak Retry message on NAK
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.retry_message_on_nak.desc If the receiving system responds with a non-positive acknowledgement message (e.g an ACK message with an <code>AE</code> response code), should we attempt to redeliver the message until we are successful?
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.send_timeout.millis Send Timeout (millis)
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.send_timeout.millis.desc The number of milliseconds to wait for a response before timing out.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.transport Transport Protocol
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.transport.desc Specifies the transport to use when sending HL7 v2.x messages. Note that most existing systems expect the MLLP protocol unless specifically configured otherwise.
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.use_persisted_message_headers Use Persisted Message Headers
module_config.hl7v2_mllp_sender.use_persisted_message_headers.desc If enabled, this setting causes the FHIR -> HL7 v2.x mapper to attempt to load a MessageHeader resource from FHIR Storage for use in populating the MSH segment on the generated HL7 v2.x message.
module_config.hl7v2_out_mapper_script.mapper_script.file HL7 v2.x Conversion Mapper Script (File)
module_config.hl7v2_out_mapper_script.mapper_script.file.desc If set, supplies a JavaScript callback function that will be used to perform conversions on HL7 v2.x messages being transmitted. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/outbound_hl7v2_default_resource_conversion.html#enriching-conversion">Enriching Message Conversion using Scripts</a> for information on how these scripts work. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.hl7v2_out_mapper_script.mapper_script.text HL7 v2.x Conversion Mapper Script (Text)
module_config.hl7v2_out_mapper_script.mapper_script.text.desc If set, supplies a JavaScript callback function that will be used to perform conversions on HL7 v2.x messages being transmitted. See <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/outbound_hl7v2_default_resource_conversion.html#enriching-conversion">Enriching Message Conversion using Scripts</a> for information on how these scripts work.
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.bundle_inclusion_rule Search Bundle Inclusion Rule
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.bundle_inclusion_rule.desc This setting controls whether the server should automatically remove resources from the response based on whether they were explicitly requested via <code>_include</code> statements. If this is set to <code>BASED_ON_RESOURCE_PRESENCE</code>, no resources are filtered from the response.
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.definitions.fhir_parser_error_handler_type FHIR Parser Error Handler Mode
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.definitions.fhir_parser_error_handler_type.desc This setting controls the <a href="">Error handler</a> that should be used for parsing FHIR resources through the hybrid provider endpoint.
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.definitions.fhir_version FHIR Version
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.definitions.fhir_version.desc The version of FHIR this endpoint will expose
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.definitions.spring_context_config.class Spring Context Config Class
module_config.hybrid_providers_endpoint.definitions.spring_context_config.class.desc This is the classname for a Spring Annotation-based Context Config which will be used to create the resource providers
module_config.javascript.debug.debug_enabled Debug Enabled
module_config.javascript.debug.debug_enabled.desc Enable remote JavaScript debugging
module_config.javascript.debug.host_address Debug Host Address
module_config.javascript.debug.host_address.desc The hostname of the server running Smile CDR
module_config.javascript.debug.path Path
module_config.javascript.debug.path.desc The url path the JavaScript Execution Environment debugger will expect connections on. This url path should be hard to guess to prevent unexpected connections. If blank, the server will generate and log a new random UUID every time the module is restarted.
module_config.javascript.debug.port Port
module_config.javascript.debug.port.desc The port the JavaScript Execution Environment debugger will accept debug connections on Secure Whether the debug connection url should use TLS.
module_config.javascript.debug.suspend Suspend
module_config.javascript.debug.suspend.desc Whether Smile CDR should pause when restarting the module to wait for the debugger to attach.
module_config.javascript.ecmascript_module ECMAScript Module
module_config.javascript.ecmascript_module.desc The script is an ECMAScript Module. This permits the use of import but requires all functions to be exported.
module_config.kafka.ack_mode Kafka Consumer Ack Mode
module_config.kafka.ack_mode.desc Kafka consumer listener container offset commit behavior. This value is only used if Kafka Auto Commit is false. By default, cdr kafka consumers manually acknowledge every successful message processing back to the Kafka broker. This ensures that no message is ever processed twice. However it adds processing overhead. If downstream consumers can process the same message twice, then it is recommended to set kafka.auto_commit to true (in which case the kafka.ack_mode property will be ignored). See <a href="">Committing Offsets</a> for a list of options.
module_config.kafka.auto_commit Kafka Consumer Auto Commit Enabled
module_config.kafka.auto_commit.desc If this property is set to true, Kafka auto-commits the offsets according to its configuration. If it is false, the Kafka Consumer Ack Mode is used to determine commit behavior. See <a href="">Committing Offsets</a>
module_config.kafka.bootstrap_address Kafka Bootstrap Address
module_config.kafka.bootstrap_address.desc This is a comma-separated list of host and port pairs that are the addresses of the Kafka brokers in a "bootstrap" Kafka cluster that a Kafka client connects to initially to bootstrap itself. Kafka Consumer Config Properties (File) If set, the <a href="">Kafka Consumer Config</a> properties listed in this file are used by all Kafka Consumers Kafka Consumer Config Properties (Text) If set, the <a href="">Kafka Consumer Config</a> properties provided here are used by all Kafka Consumers
module_config.kafka.group_id Kafka Subscription Matcher Consumer Group Id
module_config.kafka.group_id.desc The name of the kafka consumer group id used by all Kafka subscription consumers. Kafka Producer Config Properties (File) If set, the <a href="">Kafka Producer Config</a> properties listed in this file are used by all Kafka Producers Kafka Producer Config Properties (Text) If set, the <a href="">Kafka Producer Config</a> properties provided here are used by all Kafka Producers
module_config.kafka.replace_hyphens_with_periods Kafka Replace Hyphens With Periods
module_config.kafka.replace_hyphens_with_periods.desc If enabled, hyphens (-) contained in Smile-generated channel names will be replaced with periods (.). Note that any user defined channel names (i.e. <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/channel_import.html">Channel Import</a> and <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/realtime_export.html">Realtime Export</a>) will not be affected by this setting.
module_config.kafka.sasl.jaas.config Kafka SASL JAAS Config
module_config.kafka.sasl.jaas.config.desc If the Kafka Security Protocol is set to use SASL, specifies the associated JAAS configuration string.
module_config.kafka.sasl.mechanism Kafka SASL Mechanism
module_config.kafka.sasl.mechanism.desc If the Kafka Security Protocol is set to use SASL, specifies the associated mechanism to use. Kafka Security Protocol The Kafka Security Protocol to use.
module_config.kafka.ssl.enabled Kafka Broker SSL Enabled
module_config.kafka.ssl.enabled.desc Enable this if your Kafka Broker requires SSL
module_config.kafka.ssl.key.password Kafka SSL Key Password
module_config.kafka.ssl.key.password.desc The Password for your SSL Key
module_config.kafka.ssl.keystore.location Kafka SSL Keystore Location
module_config.kafka.ssl.keystore.location.desc The location on disk of your Kafka keystore file
module_config.kafka.ssl.keystore.password Kafka Keystore Password
module_config.kafka.ssl.keystore.password.desc The password of your SSL Keystore file
module_config.kafka.ssl.truststore.location Kafka SSL TrustStore File Location
module_config.kafka.ssl.truststore.location.desc The location on disk of your kafka <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#truststores-and-keystores">TrustStore</a> file
module_config.kafka.ssl.truststore.password Kafka SSL Truststore Password
module_config.kafka.ssl.truststore.password.desc The password of your SSL Truststore file
module_config.kafka.validate_topics_exist_before_use Validate Kafka Topics Exist Before Use
module_config.kafka.validate_topics_exist_before_use.desc Set this to true if your Kafka broker is configured to prevent new topics from being automatically created (e.g. if 'auto.create.topics.enable' is set to false on the broker). When this property is set to true, Smile will prevent subscriptions from being created or updated if the delivery topic they depend on doesn't exist yet.
module_config.license.jwt_file License JWT File
module_config.license.jwt_file.desc Provides the location of a file used to determine license information.
module_config.license.jwt_text License JWT Text
module_config.license.jwt_text.desc Provides a signed JWT string used to determine license information.
module_config.mdm.auto_delete_golden_resources Auto Delete Golden Resources
module_config.mdm.auto_delete_golden_resources.desc When set to <code>true</code>, golden resources will automatically be permanently deleted if its final <code>MATCH</code> link is deleted.
module_config.mdm.block_list.file Block List Rules File
module_config.mdm.block_list.file.desc Provides a file with rules that determine which resources will be omitted from MDM matching. If provided, this file will be used instead of the raw json. Values should be prefaced with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.mdm.block_list.text Block List Rules
module_config.mdm.block_list.text.desc Provides a list of rules that determine which resources will be omitted from MDM matching. If a file is provided, the file will take precedence over these values.
module_config.mdm.consumer_count MDM Consumer Thread Count
module_config.mdm.consumer_count.desc Number of concurrent threads dedicated to matching incoming target resource and Golden resource. Experimental new feature under development.
module_config.mdm.golden_resource_partition Golden Resource Partition
module_config.mdm.golden_resource_partition.desc If set, golden resources will be stored in the specified partition regardless of the partition of the original resource.
module_config.mdm.key_interceptor_script.file MDM Partition Key Generator Script (File)
module_config.mdm.key_interceptor_script.file.desc If set, supplies the absolute filepath of a file containing a javascript function providing kafka partition keys used by the MDM service. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.mdm.key_interceptor_script.text MDM Partition Key Generator Script (Text)
module_config.mdm.key_interceptor_script.text.desc If set, supplies a javascript function providing kafka partition keys used by the MDM service.
module_config.mdm.mdm_key_interceptor_type MDM Partition Key generator type
module_config.mdm.mdm_key_interceptor_type.desc Indicates the way to generate kafka partition keys. Valid options are <code>EID</code> (default) and <code>Javascript</code>. <code>Javascript</code> option requires providing a MDM Partition Key Generator Script using <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/mdm.html#property-mdm-partition-key-generator-script-text">MDM Partition Key Script Text</a> or <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/mdm.html#property-mdm-partition-key-generator-script-file">MDM Partition Key Script File</a> properties.
module_config.mdm.prevent_eid_updates Prevent modification of External EIDs
module_config.mdm.prevent_eid_updates.desc If enabled, MDM Enterprise Identifiers (EIDs) may not be modified once set on a target resource.
module_config.mdm.prevent_multiple_eids Prevent multiple EIDs from existing simultaneously on a target resource
module_config.mdm.prevent_multiple_eids.desc If enabled, target resource creates and updates will be rejected if they contain multiple Enterprise Identifiers (EIDs).
module_config.mdm.script.file MDM Rule Definition Script (File)
module_config.mdm.script.file.desc If set, supplies the absolute filepath of a file containing a set of MDM rules used by the MDM service. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.mdm.script.text MDM Rule Definition Script (Text)
module_config.mdm.script.text.desc If set, supplies a set of MDM rules used by the MDM service.
module_config.mdm.search_all_partition Search All Partitions For Matches
module_config.mdm.search_all_partition.desc If set, resources will search for matches in all partitions.
module_config.mdm.survivorship_script.file MDM Survivorship Script (File)
module_config.mdm.survivorship_script.file.desc If set, supplies the absolute filepath of a file containing a set of MDM survivorship rules used by the MDM service. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.mdm.survivorship_script.text MDM Survivorship Script (Text)
module_config.mdm.survivorship_script.text.desc If set, supplies a set of MDM survivorship rules used by the MDM service.
module_config.metadata.resource_counts.cache.minutes Cache Resource Counts (Mins)
module_config.metadata.resource_counts.cache.minutes.desc If set, resource counts will be cached for up to this amount of time.
module_config.metadata.resource_counts.enabled Include Resource Counts
module_config.metadata.resource_counts.enabled.desc If enabled, the server <code>CapabilityStatement</code> (i.e. the <code>/metadata</code> response on a FHIR endpoint) will have counts for all of the individual resource types added as extensions. These counts are displayed in the FHIRWeb Console, and they can be used by client applications.
module_config.mongo.bulk_export.enabled FHIR Bulk Export Enabled
module_config.mongo.bulk_export.enabled.desc If enabled, this server will support the FHIR Bulk Export protocol. See <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export</a> for more information.
module_config.mongo.db.password Database Password
module_config.mongo.db.password.desc Password for the database. (Optional)
module_config.mongo.db.url Database Connection URL
module_config.mongo.db.url.desc Mongo Connection URL for the database. (ex. "mongodb://localhost:27017/databaseName")
module_config.mongo.db.username Database Username
module_config.mongo.db.username.desc Username for the database. (Optional)
module_config.mongo.default_page_size Default Page Size
module_config.mongo.default_page_size.desc The default number of resources per page when querying mongo if _count is not provided. If not specified, will be set to 20.
module_config.mongo.enforce_referential_integrity_on_write.enabled Enforce Referential Integrity on Write
module_config.mongo.enforce_referential_integrity_on_write.enabled.desc If disabled, resources may be created or updated even if they contain references to local resources that do not exist.
module_config.mongo.fhir_version FHIR Version
module_config.mongo.fhir_version.desc The version of FHIR to support in this module
module_config.mongo.history.instance.enabled Instance/Type History Enabled
module_config.mongo.history.instance.enabled.desc If this setting is disabled, instance- and type-level history operations will be disabled. This means that change history will not be stored, which improves write performance.
module_config.mongo.history.server.enabled Server History Enabled
module_config.mongo.history.server.enabled.desc If this setting is disabled, server-level history operations will be disabled. This means that change history will not be stored, which improves write performance.
module_config.mongo.maximum_page_size Maximum Page Size
module_config.mongo.maximum_page_size.desc The maximum allowable value for _count. Higher values of _count will be reduced to this value. If not specified, will be set to 100.
module_config.mongo.persistence_clustered_scheduler_name Persistence Clustered Scheduler Name
module_config.mongo.persistence_clustered_scheduler_name.desc The name of the scheduler that will be used for persistence clustered jobs. In Smile configurations that have multiple MongoDB modules, each module should use a different scheduler name. Neglecting to do so may prevent modules sharing the same scheduler name from properly shutting down.
module_config.mongo.use_ordinal_dates_for_day_precision_searches Use ordinal date values for day precision searches.
module_config.mongo.use_ordinal_dates_for_day_precision_searches.desc If enabled, causes date search params with DAY precision to rely on the ordinal versions of the dates.
module_config.narrative_generator.manifest_file Narrative Template Manifest File
module_config.narrative_generator.manifest_file.desc Specifies the filename to use for the narrative template manifest.
module_config.openid.signing.jwks_file Signing JWKS (File)
module_config.openid.signing.jwks_file.desc <strong>DEPRECATED</strong> Use Keystore Id instead.<br/>This is the file/resource path to use to load a JWKS (JSON Web KeySet) file that is used for signing OpenID Connect tokens. Generally, the format should be <code>classpath:/filename.jwks</code> for a file placed in the Smile CDR <code>classes</code> directory. Note that a JWKS must be provided in <strong>either</strong> <em>File</em> or <em>Text</em> format, not both.
module_config.openid.signing.jwks_text Signing JWKS (Text)
module_config.openid.signing.jwks_text.desc <strong>DEPRECATED</strong> Use Keystore Id instead.<br/>This is a string containing a raw JSON JWKS (JSON Web KeySet) file that is used for signing OpenID Connect tokens. Note that a JWKS must be provided in <strong>either</strong> <em>File</em> or <em>Text</em> format, not both.
module_config.openid.signing.key_id Signing Key ID
module_config.openid.signing.key_id.desc <strong>DEPRECATED</strong><br/>This is the ID of the key to use in the JWKS file when signing OpenID Connect tokens. This setting is optional. If no value is provided, the first key in the JWKS file will be used.
module_config.openid.signing.keystore_id Keystore ID
module_config.openid.signing.keystore_id.desc This is the ID of the keystore to use. The keystore defines the signing keys and can be managed in admin console. This config overrides all other configs in this section. Email From Address Emails sent from matching EMAIL will be sent from this e-mail address.
module_config.p2p.mdm.identifier.code MDM Identifier Code
module_config.p2p.mdm.identifier.code.desc MDM Identifier Code in use for Unique Member ID. For example: <code>um</code>
module_config.p2p.mdm.identifier.codesystemurl MDM Identifier CodeSystem URL
module_config.p2p.mdm.identifier.codesystemurl.desc MDM Identifier CodeSystem URL in use for Unique Member ID. For example: <code></code>
module_config.p2p.notification.emails Notification Emails
module_config.p2p.notification.emails.desc The administrator will use these emails to receive notifications for new payer registration requests. Comma separated.
module_config.p2p.organization.identifier.codesystemurl Organization Identifier CodeSystem URL
module_config.p2p.organization.identifier.codesystemurl.desc Organization Identifier CodeSystem URL in use for NPI. For example: <code></code>
module_config.package_registry.requires.PACKAGE_CACHE The package storage engine that this endpoint connects to.
module_config.persistence.always_use_offset_searches Always use Offset Searches
module_config.persistence.always_use_offset_searches.desc In this mode, the <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/performance_and_caching.html#the-query-cache">Query Cache</a> is completely disabled, and all searches will be executed synchronously as offset searches. Despite the lack of a query cache, this mode may yield better performance under heavy load because it avoids any database writes being performed as a part of a search. Note: Setting this property to true will prevent pagination from working with the $everything operation
module_config.persistence.batch.stale_job_retention_days Batch job retention days.
module_config.persistence.batch.stale_job_retention_days.desc Jobs will be removed after this many days after they have stopped receiving regular updates. Note that if a step has the 'STARTED' status, it will never be removed.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.access_operations.enabled Binary Access Operations Enabled
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.access_operations.enabled.desc This setting enables the binary access read/write operations. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/binary_data.html#binary-access-operations">Binary Access Operations</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.auto_inflation.enabled Automatically inflate binaries.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.auto_inflation.enabled.desc If set to true, binaries stored in external binary storage will be fetched and populated into the resource body automatically upon resource access. If set to false, resources will show a binary ID with which you can manually fetch the binary.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.auto_inflation.max_bytes Binary inflation maximum size (bytes)
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.auto_inflation.max_bytes.desc At most this many bytes will be fetched from external binary storage per request. If your request contains more binary data than this, anything over this threshold will be returned as a binary ID for later fetching.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.access_key Blob service S3 access key
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.access_key.desc This setting allows you to set a manual access key. This is optional for AWS, as it uses its own credential chain. This setting is required if you are using MinIO.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_account_name Blob service Azure account name
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_account_name.desc This setting allows you to set a manual account name for Azure. This setting is required if you are using Azure blob storage.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_client_id Blob service Azure client / application ID
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_client_id.desc This setting allows to set the identifier that is associated with an application. This is optional and only needed when using Azure Active Directory Token.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_secret_key Blob service Azure access key / client secret (app password) / Account-level SAS token
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_secret_key.desc This setting allows to set a manual Azure access key, client secret or shared Access Signatures (SAS) token. This is a multipurpose property and the value is depended on the types of authentication - access keys, Azure active directory or account-level SAS token. This setting is required if you are using Azure blob storage.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_tenant_id Blob service Azure tenant ID
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.azure_tenant_id.desc This setting allows to set the unique identifier of the Azure Active Directory instance. This is optional and only needed when using Azure Active Directory Token.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.bucket Blob service bucket / container name.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.bucket.desc This setting allows you to control which bucket / container objects are stored in on the blob service provider.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.endpoint_url Endpoint URL for S3-compatible service
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.endpoint_url.desc Overrides the endpoint for an S3-compatible service. This is optional for AWS, but required if you are using MinIO.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.region Blob Service Region
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.region.desc This setting allows you to control which region S3/Minio buckets/objects are stored in.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.secret_key Blob service secret key
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.blob_service.secret_key.desc This setting allows to set a manual S3 secret key. This is optional for AWS, as it uses its own credential chain. This setting is required if you are using MinIO. Filesystem Mode: Base Directory When operating in <code>FILESYSTEM</code> binary storage mode, this setting provides the base path in which to store large binary objects.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.mode Binary Storage Mode
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.mode.desc This setting sets a storage mechanism for large binary objects. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/binary_data.html#externalized-binary-storage">Externalized Binary Storage</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.size.max Maximum Size (bytes)
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.size.max.desc This setting provides the maximum size of a binary object to be stored in binary storage. Binaries larger than this cutoff will be rejected and may not be stored.
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.size.min Minimum Size (bytes)
module_config.persistence.binary_storage.size.min.desc This setting provides the minimum size of a binary object before it is stored in binary storage. Any binaries smaller than this size will still be stored, but may be stored inline within resource bodies as base 64 encoded content.
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.enable_job_reuse Enable Bulk Export batch job reuse
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.enable_job_reuse.desc If this is enabled, the bulk export operation will check whether a batch job already exists with identical parameters, and if so, will reuse that batch job. If disabled, the bulk export operation will always create a new batch job. Defaults to enabled.
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.enabled FHIR Bulk Export Enabled
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.enabled.desc If enabled, this server will support the FHIR Bulk Export protocol. See <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.file_max_capacity Maximum Bulk Export file capacity
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.file_max_capacity.desc If set, provides the maximum number of resources that will be stored in each binary file created by a bulk export. If set to 1000, then up to 1000 resources will be included per NDJSON file in the output. The complete contents of individual files are held in memory while they are being created, so large values may require additional RAM to be available.
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.file_retention_hours Bulk Export file retention (hours)
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.file_retention_hours.desc Files related to a bulk export job will be purged after this many hours from the point at which the job started. If set to 0 or less, the files will never be removed.
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.normalize_terminology.enabled Normalize Terminology on Bulk Export
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.normalize_terminology.enabled.desc If enabled, Smile CDR will attempt to normalize codes in generated bulk export files.
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.restrict_download_to_initiating_user.enabled Restrict Download to Initiating User
module_config.persistence.bulk_export.restrict_download_to_initiating_user.enabled.desc If enabled, generated Bulk Export Binary files will only be readable by the specific user who initiated the export. See <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html#accessing-bulk-export-files">Accessing Bulk Export Files</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.bulk_import.auto_retry.max_count Bulk Import Auto-Retry Maximum Count
module_config.persistence.bulk_import.auto_retry.max_count.desc Any constraint failures in bulk import jobs will be automatically retried up to this number of times.
module_config.persistence.bulk_import.enabled FHIR Bulk Import Enabled
module_config.persistence.bulk_import.enabled.desc If enabled, this server will support the FHIR Bulk Import protocol. See <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_import.html">FHIR Bulk Import</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.callback_script.file FHIR storage Callback Script (File)
module_config.persistence.callback_script.file.desc If set, supplies a callback function that will be executed. This script allows JavaScript-based interceptors to be written and inject logic into the server. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.persistence.callback_script.text FHIR storage Callback Script (Text)
module_config.persistence.callback_script.text.desc If set, supplies a callback function that will be executed. This script allows JavaScript-based interceptors to be written and inject logic into the server. See <a href="/docs/interceptors/examples_fhir_storage.html">Fhir Storage Interceptor Examples</a> for an example.
module_config.persistence.cascading_delete.enabled Cascading Deletes Enabled
module_config.persistence.cascading_delete.enabled.desc Enable this setting to permit cascading deletes across resource references. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html#cascading-deletes">Cascading Deletes</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.consent_service.enabled Consent Service Enabled
module_config.persistence.consent_service.enabled.desc This is a switch to enable or disable the consent service for this module.
module_config.persistence.consent_service.java_types Java Consent Service Types
module_config.persistence.consent_service.java_types.desc If set, provides a whitespace or comma separated list of Java class names to instantiate and use as consent service implementations. See <a href="/docs/security/consent_service_java.html">Consent Service: Java API</a> for more information. Note that if both JavaScript and Java based implementations are provided, the JavaScript implementations will be invoked first.
module_config.persistence.consent_service.script.file Consent Service Script (File)
module_config.persistence.consent_service.script.file.desc If set, supplies a set of callback functions that will be executed for the consent service. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.persistence.consent_service.script.text Consent Service Script (Text)
module_config.persistence.consent_service.script.text.desc If set, supplies a set of callback functions that will be executed for the consent service.
module_config.persistence.custom_resource_types.class_names Custom Resource Classes
module_config.persistence.custom_resource_types.class_names.desc A whitespace or comma separated list of classes to register as <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/custom_resource_types.html">Custom Resource Types</a>.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_contains_searches Allow :contains Searches
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_contains_searches.desc If set to <code>true</code>, clients will be permitted to use the <code>:contains</code> modifier on String searches. This is a potentially slow operation so enable with caution.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_external_references.enabled Allow External References Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_external_references.enabled.desc If enabled, the server will allow resources to have references to external servers. This means (for example) that with this setting enabled, a Patient could be uploaded containing a reference to Organization <code></code>. With this setting disabled, only relative references (e.g. <code>Organization/123</code> or absolute references corresponding to the base URL of the server are allowed.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_inline_match_url_references.enabled Allow Inline Match URL References Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_inline_match_url_references.enabled.desc If enabled, references containing match URLs will be resolved and replaced in <code>create</code> and <code>update</code> operations. For example, if a Patient is created, and the <code>Patient.managingOrganization</code> is set to a value of <code>Organization?identifier=123</code>, the server will resolve this search and replace the search URL with a correct reference before the resource is saved. This search is subjected to the same security or access control checks as other searches.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_multiple_delete.enabled Allow Multiple Delete Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_multiple_delete.enabled.desc If enabled, the server will allow <code>delete</code> operations that match more than one resource. For example, if this is enabled and a <code>delete</code> is issued for <code>Patient?name=smith</code> then multiple <code>Patient</code> resources named &quot;smith&quot; can be deleted. If this setting is disabled, the delete will only be allowed when only one <code>Patient</code> named &quot;smith&quot; exists. Enabling this setting can be convenient but it increases the possibility of accidental bulk deletion.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_storing_all_bundle_types Allow storing all bundle types
module_config.persistence.dao_config.allow_storing_all_bundle_types.desc If enabled, all Bundle types may be stored. By default with this setting disabled, only Bundle types such as <code>document</code>, <code>message</code> and <code>collection</code> are permitted for storage.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.auto_create_placeholder_reference_targets.enabled Auto-Create Placeholder Reference Targets
module_config.persistence.dao_config.auto_create_placeholder_reference_targets.enabled.desc If this setting is enabled and a resource is created with a reference to a non-existing resource (e.g. <code>Patient/FOO</code> if that patient does not exist on the server), the server will automatically create an empty placeholder resource to satisfy this reference. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/creating_data.html#auto-create-placeholder-reference-targets">Auto-Create Placeholder Reference Targets</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.bundle_validation_thread_count Concurrent Bundle Validation Thread Count
module_config.persistence.dao_config.bundle_validation_thread_count.desc This value is only used when <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/fhir_storage_module_validation_svcs.html#dao_config.concurrent_bundle_validation">Concurrent Bundle Validation</a> property is enabled. It specifies the number of threads allocated to validating bundle resources.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.client_id_mode Client ID Mode
module_config.persistence.dao_config.client_id_mode.desc This setting controls whether clients may create resources with IDs assigned by the client, and what types of IDs are acceptable. By default, clients may only supply IDs containing at least one letter. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/resource_ids.html#client-assigned-ids">Client Assigned IDs</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.concurrent_bundle_validation Concurrent Bundle Validation
module_config.persistence.dao_config.concurrent_bundle_validation.desc If this is enabled, bundle resources will be validated in parallel threads. The number of threads is determined by the value of <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/fhir_storage_module_validation_svcs.html#dao_config.bundle_validation_thread_count">Concurrent Bundle Validation Thread Count</a> property. Note that enabling this feature means bundle structure itself is not validated, only the resources within it are validated.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.default_total_mode Default Total Calculation Mode
module_config.persistence.dao_config.default_total_mode.desc This setting may be used to force the calculation of the total number of results when large searches are performed. This setting can have an impact on performance, since calculating the total can mean an extra (potentially expensive) database query.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.delete_child_resource.count Delete Child Resource Count
module_config.persistence.dao_config.delete_child_resource.count.desc This setting determines the maximum number of child resources that should be processed during each pass of a cascading delete. May need to be increased if deleting resources with large numbers of child resources.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.delete_enabled Delete Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.delete_enabled.desc If set to false, deletes will not be supported on this server. This should be disabled if the server does not need to support any resource deletion, as it improves performance by reducing the number of deletion checks performed during write operations.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.delete_expunge_enabled Delete Expunge Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.delete_expunge_enabled.desc If set to true (default is false), both the <code>$delete-expunge</code> operation and the <code>_expunge</code> parameter on the DELETE operation will be enabled on this server. Both of these operations remove all data associated with a resource in a highly performant way, skipping checks that are enforced with usual DELETE operations. The only check that is performed before deleting the resources and their indexes is that no other resources reference the resources about to be deleted. This operation is potentially dangerous since it allows a client to physically delete data in a way that can not be recovered (without resorting to backups). See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html#delete-expunge">Delete Expunge</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_reference_target_types Enforce Reference Target Types
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_reference_target_types.desc If this setting is disabled, references in resources being persisted will not be validated to ensure that the target of the reference is a valid resource type for the field containing the reference. This should generally be left enabled, but can be useful in cases where a nonstandard reference is needed.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_referential_integrity_on_delete.disable_for_paths Disable Deletion Ref Checks for Paths
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_referential_integrity_on_delete.disable_for_paths.desc If referential integrity checking is enabled for deletes, this setting may be used to selectively disable this checking only for specific paths. This setting takes one or more FHIRPath expressions, each one on a new line. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html#referential-integrity">Referential Integrity</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_referential_integrity_on_delete.enabled Enforce Referential Integrity on Delete
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_referential_integrity_on_delete.enabled.desc If disabled, resources may be deleted even if they are referenced by other resources. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/creating_data.html#validating-references-and-referential-integrity">Validating References And Referential Integrity</a> for more information. <strong>Disable with Caution</strong>
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_referential_integrity_on_write.enabled Enforce Referential Integrity on Write
module_config.persistence.dao_config.enforce_referential_integrity_on_write.enabled.desc If disabled, resources may be created or updated even if they contain references to local resources that do not exist. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/creating_data.html#validating-references-and-referential-integrity">Validating References And Referential Integrity</a> for more information. <strong>Disable with Caution</strong>
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expansion.maximum_size Maximum number of codes to expand
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expansion.maximum_size.desc Maximum number of codes that will be added to an in-memory valueset expansion. Values beyond this limit will be silently ignored.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expire_search_results_after_minutes Expire Search Results After Minutes
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expire_search_results_after_minutes.desc The number of minutes that search results for a given client search should be preserved before being purged from the database. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/performance_and_caching.html">Caching Results</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expunge_batch_size Expunge Batch Size
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expunge_batch_size.desc The expunge batch size determines the number of records deleted within a single transaction by the expunge operation.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expunge_operation_enabled Expunge Operation Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expunge_operation_enabled.desc Enabling this setting allows the <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html#expunge">Expunge Operation</a> (<code>$expunge</code>) to be performed by users with appropriate permission. Expunge is a dangerous operation so it is disabled by default.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expunge_thread_count Expunge Thread Count
module_config.persistence.dao_config.expunge_thread_count.desc This setting controls the number of threads allocated to the expunge operation
module_config.persistence.dao_config.fetch_size.default_maximum Fetch Size (Default Maximum)
module_config.persistence.dao_config.fetch_size.default_maximum.desc If set, this value determines the maximum number of results that may be returned by any single database query. Do not set this value unless you wish to truncate search results.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.history_rewrite.enabled History Rewrite
module_config.persistence.dao_config.history_rewrite.enabled.desc Enables editing of historical versions of the resource without creating new versions.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_contained_resources Index Contained Resources
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_contained_resources.desc If enabled, the server will generate appropriate indexes to allow chained searches to descend automatically into contained resources. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/search_parameter_features.html#index-contained">Index Contained Resources</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_contained_resources_recursively Index Contained Resources Recursively
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_contained_resources_recursively.desc If enabled, the server will generate additional indexes to allow chained searches to traverse relations from contained resources to other contained resources within the same parent resource. This has no effect unless <code>Index Contained Resources</code> is also enabled. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/search_parameter_features.html#index-contained">Index Contained Resources</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_storage_optimized Optimize index storage
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_storage_optimized.desc If this is enabled, <code>HFJ_SPIDX_*</code> tables will not store data in the <code>SP_NAME</code>, <code>RES_TYPE</code>, and <code>SP_UPDATED</code> columns.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_uplifted_refchains.enabled Index Uplifted Refchains
module_config.persistence.dao_config.index_uplifted_refchains.enabled.desc If enabled, Search Parameters containined <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/chained_searches_and_sorts.html#uplifted-refchains">Uplifted Refchains</a> will be indexed.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.inline_resource_storage_below_size Inline Resource Storage Below Size (chars)
module_config.persistence.dao_config.inline_resource_storage_below_size.desc If set to a positive number, resource body contents with a length below the given number of characters will be stored inline in the <code>HFJ_RES_VER</code> table. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/resource_storage_mode.html#resource-body-storage">Resource Body Storage</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.internal_synchronous_search_size Internal Synchronous Search Size
module_config.persistence.dao_config.internal_synchronous_search_size.desc The internal synchronous search size determines the maximum size that the DAO will use for internal searches. Increasing this may impact performance. This setting is used during operations such as delete with expunge, and certain CodeSystem searches.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.job_fasttracking_enabled Batch Job Fasttracking Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.job_fasttracking_enabled.desc If enabled, the server will attempt to fast-track small batch jobs that are submitted to the server. This means that if the batch job is small, and the batch job queue is empty, the server will attempt to execute each job step immediately, rather than waiting for the next scheduled execution time (default 1 minute) before advancing the job to the next step. This setting should be disabled in production as it can lead to the batch processor geting overloaded and can lead to jobs getting stuck. It may be useful for testing small batch runs on an idle test server.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.legacy_202105_date_index_mode Legacy Date Index Mode
module_config.persistence.dao_config.legacy_202105_date_index_mode.desc Since Smile CDR 2020.11, the date index tables will not contain null values. Enable this setting if you have existing data stored that has nulls in this table.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.mark_resources_for_reindexing_after_sp_change Mark Resources for Reindexing after SearchParameter change
module_config.persistence.dao_config.mark_resources_for_reindexing_after_sp_change.desc If enabled, the repository will automatically mark any resources which are potentially affected by a SearchParameter for reindexing when any SearchParameter is modified. This is generally desirable on new servers, but can be problematic on servers with a large amount of existing data.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.mass_ingestion_mode Mass Ingestion Mode
module_config.persistence.dao_config.mass_ingestion_mode.desc If this is enabled, the server will be placed in Mass Ingestion Mode. In this mode, the server is tuned specifically for loading of data. This means that caches are increased and certain runtime checks are disabled (only checks that are not useful for purely write-oriented workloads are disabled).
module_config.persistence.dao_config.match_url_cache.enabled Match URL Cache Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.match_url_cache.enabled.desc When this setting is enabled, an in-memory cache stores the resolution results for conditional URLs in REST conditional operations (e.g. conditional create, conditional update, <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/fhir_configuration.html#dao_config.allow_inline_match_url_references.enabled">inline match URLs</a>, etc.). In scenarios where conditional operations are heavily used and the targets will not change (e.g. during back-loading of data) this setting can improve performance by reducing reads during write operations. Note that the cache does not invalidate automatically, so this setting should not be used if conditional URL targets are expected to change.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.max_includes_to_load_per_page Max Includes per Page
module_config.persistence.dao_config.max_includes_to_load_per_page.desc If set, this setting controls the maximum number of <code>_include</code> and <code>_revinclude</code> results that will be added to any individual FHIR search result page.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.maximum_transaction_bundle_size Maximum Transaction Bundle Size
module_config.persistence.dao_config.maximum_transaction_bundle_size.desc Specifies the maximum number of resources permitted within a single transaction bundle. If a transaction bundle is submitted with more than this number of resources, it will be rejected with a PayloadTooLarge exception. If blank, there is no limit.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.only_allow_inmemory_subscriptions Only Allow IN-MEMORY Subscriptions
module_config.persistence.dao_config.only_allow_inmemory_subscriptions.desc If this is enabled, Smile CDR will not allow you to create new Subscriptions unless they can be evaluated IN-MEMORY.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.preserve_request_id_in_resource_body Preserve request ID in resource body.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.preserve_request_id_in_resource_body.desc This setting indicate whether a provided <code>Resource.meta.source</code> request ID should be preserved or overwritten. If disabled (which is the default), any request ID supplied in this field will automatically be replaced with a new request ID. If enabled, request IDs in this field will be preserved when the resource is stored. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/tracing_and_provenance.html#storing-source-information">Storing Source Information</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.preserve_resource_history.enabled Preserve Resource History
module_config.persistence.dao_config.preserve_resource_history.enabled.desc If disabled, when updating an existing resource the server will delete the previous version. <strong>Use this option with caution!</strong> See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/resource_versions_and_versioned_references.html#disabling-resource-history">Disabling Resource History</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.prevent_invalidating_conditional_match_criteria Prevent Conditional Update from Invalidating Match Criteria
module_config.persistence.dao_config.prevent_invalidating_conditional_match_criteria.desc If this is enabled, conditional updates which invalidate the match criteria will be disallowed. For example, with this setting enabled, a conditional update using a conditional URL of <code>Patient?identifier=http://foo|bar</code> would be disallowed if the resource body did not actually contain this identifier which would cause the target resource to no longer match the conditional URL after such an update.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reindex_batch_size Reindex Batch Size
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reindex_batch_size.desc This setting controls the number of resources reindexed in a single transaction.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reindex_enabled Reindex Enabled
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reindex_enabled.desc If set to true (default is true), the $reindex operation will be permitted on this server.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reindex_thread_count Reindex Thread Count
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reindex_thread_count.desc This setting controls the number of threads allocated to resource reindexing (which is only ever used if SearchParameters change, or a manual reindex is triggered due to a Smile CDR upgrade or some other reason).
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reuse_cached_results_timeout_millis Reuse Cached Results Timeout (Millis)
module_config.persistence.dao_config.reuse_cached_results_timeout_millis.desc If set, any searches repeated during this period for the exact same criteria will reuse the same search results instead of performing a new search. Set this value to <code>0</code> to disable the query cache entirely or set to a positive number of milliseconds to specify a specific timeout. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/performance_and_caching.html#the-query-cache" target="_blank">The Query Cache</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.server_id_mode Server ID Mode
module_config.persistence.dao_config.server_id_mode.desc This setting controls how IDs are generated by the server for newly created resources. By default, each newly created resource will receive a sequential numeric ID but this behaviour can be changed. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/resource_ids.html#server-assigned-ids">Server Assigned IDs</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.store_source_information Store Meta.source information
module_config.persistence.dao_config.store_source_information.desc If enabled, values from Resource.meta.source will be stored and indexed. This may be disabled in order to save space and improve write efficiency.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.tag_storage_mode Tag Storage Mode
module_config.persistence.dao_config.tag_storage_mode.desc This setting controls how tags/profiles/security labels are stored and indexed. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/tags_profiles_and_labels.html">Tags, Profiles and Security Labels</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.use_ordinal_dates_for_day_precision_searches Use ordinal date values for day precision searches.
module_config.persistence.dao_config.use_ordinal_dates_for_day_precision_searches.desc If enabled, causes date search params with DAY precision to rely on the ordinal versions of the dates.
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.default_query_timeout_seconds Default Query Timeout (Seconds)
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.default_query_timeout_seconds.desc This setting is the maximum number of seconds that a query may run before being automatically aborted by the database. This setting is a failsafe to prevent overly taxing searches from dominating the database.
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.log_abandoned Log Abandoned
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.log_abandoned.desc Log stack traces for abandoned database connections (default false)
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxidle Max Idle Connections
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxidle.desc The maximum number of idle connections to keep in the database connection pool at any given time.
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxlifetime.millis Connection Max Lifetime (millis)
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxlifetime.millis.desc If set, provides the maximum total number of milliseconds that a connection is allowed to live. Any connections that are open for longer will be closed instead of being reused. Note that this setting applies only to idle connections in the pool, it does not affect active database operations even if the timeout is exceeded. Minimum recommended value: 120000
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxtotal Max Total Connections
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxtotal.desc The maximum total number of connections to allow the database connection pool to hold at any given time. Set this value carefully as it may negatively impact database performance when set too low or too high.
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxwait_seconds Max Wait (Seconds)
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.maxwait_seconds.desc The maximum number of seconds that a request should wait for a database connection before timing out and aborting.
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.minidle Min Idle Connections
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.minidle.desc The minimum number of idle connections to keep in the database connection pool at any given time.
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.pool_prepared_statements Pool Prepared Statements
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.pool_prepared_statements.desc If enabled, prepared statements will be pooled by the connection pool. Note that when using schema-based multitenancy, Smile CDR may choose to ignore this setting.
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.remove_abandoned_on_borrow Remove Abandoned on Borrow
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.remove_abandoned_on_borrow.desc Remove abandoned connections when they are borrowed from the pool (default false)
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.remove_abandoned_timeout_seconds Remove Abandoned Timeout Seconds
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.remove_abandoned_timeout_seconds.desc Sets the timeout in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed (default 300)
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.test_on_return Test Connections on Return
module_config.persistence.db.connectionpool.test_on_return.desc If enabled, connections will be tested for validity when they are being returned to the pool. This adds a small amount of additional overhead, but can be helpful in order to speed up recovery from network and database issues.
module_config.persistence.db.expect_writable Expect database to be writable
module_config.persistence.db.expect_writable.desc Fail health-check if the database is read-only.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.aws_region Elasticsearch/OpenSearch AWS Region.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.aws_region.desc The AWS Region if using AWS-managed Elasticsearch/OpenSearch. If this is set, authentication will be attempted via the DefaultCredentialsProviderChain using the AWS SDK. However, you can force static credentials of Access Key and Secret Key by putting them into the username and password fields, respectively.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.index_prefix Elasticsearch Index Prefix
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.index_prefix.desc If set, all indexes created by elasticsearch will be prefixed with the provided value, followed by a hyphen."
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.password ElasticSearch Password
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.password.desc The password to use for connections to the ElasticSearch cluster.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.protocol ElasticSearch URL protocol. Either http or https
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.protocol.desc Whether the server to be connected to uses http or https.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.url ElasticSearch Host URLs.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.url.desc A comma-delimited list of the connection URLs to use for connections to the ElasticSearch cluster.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.username ElasticSearch Username
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.elasticsearch.username.desc The username to use for connections to the ElasticSearch cluster.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.index.fulltext_content Enable FullText Content Index
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.index.fulltext_content.desc Should the system index FullText Content on the resources stored in the repository. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/lucene.html#indexes">Indexes</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.index.search_params Enable Indexing of Search Parameters (experimental)
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.index.search_params.desc Enables the indexing of token, string, and other search parameters in the Lucene Index. Reindexing could be required. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/lucene.html#indexes">Indexes</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.index.store_resources Store resource bodies in Lucene (experimental)
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.index.store_resources.desc Enables storing all data needed to load a resource in the Lucene Index. Reindexing could be required. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/lucene.html#indexes">Indexes</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.mode Lucene Indexing Provider
module_config.persistence.db.hibernate_search.mode.desc Specifies which provider will be used. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/lucene.html#lucene-providers">Lucene Providers</a> for information on the available options.
module_config.persistence.db.sql_parameter_bind_mode SQL Parameter Bind Mode
module_config.persistence.db.sql_parameter_bind_mode.desc Specifies whether parameters in SQL statements should be inlined or bound to parameters.
module_config.persistence.db_auth_using_iam Use IAM Authentication
module_config.persistence.db_auth_using_iam.desc If enabled, database connections will be authenticated using AWS IAM credentials. See <a href="/docs/database_administration/iam_auth.html">IAM Authentication</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.db_driver Database Type
module_config.persistence.db_driver.desc The database platform being used.
module_config.persistence.db_driver.extended The database platform being used. Smile CDR supports several relational database platforms for persistence so this setting selects the dialect that is specific to the platform being used.<br/><br/>For example, if you are using Postgres 9.4, select the <code>POSTGRES_9_4</code> dialect.
module_config.persistence.db_password Database Password
module_config.persistence.db_password.desc Password for the database.
module_config.persistence.db_schema_update_mode Database Update Mode
module_config.persistence.db_schema_update_mode.desc Controls whether Smile CDR should attempt to update the FHIR storage database schema on startup. If the database schema is out of date, Smile CDR automatically runs migration on the FHIR storage schema at startup if the value is "UPDATE" If the value is "NONE", then Smile CDR will abort starting the FHIR storage module if its schema is out of date. When set to "NONE", you should use the "smileutil migrate" command to upgrade the database manually.
module_config.persistence.db_secrets_manager DB Secrets Manager
module_config.persistence.db_secrets_manager.desc The configured DB connection Secrets Manager provider.
module_config.persistence.db_url Database Connection URL
module_config.persistence.db_url.desc JDBC Connection URL for the database.
module_config.persistence.db_url.extended JDBC Connection URL for the database.<br/><br/>The following examples show JDBC URLs for a few different database platforms:<ul><li><b>Derby Filesystem</b>: <code>jdbc:derby:directory:target/testDatabase;create=true</code></li><li><b>Postgresql</b>: <code>jdbc:postgresql://localhost/cdr</code></li><li><b>MariaDB</b>: <code>jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/cdr</code></li></ul>
module_config.persistence.db_username Database Username
module_config.persistence.db_username.desc Username for the database.
module_config.persistence.filter_search.enabled Filter Search Parameter Enabled
module_config.persistence.filter_search.enabled.desc This setting enables the <code>_filter</code> search parameter. Filter is a standard FHIR search parameter that can be used to narrow down the scope of a search.
module_config.persistence.fulltext_delay_seconds FullText Index Delay (Secs)
module_config.persistence.fulltext_delay_seconds.desc Specify how long to wait after a resource is updated before beginning a fulltext index pass across the cluster. This setting is necessary in order to prevent errors caused by clock skew between nodes in the cluster.
module_config.persistence.fulltext_index_pass_size FullText Indexing Pass Size
module_config.persistence.fulltext_index_pass_size.desc The number of resources to index in a single fulltext indexing pass.
module_config.persistence.graphql.enabled GraphQL Enabled
module_config.persistence.graphql.enabled.desc If enabled, endpoints configured against this storage module will support GraphQL Queries.
module_config.persistence.hibernate_search_directory Lucene Index Directory
module_config.persistence.hibernate_search_directory.desc This is the local directory where Lucene will put its index files when operating in <code>LUCENE_DISK</code> mode. This can be an absolute path, or a relative path (treated as relative to the base of the Smile CDR installation).
module_config.persistence.identifier_of_type.enabled Index Identifier.type (:of-type modifier) Enabled
module_config.persistence.identifier_of_type.enabled.desc This setting enabled the token search parameter modifier <code>:of-type</code>. This is most commonly used to search for identifiers with a given type (as opposed to a given system). Enabling this will consume a small additional amount of index space, so it should only be enabled if it will be used.
module_config.persistence.ig_support.ips.enabled International Patient Summary (IPS) Enabled
module_config.persistence.ig_support.ips.enabled.desc If enabled, the <code>$summary</code> operation will be enabled in order to support generation of an International Patient Summary (IPS) document. See <a href="/docs/ig_support/ips.html">IPS</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.ig_support.ips.generation_strategy_class IPS Generation Strategy Class Name
module_config.persistence.ig_support.ips.generation_strategy_class.desc Specifies the java class name for the IPS Generation Strategy object to instantiate and use.
module_config.persistence.indexing.index_missing_search_params Index Missing Search Params
module_config.persistence.indexing.index_missing_search_params.desc If disabled, the FHIR endpoint will not support <code>:missing</code> modifiers on searches. Disabling this feature causes fewer index rows to be generated in the database when persisting resources. Note that enabling this feature can negatively impact write performance, particularly on systems with a large number of search parameters enabled.
module_config.persistence.javascript_repository_validation.script.file Repository Validation Javascript (File)
module_config.persistence.javascript_repository_validation.script.file.desc Provides the script used to build rules for Repository Validation. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/repository_validation_javascript.html">Repository Validation: Javascript</a> for more information on this feature.
module_config.persistence.javascript_repository_validation.script.text Repository Validation Javascript (Text)
module_config.persistence.javascript_repository_validation.script.text.desc Provides the script used to build rules for Repository Validation. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/repository_validation_javascript.html">Repository Validation: Javascript</a> for more information on this feature.
module_config.persistence.language_search_parameter.enabled Language Search Parameter Enabled
module_config.persistence.language_search_parameter.enabled.desc This setting enables indexing and use of the <code>_language</code> special search parameter, which indexes the <code>Resource.language</code> element in all resources.
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.enabled LiveBundle Enabled
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.enabled.desc Enable LiveBundle rule-based reference caching. Experimental new feature under development.
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.script.file LiveBundle Rule Definition Script (File)
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.script.file.desc If set, supplies the absolute filepath of a file containing a set of LiveBundle rules used by the LiveBundle service. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.script.text LiveBundle Rule Definition Script (Text)
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.script.text.desc If set, supplies a set of LiveBundle rules used by the LiveBundle service.
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.threadcount LiveBundle Thread Count
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.threadcount.desc Parallelism of resource inflation for large bundles. Experimental new feature under development.
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.watchlist_cache.enabled LiveBundle Watchlist Cache Enabled
module_config.persistence.livebundle_service.watchlist_cache.enabled.desc Cache Watchlist subscriptions in memory--improves performance of the LiveBundle interceptor. However, if a new resource arrives for a watchlist subscriber within 1 minute of that subscriber being added to the watchlist, that resource may be missed from that subscriber's bundle.
module_config.persistence.lucene.enabled Lucene Indexing Enabled
module_config.persistence.lucene.enabled.desc If enabled, Lucene will be used for indexing (default is disabled). Lucene can be used to provide fulltext searching, and enhances the capabilities of the Smile CDR Terminology Services.
module_config.persistence.mdm.enabled MDM Mode Enabled (Experimental)
module_config.persistence.mdm.enabled.desc If enabled, this storage module will operate in <a href="/docs/mdm/mdm.html">MDM Mode</a>.
module_config.persistence.mdm.search_expansion.enabled Search Expanding Interceptor Enabled (Experimental)
module_config.persistence.mdm.search_expansion.enabled.desc If enabled, use of the <code>:mdm</code> reference search parameter qualifier will be supported on this server. If enabled, use of the <code>_mdm=true</code> query parameter for the Patient/$everything operation will also be supported on this server.
module_config.persistence.megascale.enabled MegaScale Enabled
module_config.persistence.megascale.enabled.desc This setting enables <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/megascale.html">MegaScale</a> mode. Use with caution, and do not modify this setting on a populated repository.
module_config.persistence.nickname_file Custom names file
module_config.persistence.nickname_file.desc A path to a csv file that specifies, per row, comma separated names that are similar or alike for matching algorithms. Values should be prefaced with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>
module_config.persistence.non-resource-db-history.enabled Keep history for MDM links and other non-FHIR-resource DB history.
module_config.persistence.non-resource-db-history.enabled.desc If enabled, DB history will be activated for eligible non-resource tables, such as MdmLink.
module_config.persistence.normalized_quantity_search_level_mode Normalized Unit Searching
module_config.persistence.normalized_quantity_search_level_mode.desc Specifies how Quantity searches support value normalization when using valid <a href="">UCUM coded values</a>.
module_config.persistence.package_registry.load_specs_asynchronously Load Pre-Seed Installation Spec Files Asynchronously
module_config.persistence.package_registry.load_specs_asynchronously.desc When enabled, Pre-Seed Installation Spec Files will be loaded asynchronously. This can be useful if you have a large number of pre-seed files, and you want to avoid blocking the startup of the FHIR Storage module.
module_config.persistence.package_registry.resource_status_validation_filter.enabled Enable Validation of Resource Status for Package Installation
module_config.persistence.package_registry.resource_status_validation_filter.enabled.desc Resources can be filtered based on their status for package installation. See <a href="/docs/installation/pre_seeding.html#install-filter">Filter Resources during Installation</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.package_registry.startup_installation_specs Package Pre-Seed Installation Spec Files
module_config.persistence.package_registry.startup_installation_specs.desc This FHIR Storage setting takes a whitespace separated list of paths to Package Installation Specification files to be loaded at startup. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/packages_and_igs.html#pre-seed">Package Pre-Seed Installation</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.page_size.default Page Size (Default)
module_config.persistence.page_size.default.desc This value sets the default page size for <code>Bundle</code> results of search and history operations.
module_config.persistence.page_size.maximum Page Size (Maximum)
module_config.persistence.page_size.maximum.desc This value sets the maximum page size for <code>Bundle</code> results of search and history operations. Client requests for values larger than this will be automatically overridden by the server to use this value.
module_config.persistence.partitioning.block_patient_compartment_update_mode Block resource updates changing Patient compartment
module_config.persistence.partitioning.block_patient_compartment_update_mode.desc Specifies if resource updates which change the resource's Patient Compartment should be blocked. The default value is to block when <code>Partition Selection Mode</code> is <code>PATIENT_ID</code>.
module_config.persistence.partitioning.conditional_create_duplicate_identifiers.enabled Allow conditional creates with duplicate resource identifiers across partitions
module_config.persistence.partitioning.conditional_create_duplicate_identifiers.enabled.desc Specifies if conditional creates with duplicate resource identifiers across partitions should be allowed
module_config.persistence.partitioning.cross_partition_reference_mode Cross-Partition Reference Mode
module_config.persistence.partitioning.cross_partition_reference_mode.desc If enabled, references between resources in different partitions are allowed under certain circumstances. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/partitioning.html#cross-partition-references">Cross-Partition References</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.partitioning.default_partition_id Default Partition ID
module_config.persistence.partitioning.default_partition_id.desc If set, specifies an integer value to place in the <code>PARTITION_ID</code> column for resources in the default partition. If left blank (the default) the <code>null</code> value will be used.
module_config.persistence.partitioning.enabled Partitioning Enabled
module_config.persistence.partitioning.enabled.desc Enable data partitioning: If this is not enabled, all other settings in this category are ignored. FHIR Storage Partitioning can be used to logically segregate data into distinct logical pools. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/partitioning.html">Partitioning</a> for more information on this feature.
module_config.persistence.partitioning.naming_mode Partition Naming Mode
module_config.persistence.partitioning.naming_mode.desc This setting controls whether partitions are numbered and named (and must be declared in advance) or are only numbered (and do not need to be declared in advance).
module_config.persistence.partitioning.partition_selection_mode Partition Selection Mode
module_config.persistence.partitioning.partition_selection_mode.desc Determines whether the request partition selection is determined from the incoming request in the FHIR Endpoint module
module_config.persistence.partitioning.seed.file Partition Seed File
module_config.persistence.partitioning.seed.file.desc This setting can be used to supply a set of partition definitions to seed when the server first starts up. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/partitioning.html#seeding">Seeding Partitions</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.partitioning_security.enabled Partitioning Security Enabled
module_config.persistence.partitioning_security.enabled.desc Restrict access to resources based on partitioning permissions of the user (default true)
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.capture.raw_sql Capture Raw SQL or Equivalent
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.capture.raw_sql.desc If this is enabled, the raw SQL commands issued to the database will be captured. In the case of non-SQL storage modules (e.g. MongoDB) the raw queries will be captured instead. Note that this can have a measurable impact on performance so this should be enabled only to troubleshoot specific issues.
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.capture.trigger Trigger
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.capture.trigger.desc Adjust this setting to determine which transactions are traced.
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.enabled Performance Tracing Enabled
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.enabled.desc Enable this setting in order to enable detailed performance tracing. Note that this feature has an impact on performance itself, so it should be enabled with caution on production systems. The other settings in this category will have no effect if this is not enabled. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/tracing_and_provenance.html#performance-tracing">Performance Tracing</a> for more information. If this setting is disabled, all other performance tracing settings <strong>will be ignored</strong>.
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.output.response_headers Output to Response Headers
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.output.response_headers.desc Should performance tracing logs be appended to the HTTP response headers?
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.output.system_log Output to System Log
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.output.system_log.desc Should performance tracing logs be appended to the <a href="/docs/logging/system_logging.html">System Logs</a>?
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.output.transaction_log Output to Transaction Log
module_config.persistence.performance_tracing.output.transaction_log.desc Should performance tracing messages be appended to the <a href="/docs/logging/transaction_log.html">Transaction Log</a>?
module_config.persistence.read_only_mode.enabled Read Only Mode Enabled
module_config.persistence.read_only_mode.enabled.desc In this mode, the server will disable the job scheduler entirely, allowing the module to start even if it is connected to a read-only database. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/fhir_storage_relational_module.html#read-only-nodes">Read-Only Nodes</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.realtime_export.pointcut.enabled Pointcut-based Realtime Export Mode Enabled
module_config.persistence.realtime_export.pointcut.enabled.desc If enabled, this storage module will operate in <a href="/docs/realtime_export/realtime_export_overview.html">Realtime Export Mode</a>.
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.base_url Remote Terminology Service: Base URL
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.base_url.desc The Base URL for the FHIR server containing terminology services to use for validation.
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.base_url_password Terminology Basic Auth Password
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.base_url_password.desc Password used for the basic auth of the Remote Terminology Service
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.base_url_username Terminology Basic Auth Username
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.base_url_username.desc Username used for the basic auth of the Remote Terminology Service
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.enabled Remote Terminology Service: Enabled
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.enabled.desc If enabled, a FHIR REST-based terminology service will be used for validation. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/remote_terminology_services.html">Remote Terminology Services</a> for more information on this feature.
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.log_http_calls Remote Terminology Service: Log HTTP Calls
module_config.persistence.remote_term_svc.log_http_calls.desc If enabled, debugging HTTP logs for outbound terminology service calls will be added to smile.log. Note that this logging is very verbose and should only be used for troubleshooting.
module_config.persistence.request_validating.bean_types Request Validating Bean Types
module_config.persistence.request_validating.bean_types.desc A comma-separated list of subclasses of IValidationSupport to be added to the validation support chain.
module_config.persistence.resource_types.supported.whitelist Resource Types (whitelist)
module_config.persistence.resource_types.supported.whitelist.desc This property may be used to specify a comma-separated list of FHIR Resource types to be supported by this persistence module (e.g. <code>Patient,Encounter,Practitioner</code>). This configuration is required for MongoDB but optional for RDBMS implementations. For RDBMS implementations, leaving this configuration as null is the same as listing all resources supported by Smile CDR. Setting this parameter will constrain the resource types included in the capability statement for any endpoint pointing to this persistence module. As well, FHIR REST requests on the endpoint will be restricted to the resource types listed here. Note though that this parameter does not affect Bundle requests nor non-REST ingestion operations (e.g. ETL import).
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.async_persisted_resource_processing.processing_interval Resource Submission Interval (Millis)
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.async_persisted_resource_processing.processing_interval.desc The number of milliseconds between submissions to the processing pipeline for resources modified by an operation.
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.batch_job_max_threads Batch Job Executor: Maximum Thread Count
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.batch_job_max_threads.desc This setting specifies the maximum number of threads on each Smile CDR process in the same node that will be dedicated to executing batch jobs. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/batch_and_scheduled_jobs.html#batch-job-performance">Optimizing Batch Job Performance</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.bulk_export.enabled Bulk Export Task Enabled
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.bulk_export.enabled.desc If this is enabled, Bulk Export tasks will be executed by this node. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/fhir_storage_relational_module.html#scheduled_tasks">Scheduled Tasks</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.bulk_import.enabled Bulk Import Task Enabled
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.bulk_import.enabled.desc If this is enabled, Bulk Import tasks will be executed by this node. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/fhir_storage_relational_module.html#scheduled_tasks">Scheduled Tasks</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.delete_stale_searches.enabled Delete Stale Searches Task Enabled
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.delete_stale_searches.enabled.desc If this is enabled, stale/expired searches in the query cache tables of the database will be executed by this node. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/fhir_storage_relational_module.html#scheduled_tasks">Scheduled Tasks</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.pre_expand_valuesets.enabled Pre-Expand ValueSets Task Enabled
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.pre_expand_valuesets.enabled.desc If this is enabled, ValueSet pre-expansions will be executed by this node. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/fhir_storage_relational_module.html#scheduled_tasks">Scheduled Tasks</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.resource_reindexing.enabled Resource Reindexing Task Enabled
module_config.persistence.scheduled_tasks.resource_reindexing.enabled.desc If this is enabled, Resource Reindexing tasks will be executed by this node. See <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/fhir_storage_relational_module.html#scheduled_tasks">Scheduled Tasks</a> for more information. Nickname enabled Search for matching nicknames using <code>name:nickname</code> or <code>given:nickname</code> e.g. <code>Patient?given:nickname=Robert</code> will match a Patient with first name &quot;Bob&quot;. Phonetic Encoder The encoder used for predefined FHIR Search Parameters named "phonetic" (e.g. the one on Patient). See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/search_parameter_phonetic.html">Phonetic Search Parameters</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.search_parameter_seeding.disable_patterns Disable Patterns
module_config.persistence.search_parameter_seeding.disable_patterns.desc Any patterns entered here will be automatically disabled, unless overridden by an enable pattern. The format is <code>[ResourceName]:[ParameterName]</code> or <code>[ResourceName]:*</code>, e.g. <code>Patient:identifier</code>. One pattern per line. Note that only built-in/default FHIR Search Parameters (by canonical URI) will be disabled, and any custom Search Parameters are not affected.
module_config.persistence.search_parameter_seeding.enable_patterns Enable Patterns
module_config.persistence.search_parameter_seeding.enable_patterns.desc Any patterns entered here will be automatically enabled, overriding any disable patterns. The format is <code>[ResourceName]:[ParameterName]</code> or <code>[ResourceName]:*</code>, e.g. <code>Patient:identifier</code>. One pattern per line.
module_config.persistence.search_parameter_seeding.support_default_search_parameters Support Default SearchParameters
module_config.persistence.search_parameter_seeding.support_default_search_parameters.desc If enabled, the server will automatically implement and support the built in Search Parameters provided by HAPI FHIR. This is disabled by default in order to improve performance (especially write performance). Infinispan Cache Name The name of the Infinispan Cache
module_config.persistence.searchcache.infinispan.protocol_version Infinispan Hot Rod Protocol Version
module_config.persistence.searchcache.infinispan.protocol_version.desc The Hot Rod Protocol Version required by your Infinispan server. Note that you will need to include an appropriate driver client JAR in the customerlib directory of your installation.
module_config.persistence.searchcache.infinispan.servers Infinispan Servers
module_config.persistence.searchcache.infinispan.servers.desc A list of semicolon separated infinispan URLS. E.g. "localhost:11223;localhost:11224"
module_config.persistence.searchcache.type Search Cache Storage
module_config.persistence.searchcache.type.desc The default DATABASE maintains the fhir search result cache in the DATABASE. INFINISPAN stores the search results in an infinispan instance.
module_config.persistence.seed.base_validation_resources Seed Base Validation Resources
module_config.persistence.seed.base_validation_resources.desc If enabled, validation resources such as StructureDefinitions, ValueSets, and CodeSystems will be automatically seeded into the repository on startup. This can help to speed up validation and allows clients to browse these resources.
module_config.persistence.stale_search_cleanup.interval.seconds Stale Search Cleanup Interval (seconds)
module_config.persistence.stale_search_cleanup.interval.seconds.desc This setting specifies the frequency in seconds for the polling and deletion of stale searches in the <a href="/docs/fhir_storage_relational/performance_and_caching.html#the-query-cache">query cache</a>.
module_config.persistence.subscription.consumers_per_delivery_queue Consumers Per Delivery Queue
module_config.persistence.subscription.consumers_per_delivery_queue.desc The number of listener threads created per subscription. These threads deliver subscription matches to subscription endpoints.
module_config.persistence.subscription.consumers_per_matching_queue Matching Queue Consumers
module_config.persistence.subscription.consumers_per_matching_queue.desc The number of listener threads that match new resources against active subscriptions.
module_config.persistence.subscription.cross_partition.enabled Cross-Partition Subscription Enabled
module_config.persistence.subscription.cross_partition.enabled.desc Requires a Subscription Matching module. If enabled, the server will allow a subscription in the default partition to work across all partitions. See <a href="/docs/subscription/introduction.html" target="_blank">Subscription</a> documentation for more information. Email Subscription Enabled Requires a Subscription Matching module. If enabled, the server will activate FHIR Subscriptions with the <strong>Email</strong> channel delivery type. See <a href="/docs/subscription/introduction.html" target="_blank">Subscription</a> documentation for more information.
module_config.persistence.subscription.message.enabled Message Subscription Enabled
module_config.persistence.subscription.message.enabled.desc Requires a Subscription Matching module. If enabled, the server will activate FHIR Subscriptions with the <strong>Message</strong> channel delivery type. See <a href="/docs/subscription/introduction.html" target="_blank">Subscription</a> documentation for more information.
module_config.persistence.subscription.qualify_subscription_matching_channel_name Qualify subscription matching channel name
module_config.persistence.subscription.qualify_subscription_matching_channel_name.desc If disabled, the name of the subscription matching channel will not be suffixed with the node and module id.
module_config.persistence.subscription.rest_hook.enabled REST Hook Subscription Enabled
module_config.persistence.subscription.rest_hook.enabled.desc Requires a Subscription Matching module. If enabled, the server will activate FHIR Subscriptions with the <strong>REST Hook</strong> channel delivery type. See <a href="/docs/subscription/introduction.html" target="_blank">Subscription</a> documentation for more information.
module_config.persistence.subscription.trigger_on_non_versioning_changes Trigger Subscriptions on Non-Versioning Changes
module_config.persistence.subscription.trigger_on_non_versioning_changes.desc If enabled, resource changes that do not trigger a new version (e.g. <code>$meta-add</code>) can still result in subscription triggering. If disabled, these changes will not result in any subscription processing.
module_config.persistence.subscription.websocket.enabled Websocket Subscription Enabled
module_config.persistence.subscription.websocket.enabled.desc Requires a Subscription Matching module. If enabled, the server will activate FHIR Subscriptions with the <strong>Websocket</strong> channel delivery type. See <a href="/docs/subscription/introduction.html" target="_blank">Subscription</a> documentation for more information.
module_config.persistence.suppress_scheduled_maintenance_jobs Suppress Scheduled Maintenance Jobs
module_config.persistence.suppress_scheduled_maintenance_jobs.desc If this is enabled, no clustered scheduled tasks will be invoked by this module. This setting is only useful in cases where multiple FHIR Storage modules are pointed at the same database, in order to ensure that only one of them performs clustered scheduled jobs.
module_config.persistence.suppress_string_indexing_in_tokens Suppress String Indexing In Tokens
module_config.persistence.suppress_string_indexing_in_tokens.desc This setting globally disables the indexing of the <code>:text</code> modifier for token search parameters. Disabling this setting can free up a lot of index space on some systems. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/search_parameter_features.html#text-modifier">Index Text on Tokens</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.validator.accept_all_codings_only Accept All Codings Only
module_config.persistence.validator.accept_all_codings_only.desc This setting enables the custom AND logic for multiple Coding validation, as opposed to the logical OR logic that is enabled by default. All codings must validate as OK as opposed to just a single one if this is enabled.
module_config.persistence.validator.display_mismatch_policy Code Display Mismatch Policy
module_config.persistence.validator.display_mismatch_policy.desc This setting determines how the validator should behave if the display name for a Coding being validated does not agree with the expected display name from the CodeSystem. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/validation_support_repository_options.html#code_display_mismatch_policy">Code Display Mismatch Policy</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.validator.local_reference_policy Local Reference Policy
module_config.persistence.validator.local_reference_policy.desc This property controls whether the validator should attempt to dereference/load resource references from the resource being validated to ensure that they exist, and are valid for the given reference. This type of validation is more thorough but also increases the time that an individual resource validation will take. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/validation_support_repository_options.html#reference_validation">Validating References</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.validator.skip.contained.reference Skip Contained Resource Validation
module_config.persistence.validator.skip.contained.reference.desc This setting disables the validation of contained resources.
module_config.persistence.validator.suppress_validation_message_patterns Suppress Validation Message Patterns
module_config.persistence.validator.suppress_validation_message_patterns.desc This option can be used to specify regex patterns (one per line) for suppressing validation messages. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/suppressing_messages.html">Suppressing Validation Messages</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.validator.unknown_codesystem_validation_policy Unknown CodeSystem Validation Policy
module_config.persistence.validator.unknown_codesystem_validation_policy.desc This setting controls how the validator will behave when a Coding contains a CodeSystem reference (Coding.system) that can not be resolved. See <a href="/docs/validation_and_conformance/validation_support_repository_options.html#unknown_codesystem_policy">Handling Missing CodeSystems</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.allow_all Allow Versioned References at All Paths
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.allow_all.desc Enables versioned references for all references in all resources. This setting does not force references to be versioned, but does prevent Smile CDR from filtering versions off of references that are supplied by clients. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/resource_versions_and_versioned_references.html#allow-versioned-references">Allow Versioned References</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.allow_at_paths Allow Versioned References at Paths
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.allow_at_paths.desc Enables versioned references at one or more whitespace-separated resource paths. This setting does not force references to be versioned, but does prevent Smile CDR from filtering versions off of references that are supplied by clients. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/resource_versions_and_versioned_references.html#allow-versioned-references">Allow Versioned References</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.auto_at_paths Automatically Version References at Paths
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.auto_at_paths.desc Causes Smile CDR to modify any resource references at the given paths to add the current version of the target resource if no version is supplied. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/resource_versions_and_versioned_references.html#auto-versioned-references">Automatically Version References</a> for more information.
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.respect_for_search_includes Respect Versioned References for _include
module_config.persistence.versioned_references.respect_for_search_includes.desc If enabled, Smile CDR will attempt to respect any versioned references when performing a search that uses the FHIR <code>_include</code> feature.
module_config.persistence.write_semaphore_mode.enabled Write-Semaphore Mode: Enabled
module_config.persistence.write_semaphore_mode.enabled.desc When enabled, the system will attempt to prevent multiple FHIR transactions from writing to the same resource at the same time by using a local semaphore. This can improve performance when loading data in a highly concurrent environment if it is not possible to avoid concurrent writes to the same resources. When enabling this setting, it is a good idea to compare performance before and after enabling.
module_config.persistence.write_semaphore_mode.log_waits Write-Semaphore Mode: Log Waits
module_config.persistence.write_semaphore_mode.log_waits.desc When operating in Write-Semaphore mode, write a log message any time a writing thread blocks waiting for a semaphore. This can be useful when trying to diagnose where contention exists in loading processes.
module_config.prior_auth_crd.cds_hook CDS Hook
module_config.prior_auth_crd.cds_hook.desc The CDS Service JSON including prefetch keys required for the above plan definition. The service id provided will be ignored.
module_config.prior_auth_crd.coverage_identifier_system Coverage identifier system
module_config.prior_auth_crd.coverage_identifier_system.desc The system to match the provider Coverage resource with the payer Coverage resource
module_config.prior_auth_crd.dtr_app_url DTR application URL
module_config.prior_auth_crd.dtr_app_url.desc URL for DTR application
module_config.prior_auth_crd.payer_source_label Payer source label
module_config.prior_auth_crd.payer_source_label.desc The name of the Payer as displayed in the CDS Hook response card
module_config.prior_auth_crd.payer_source_url Payer source URL
module_config.prior_auth_crd.payer_source_url.desc The URL of the Payer as returned in the CDS Hook response card
module_config.prior_auth_crd.plan_definition_id Plan Definition ID
module_config.prior_auth_crd.plan_definition_id.desc The plan definition to invoke when this hook is called
module_config.prior_auth_crd.provider_identifier_system Practitioner identifier system
module_config.prior_auth_crd.provider_identifier_system.desc The system to match the provider Practitioner resource with the payer Practitioner resource
module_config.prior_auth_dtr.enable_questionnaire_package Enable $questionnaire-package
module_config.prior_auth_dtr.enable_questionnaire_package.desc Enable the $questionnaire-package operation.
module_config.prior_auth_pas.identifier_code_system Prior Authorization Support identifier code system
module_config.prior_auth_pas.identifier_code_system.desc The system to match the prior authorization support resource
module_config.prior_auth_pas.payer_organization_reference Payer Organization Reference
module_config.prior_auth_pas.payer_organization_reference.desc The reference to the stored organization that represents the payer
module_config.qpp.submission_method CMS Quality Payment Program Submission Method
module_config.qpp.submission_method.desc CMS Quality Payment Program Submission Method indicates how qpp submissions will be posted to CMS qpp server, available options are 'registry' or 'electronicHealthRecord' Concurrent Consumers The concurrent number of consumers reading messages from the channel. Note that setting this higher than 1 can result in more out-of-order errors. Concurrent Retry Consumers The concurrent number of consumers on the retry channel Import Channel Name If using a <code>CHANNEL</code> source, this is the name of the channel it is publishing to. If you are using <code>POINTCUT</code> as a source, this can be left blank. Channel Name Prefix If using <code>POINTCUT</code> source, this is the prefix that will be added to the channel name <code>realtime.export</code>. If you have only a single realtime export module, you can omit this.
module_config.realtime_export.script.file Realtime Export Script (File)
module_config.realtime_export.script.file.desc If set defines a set of rules to transform resources into exported rows in an external database.
module_config.realtime_export.script.text Realtime Export Script (Text)
module_config.realtime_export.script.text.desc If set defines a set of rules to transform resources into exported rows in an external database.
module_config.realtime_export.source.type Published Data source
module_config.realtime_export.source.type.desc Whether the data source is from Debezium (<code>CHANNEL</code>), or from a pointcut-based solution (<code>POINTCUT</code>).
module_config.realtime_export.transaction_boundary.enabled Transaction-Based Processing
module_config.realtime_export.transaction_boundary.enabled.desc If enabled, transactions will be processed as a complete unit, as opposed to on a per-operation basis. Note that this only has an effect when running in POINTCUT mode. Also note that any transactions that contain cyclic references will not be processed.
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.bind.user.attributes Authentication: User Attributes to query
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.bind.user.attributes.desc If set, provides a space-separated list of attributes to query. Default empty which includes all static attributes.
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.bind.user.base Authentication: User Base DN
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.bind.user.base.desc When authenticating users, this is the base DN used to attempt to bind the user.
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.bind.user.query Authentication: User Query
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.bind.user.query.desc This query is used to locate the authenticating user in order to attempt a bind.
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.require_group_membership.dn Require Group DN
module_config.security_in_ldap.authenticator.require_group_membership.dn.desc If set, specifies the DN for a required group. Any authenticating users will only be permitted to authenticate if they are a member of this group.
module_config.security_in_ldap.groups.basedn Base DN for Groups
module_config.security_in_ldap.groups.basedn.desc The DN to use when searching for groups.
module_config.security_in_ldap.groups.search_recursively Search Groups Recursively
module_config.security_in_ldap.groups.search_recursively.desc If enabled, searching for groups will occur at any level below the value of <code>groups.basedn</code> and not just directly under that level.
module_config.security_in_ldap.ldap.systemuser.dn System User DN
module_config.security_in_ldap.ldap.systemuser.dn.desc The identity for the user account that Smile CDR will use for system operations.
module_config.security_in_ldap.ldap.systemuser.password System User Password
module_config.security_in_ldap.ldap.systemuser.password.desc The password for the user account that Smile CDR will use for system operations.
module_config.security_in_ldap.ldap.url LDAP Server URL
module_config.security_in_ldap.ldap.url.desc The URL to connect to the LDAP server (e.g. <code>ldap://</code>).
module_config.security_in_ldap.user.global_permissions Global Permissions
module_config.security_in_ldap.user.global_permissions.desc A comma separated list of permissions to grant all users who authenticate using this module (e.g. <code>ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT, FHIR_READ_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT/Patient/123</code>). Native Permission User Attribute If specified, this user attribute will be treated as having native Smile CDR permission strings that will be granted to users. User Attribute: Family Name The name of the LDAP User Attribute from which to read the user's family (last) name. User Attribute: Given Name The name of the LDAP User Attribute from which to read the user's given (first) name.
module_config.security_in_local.authentication_cache_duration Authentication Cache Duration (millis)
module_config.security_in_local.authentication_cache_duration.desc The number of milliseconds that successfully authenticated credentials will be cached for. This property is only used when the <a href="/docs/configuration_categories/credentials.html#property-cache-successful-credentials">Cache Successful Credentials</a> property is enabled.
module_config.security_in_local.cache_successful_credentials Cache Successful Credentials
module_config.security_in_local.cache_successful_credentials.desc If enabled, the authorization service will enable a very short-term cache of successful credentials. This is useful in environments where many requests are being made using username/password credentials in each request (i.e. a backend service secured with HTTP Basic Auth). Enable with caution as this setting also has security considerations.
module_config.security_in_local.callback_script.file Authentication Callback Script (File)
module_config.security_in_local.callback_script.file.desc If set, supplies a callback function that will be executed after a successful authentication. This script can modify permissions, enhance the returned login details, or even reject the authentication. See <a href="/docs/security/callback_scripts.html">Callback Scripts</a> for more information. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.security_in_local.callback_script.text Authentication Callback Script (Text)
module_config.security_in_local.callback_script.text.desc If set, supplies a callback function that will be executed after a successful authentication. This script can modify permissions, enhance the returned login details, or even reject the authentication. See <a href="/docs/security/callback_scripts.html">Callback Scripts</a> for more information.
module_config.security_in_local.create_unknown_users Create Unknown Users
module_config.security_in_local.create_unknown_users.desc If a user is requested and does not already exist, having this setting enabled will cause that user to be created. <strong>Use this setting with caution</strong> as it can result in an unlimited number of users being created within the Smile CDR database. This setting is useful only in situations where the client is trusted (e.g. a server-to-server communication).
module_config.security_in_local.lock_after_failed_attempts Lock After Failed Attempts
module_config.security_in_local.lock_after_failed_attempts.desc Number of failed login attempts to lock account. Zero means no limit.
module_config.security_in_local.password_case_sensitive Case-Sensitive Passwords
module_config.security_in_local.password_case_sensitive.desc If enabled, passwords are case-sensitive. Note that any passwords created before this setting is changed are not affected. Change with caution!
module_config.security_in_local.password_encoding_type Password Encoding Scheme
module_config.security_in_local.password_encoding_type.desc Specify the scheme that will be used to store passwords in the database. Note that changing this value will only affect newly created and updated passwords. Existing passwords will remain encoded using the scheme that was selected at the time that they were saved. See <a href="/docs/appendix/password_hashing_algorithms.html">Password Hashing Algorithms</a> for more information.
module_config.security_in_local.password_pattern Minimum Password Requirements
module_config.security_in_local.password_pattern.desc Our password validation is two-phased - Phase 1: We apply our own rules. These are unignorable (minimum length of 8 characters, at least 3 of the 4 available character types; <code>lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols</code>, it must not contain the user's username or parts of their name, it must be unique from the previous password, complexity requirements which is a set of 5 regexes) - Phase 2: We apply the regex supplied by the customer, for which the default is <code>{4..100}</code>. Note that these requirements will only be enforced when evaluating newly created and updated passwords; existing passwords remain unaffected.
module_config.security_in_local.password_pattern_compilation_error Error(s) in the following regular expression(s) specified for Minimum Password Requirements:
module_config.security_in_local.password_pattern_mismatch_error Password Mismatch Error
module_config.security_in_local.password_pattern_mismatch_error.desc Error message that will be displayed to the user if the password they are trying to create/update does not match the regular expression specified in Minimum Password Requirements. This message needs to be updated for any change in the Minimum Password Requirements.
module_config.security_in_local.seed.users.file Users Seed File
module_config.security_in_local.seed.users.file.desc Contains a link to a file with a set of users to seed when the module is first started. See <a href="/docs/installation/pre_seeding.html">Pre-Seeding</a> for more information.
module_config.security_in_local.tfa.totp.issuer_name TOTP Issuer Name
module_config.security_in_local.tfa.totp.issuer_name.desc This setting provides a short description of the TOTP issuer, which is the name associated with a specific key in the authenticator app.
module_config.security_in_local.tfa.totp.lock_after_failed_attempts Lock After Failed Attempts
module_config.security_in_local.tfa.totp.lock_after_failed_attempts.desc Sets the number of failed verification attempts that are allowed before the TOTP key is locked and no longer usable.
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.create_script.file User Self Registration Script (File)
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.create_script.file.desc Supplies the script used to provision user accounts when <a href="/docs/security/local_inbound_security_module.html#self-registration">User Self Registration</a> is enabled.
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.create_script.text User Self Registration Script (Text)
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.create_script.text.desc Supplies the script used to provision user accounts when <a href="/docs/security/local_inbound_security_module.html#self-registration">User Self Registration</a> is enabled.
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.enabled User Self Registration Enabled
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.enabled.desc Enables support for <a href="/docs/security/local_inbound_security_module.html#self-registration">User Self Registration</a>.
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.referer_url_list.text Referer URL List (Text)
module_config.security_in_local.user_self_registration.referer_url_list.text.desc A comma separated list of URLs. When the referer url to sign in page is in the list, self-registration will be disabled. See <a href="/docs/security/local_inbound_security_module.html#self-registration">Tokens to hide SignUp button</a> for more information.
module_config.security_in_local.username_case_sensitive Case-Sensitive Usernames
module_config.security_in_local.username_case_sensitive.desc If enabled, usernames are treated as case-sensitive. <strong>If you change this value after accounts are created, these accounts may be orphaned. Change with caution!</strong>
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.entity_id_template Relying Party Entity ID Template
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.entity_id_template.desc This setting controls the Entity ID that will be assigned to the SAML Relying Party (i.e. the Smile CDR web application being authenticated). See <a href="/docs/security/saml_inbound_security_module.html#entity-id-template">Entity ID Template</a> for more information.
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.issuer_id Issuer ID
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.issuer_id.desc Contains the ID for the IDP (Identity Provider) that will be used to authenticate, and must match the value configured in that system. This is also sometimes called an Entity ID.
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.keystore.file Keystore File
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.keystore.file.desc Specifies a <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#truststores-and-keystores">Keystore</a> to obtain keys and certificates for use in signing and verifying signatures in SAML assertions.
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.keystore.password Keystore Password
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.keystore.password.desc The keystore password
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.registration_id Registration ID
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.registration_id.desc An identifier intended to uniquely identify the registration between the Identity Provider and Smile CDR (the Service Provider). The default value of <code>SMILECDR</code> is typically fine, unless you are authenticating multiple instances of Smile CDR using SAML, and the different instances have different purposes/users/etc.
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.sign_auth_request Sign Auth Request
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.sign_auth_request.desc Should the SAML Authentication Request be signed?
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.signing_key_alias Signing Key Alias
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.signing_key_alias.desc Specifies the alias within the keystore for the key that will be used to sign the Authentication Request.
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.signing_key_password Signing Key Password
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.signing_key_password.desc The password for the key used for signing.
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.verification_cert_alias Verification Certificate Alias
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.verification_cert_alias.desc Specifies the alias in the keystore for the certificate to use to verify the SAML response signature.
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.web_sso_url Web SSO URL
module_config.security_in_saml.relying_party.default.web_sso_url.desc Specifies the URL that should be used as the destination for the initial redirect from the Service Provider to the Identity Provider.
module_config.security_in_script.script.file Script (File)
module_config.security_in_script.script.file.desc If provided (either text or file must be provided), this property contains a resource path to the file containing the text of the script to use as the authentication script.
module_config.security_in_script.script.headers HTTP Headers
module_config.security_in_script.script.headers.desc This property, if not blank, contains a comma-delimited list of HTTP headers that will be provided to authentication scripts.
module_config.security_in_script.script.text Script (Text)
module_config.security_in_script.script.text.desc If provided (either text or file must be provided), this property contains the text of the script to use as the authentication script.
module_config.security_in_smart.authorization_endpoint Authorization Endpoint
module_config.security_in_smart.authorization_endpoint.desc If set, this URL specifies the OAuth2 authorization endpoint associated with this server. This setting <strong>has no effect</strong> on the operation of the security module but will be provided to FHIR endpoints that are secured using this module in order for them to expose this endpoint in their conformance statement.
module_config.security_in_smart.cache_authentication.seconds Authentication Cache Timeout (Seconds)
module_config.security_in_smart.cache_authentication.seconds.desc If set to a non-zero, non-negative value, successfully validated authentication tokens will be cached for the given number of seconds. This cache has a positive impact on performance since validating a token is a non-trivial operation and may involve lookups and crypto operations. However, setting this timeout to a value that is high means that invalidated tokens will be trusted for longer than they should be.
module_config.security_in_smart.enforce_approved_scopes_to_restrict_permissions Enforce Approved Scopes to Restrict Permissions
module_config.security_in_smart.enforce_approved_scopes_to_restrict_permissions.desc When enabled, permission will be stripped from a user's session if they are not supported by an approved SMART on FHIR scope. For example, any FHIR write permissions will be removed from a session if the user has not approved (or a client is set to auto-approve) a scope such as <code>Patient/*.write</code>.
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_client.jwks_cache.mins OIDC HTTP Client: JWKS Cache Timeout (mins)
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_client.jwks_cache.mins.desc If set to a non-zero value, any keystore lookups performed by the OIDC HTTP Client will be cached for the specified number of minutes. Caching these fetched keystores improves authentication performance by avoiding unnecessary lookups, but can also mean that invalidated keys will be honored for a period. Setting this to a small setting (such as the default value) is generally a sensible compromise.
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_client.truststore.file OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore File
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_client.truststore.file.desc Specifies a <a href="/docs/product_configuration/tls_https.html#truststores-and-keystores">TrustStore</a> to use for outbound client connections from the OIDC server. This is only needed in cases where the remote OIDC server uses a self-signed certificate for TLS. This truststore applies to outbound (from Smile CDR) HTTPS connections that are made in order to fetch the remote IDP server discovery document, to fetch the remote IDP server JWKS (keystore), and to introspect tokens issued by the remote IDP server.
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_client.truststore.password OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore Password
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_client.truststore.password.desc The password to use to open the truststore, if specified.
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_endpoint Introspection Endpoint
module_config.security_in_smart.introspection_endpoint.desc This URL specifies the OAuth2 introspection endpoint associated with this server. This setting <strong>has no effect</strong> on the operation of the security module but will be provided to FHIR endpoints that are secured using this module in order for them to expose this endpoint in their conformance statement.
module_config.security_in_smart.key_validation.prevent_token_key_reuse Prevent Token KeyID Reuse
module_config.security_in_smart.key_validation.prevent_token_key_reuse.desc If enabled, the server will block tokens with a signed key from being reused. In other words, when the key is decoded as a JWT, the <code>kid</code> (KeyID) claim is verified to ensure that the same key has not been reused.
module_config.security_in_smart.key_validation.require_key_expiry Require Key Expiry
module_config.security_in_smart.key_validation.require_key_expiry.desc If enabled, the server will block tokens that do not have an expiry.
module_config.security_in_smart.management_endpoint Management Endpoint
module_config.security_in_smart.management_endpoint.desc This URL specifies the OAuth2 management endpoint associated with this server. This setting <strong>has no effect</strong> on the operation of the security module but will be provided to FHIR endpoints that are secured using this module in order for them to expose this endpoint in their conformance statement.
module_config.security_in_smart.revocation_endpoint Revocation Endpoint
module_config.security_in_smart.revocation_endpoint.desc This URL specifies the OAuth2 revocation endpoint associated with this server. This setting <strong>has no effect</strong> on the operation of the security module but will be provided to FHIR endpoints that are secured using this module in order for them to expose this endpoint in their conformance statement.
module_config.security_in_smart.seed_clients.file OpenID Connect Client Pre-Seed File
module_config.security_in_smart.seed_clients.file.desc Provides the location of a file to use to pre-seed OpenID Connect Client definitions at startup time. See <a href="/docs/installation/pre_seeding.html">Pre-Seeding</a> for more information.
module_config.security_in_smart.seed_servers.file OpenID Connect Server Pre-Seed File
module_config.security_in_smart.seed_servers.file.desc Provides the location of a file to use to pre-seed OpenID Connect Server definitions at startup time. See <a href="/docs/installation/pre_seeding.html">Pre-Seeding</a> for more information.
module_config.security_in_smart.smart_capabilities_list Smart Capabilities List
module_config.security_in_smart.smart_capabilities_list.desc List of Smart Capabilities to enable (See; one capability per line.
module_config.security_in_smart.smart_configuration.scopes_supported Scopes Supported
module_config.security_in_smart.smart_configuration.scopes_supported.desc A space separated list of scopes to advertise as supported in the .well-known/smart-configuration
module_config.security_in_smart.token_endpoint Token Endpoint
module_config.security_in_smart.token_endpoint.desc If set, this URL specifies the OAuth2 token endpoint associated with this server. This setting <strong>has no effect</strong> on the operation of the security module but will be provided to FHIR endpoints that are secured using this module in order for them to expose this endpoint in their conformance statement.
module_config.security_in_smart.trust_intra_cluster_tokens.modules Trust Intra-Cluster SMART Tokens from Module(s)
module_config.security_in_smart.trust_intra_cluster_tokens.modules.desc This property provides a comma-separated list of Smile CDR <em><a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_outbound_security_module.html">SMART Outbound Security</a></em> modules from which tokens will be accepted. See <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_inbound_security_module.html#accepting-internal-access-tokens">Accepting Internal Access Tokens</a> for information on how to use this setting. Values for this setting should be in the form <code>node_id/module_id</code>, where this refers to a SMART Outbound Security module. If no value is supplied, only tokens issued by external OpenID Connect providers will be trusted, and these providers must be registered as OpenID Connect servers in the Smile CDR configuration.
module_config.security_out_smart.allowed_audience_list Allowed Audience List
module_config.security_out_smart.allowed_audience_list.desc Space-separated list of allowed resource URLs as the 'audience' parameter during authentication flow. If left empty, no validation is performed.
module_config.security_out_smart.auth_request_detail.whitelist Authorization Request Details (whitelist)
module_config.security_out_smart.auth_request_detail.whitelist.desc This property may be used to specify a comma-separated list of OAuth2 Authorization Request Details to be supported by the callback scripts of this module (e.g. <code>audience,grant_type,scope</code>).
module_config.security_out_smart.cache.authorized_tokens.millis Cache Authorizations (millis)
module_config.security_out_smart.cache.authorized_tokens.millis.desc If a non-zero value is supplied, the authorization server will cache successful authorizations for up to this amount of time. This means that if an Access Token is received as authentication with a request (e.g. in an Authorization header during a FHIR call) multiple times within the cache timespan, only one attempt to validate the token will be made. Using the cache can greatly improve performance on heavily loaded systems. However, manually invalidated tokens may be accepted as still being valid during the cache period so it is important to not use a value that is unnecessarily long.
module_config.security_out_smart.client_secret.encoding Client Secret Encoding
module_config.security_out_smart.client_secret.encoding.desc Select the hashing algorithm to use when storing client secrets. Note that the value selected here will apply only to newly created secrets, and this may be changed at any time without affecting existing secrets. See <a href="/docs/appendix/password_hashing_algorithms.html">Password Hashing Algorithms</a> for more information.
module_config.security_out_smart.client_secret.expiry_duration_days Smile CDR generated Client Secret expiry duration in days
module_config.security_out_smart.client_secret.expiry_duration_days.desc Select the expiry duration in days for Smile CDR generated client secrets. Note this value will be added to the activation date of the secret to calculate the expiration date for the secret during the client creation process via the REST path register-client-and-generate-secret.
module_config.security_out_smart.codap.auth_script.file CODAP Authorization Script (File)
module_config.security_out_smart.codap.auth_script.file.desc When using CODAP, a callback script must be provided. This script is used to assess the incoming identity assertion and provide the appropriate authorization. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.security_out_smart.codap.auth_script.text CODAP Authorization Script (Text)
module_config.security_out_smart.codap.auth_script.text.desc When using CODAP, a callback script must be provided. This script is used to assess the incoming identity assertion and provide the appropriate authorization.
module_config.security_out_smart.codap.enabled Enable Cross-Organization Data Access Profile
module_config.security_out_smart.codap.enabled.desc If enabled, this module will support the use of the Cross-Organization Data Access Profile (CODAP).
module_config.security_out_smart.davinci.consent_handling Native Consent Handling.
module_config.security_out_smart.davinci.consent_handling.desc Activates handling of consents via the persistence module. (See <a href="/docs/additional_features/da_vinci_hrex.html#da-vinci-health-record-exchange-hrex">Da Vinci Health Record Exchange</a> ) Email From Address Forgotten password related emails will be sent from this email address.
module_config.security_out_smart.federate_mode.enabled Federated OAuth2/OIDC Login
module_config.security_out_smart.federate_mode.enabled.desc When enabled, this server will federate to a federated OAuth2/OIDC server instead of prompting the user for credentials. See <a href="/docs/smart/federated_oauth2.html">Federated OAuth2/OIDC Login</a> for more information.
module_config.security_out_smart.issuer.url Issuer URL
module_config.security_out_smart.issuer.url.desc This is the URL that will be placed in OpenID Connect tokens as the <code>iss</code> (issuer) token. The value should be the URL to the identity server.
module_config.security_out_smart.new_session_for_each_flow.always New Session for Each Flow
module_config.security_out_smart.new_session_for_each_flow.always.desc If enabled, every time an interactive flow is initiated the user session will be cleared. This should be set in cases where different users might access the module using the same browser, so previous authentication should not be remembered.
module_config.security_out_smart.pkce.plain_challenge_supported PKCE Plain Challenge Supported
module_config.security_out_smart.pkce.plain_challenge_supported.desc If disabled, the PKCE challenge type <code>PLAIN</code> will not be allowed on this server.
module_config.security_out_smart.pkce.required PKCE Required
module_config.security_out_smart.pkce.required.desc If this setting is enabled, the server will require the use of <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_authorization_flows.html#pkce">PKCE</a> for all Authorization Code SMART Auth flows. Enabling this setting also disallows the use of the OAuth2 Implicit Grant type, since this flow does not support PKCE.
module_config.security_out_smart.post_authorize_script.file Post Authorization Script (File)
module_config.security_out_smart.post_authorize_script.file.desc If supplied, provides a script that will be invoked after various authorization flows complete. See <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_outbound_security_module.html#smart-callback-script">SMART Callback Script</a> for details on how this script works. Values should be prefixed with <code>file:</code> or <code>classpath:</code>.
module_config.security_out_smart.post_authorize_script.text Post Authorization Script (Text)
module_config.security_out_smart.post_authorize_script.text.desc If supplied, provides a script that will be invoked after various authorization flows complete. See <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_outbound_security_module.html#smart-callback-script">SMART Callback Script</a> for details on how this script works.
module_config.security_out_smart.rotate_refresh_token_after_use Rotate Refresh Token After Use
module_config.security_out_smart.rotate_refresh_token_after_use.desc If enabled, each time a refresh token is used to obtain a new access token, the refresh token will be invalidated and a new one automatically issued with the new access token. Approval Page Template This is the path within the WebJar for the approval page, e.g. <code>/userapprove.html</code> Context Selection Page Template This is the path within the WebJar for the Context Selection page, e.g. <code>/userselect_context.html</code> Error Page Template This is the path within the WebJar for the error page, e.g. <code>/usererror.html</code> User Self Registration Forgot Password (Step 1) This is the path within the WebJar for the first page of the user self registration forgot password flow, e.g. <code>/forgotpassword_step1.html</code> User Self Registration Forgot Password (Step 2) This is the path within the WebJar for the second page of the user self registration forgot password flow, e.g. <code>/forgotpassword_step2.html</code> User Self Registration Forgot Password (Step 3) This is the path within the WebJar for the third page of the user self registration forgot password flow, e.g. <code>/forgotpassword_step3.html</code> Login Page (Federated OAuth2/OIDC) Template This is the path within the WebJar for the federated OAuth2/OIDC Login Page, e.g. <code>/userlogin_oauth2.html</code>. This setting is not used unless Federated OAuth2/OIDC Login is enabled, and may be left blank otherwise. Login Page Template This is the path within the WebJar for the interactive login page, e.g. <code>/userlogin.html</code> User Self Registration Template (Step 1) This is the path within the WebJar for the first page of the user self registration flow, e.g. <code>/userregister_step1.html</code> User Self Registration Template (Step 2) This is the path within the WebJar for the second page of the user self registration flow, e.g. <code>/userregister_step2.html</code> Session Management Page Template This is the path within the WebJar for the session management page, e.g. <code>/sessionmanagement.html</code> Two Factor Authentication Page Template This is the path within the WebJar for the two factor authentication code entry page, e.g. <code>/usertfa.html</code> Terms-of-service click-wrap Page Template This is the path within the WebJar for the click-wrap terms-of-service agreement entry page, e.g. <code>/usertos.html</code> WebJar ID This is the ID of the WebJar to use as a skin for the SMART Outbound Security module for login and approval screens. This should take the form <code>groupId:artifactId:versionId</code>.
module_config.security_out_smart.tos.version_string Current version of terms.
module_config.security_out_smart.tos.version_string.desc Activates feature if not blank. (See <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_outbound_security_module.html#terms-of-service">Terms of Service</a> )
module_config.subscription.delivery_queue_naming Subscription Delivery Queue Naming
module_config.subscription.delivery_queue_naming.desc The approach used to derive subscription delivery queue names from subscriptions. See <a href="/docs/installation/message_broker.html">Message Broker</a> for more information.
module_config.subscription.fhir_server.password FHIR Server Password
module_config.subscription.fhir_server.password.desc Basic Auth HTTP Password for FHIR Server
module_config.subscription.fhir_server.url FHIR Server URL
module_config.subscription.fhir_server.url.desc URL of FHIR Server that Subscription server uses to retrieve Search Params, Subscriptions and perform matching not supported by the in-memory matcher
module_config.subscription.fhir_server.username FHIR Server Username
module_config.subscription.fhir_server.username.desc Basic Auth HTTP Username for FHIR Server
module_config.subscription.model_config.allow_external_references.enabled Allow External References Enabled
module_config.subscription.model_config.allow_external_references.enabled.desc If enabled, the server will allow resources to have references to external servers. This means (for example) that with this setting enabled, a Patient could be uploaded containing a reference to Organization <code></code>. With this setting disabled, only relative references (e.g. <code>Organization/123</code> or absolute references corresponding to the base URL of the server are allowed. Email From Address Emails sent from matching EMAIL subscriptions will be sent from this e-mail address. Transaction Log Broker Channel Name The transaction logs will be sent to the specified topic/queue name. Must be non-empty.
module_config.transactionlog.event_blacklist Event Blacklist
module_config.transactionlog.event_blacklist.desc This setting provides a blacklist of event Type/SubType codes that should not be stored in the Transaction Log. See <a href="/docs/logging/transaction_log.html#controlling-transaction-log-events">Controlling Transaction Log Events</a> for more information.
module_config.transactionlog.event_whitelist Event Whitelist
module_config.transactionlog.event_whitelist.desc This setting provides a whitelist of event Type/SubType codes to be stored in the Transaction Log. See <a href="/docs/logging/transaction_log.html#controlling-transaction-log-events">Controlling Transaction Log Events</a> for more information.
module_config.transactionlog.persist_bodies_in_clustermgr_db Persist Transaction Bodies (Global)
module_config.transactionlog.persist_bodies_in_clustermgr_db.desc If enabled, the bodies of transactions will be persisted in the transaction log. This can be useful for troubleshooting; however, it has database capacity and performance implications under heavy load. This configuration is enabled by default. Note that this is a master switch, and disabling it takes precedence over any more specific persistence switches.
module_config.transactionlog.persist_endpoint_receive_bodies Persist Transaction Bodies: Incoming Request
module_config.transactionlog.persist_endpoint_receive_bodies.desc If enabled, incoming request transaction bodies (e.g. the request body for a FHIR create request received by a FHIR Endpoint module) will be persisted in the transaction log.
module_config.transactionlog.persist_endpoint_reply_bodies Persist Transaction Bodies: Incoming Response
module_config.transactionlog.persist_endpoint_reply_bodies.desc If enabled, incoming response transaction bodies (e.g. the response body for a FHIR search request received by a FHIR Endpoint module) will be persisted in the transaction log.
module_config.transactionlog.truncate_body.bytes Truncate Transaction Bodies (bytes)
module_config.transactionlog.truncate_body.bytes.desc If set to a positive integer, transaction log payload bodies will be truncated before being stored in the transaction log.
module_validation.invalid_client_id Client ID is invalid: {0} - Must match regex {regexp}
module_validation.invalid_keystore_id Keystore ID is invalid: {0} - Must match regex {regexp}
module_validation.invalid_module_id Module ID is invalid: {0} - Must match regex {regexp}
module_validation.invalid_node_id Node ID is invalid: {0} - Must match regex {regexp}
module_validation.spring_parser This value is not valid: {0}
moduletype.ADMIN_JSON.shortName JSON Admin API
moduletype.ADMIN_WEB.shortName Web Admin Console
moduletype.APP_GALLERY.shortName appSphere
moduletype.AUDIT_LOG_PERSISTENCE.shortName Audit Log Persistence
moduletype.CAMEL.shortName Camel
moduletype.CDA_EXCHANGE.shortName CDA Exchange
moduletype.CDA_EXCHANGE_PLUS.shortName CDA Exchange+
moduletype.CHANNEL_IMPORT.shortName Channel Import
moduletype.CLUSTER_MGR.shortName Cluster Manager
moduletype.CQL.shortName CQL
moduletype.DQM.shortName Digital Quality Measures (DQM)
moduletype.EMPI.shortName EMPI (deprecated)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_AWSHEALTHLAKE_OUT.shortName Amazon HealthLake Outbound REST Connector
moduletype.ENDPOINT_CDS_HOOKS.shortName CDS Hooks REST Endpoint
moduletype.ENDPOINT_EASYSHARE_SHL_ADMIN.shortName EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Admin)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_EASYSHARE_SHL_PUBLIC.shortName EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_FHIRWEB.shortName FHIRWeb Console
moduletype.ENDPOINT_FHIR_GATEWAY.shortName FHIR Gateway REST Endpoint
moduletype.ENDPOINT_FHIR_REST.shortName FHIR REST Endpoint (All FHIR Versions)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_FHIR_REST_DSTU2.shortName FHIR REST Endpoint (DSTU2 - Deprecated)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_FHIR_REST_DSTU3.shortName FHIR REST Endpoint (R3 - Deprecated)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_FHIR_REST_R4.shortName FHIR REST Endpoint (R4 - Deprecated)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_FHIR_REST_XXX.shortName FHIR REST Endpoint
moduletype.ENDPOINT_HL7V2_IN.shortName HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint (Deprecated)
moduletype.ENDPOINT_HL7V2_IN_V2.shortName HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
moduletype.ENDPOINT_HL7V2_OUT.shortName HL7 v2.x Sending Endpoint
moduletype.ENDPOINT_HYBRID_PROVIDERS.shortName Hybrid Providers REST Endpoint
moduletype.ENDPOINT_MDM_UI.shortName MDM UI
moduletype.ENDPOINT_P2P.shortName Payer to Payer
moduletype.ENDPOINT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY.shortName Package Registry Endpoint
moduletype.ENDPOINT_SUBSCRIPTION_WEBSOCKET.shortName Subscription Websocket Endpoint
moduletype.ETL_IMPORTER.shortName ETL Importer
moduletype.LICENSE.shortName License Manager
moduletype.MDM.shortName MDM
moduletype.NARRATIVE_GENERATOR.shortName Narrative Generator
moduletype.PERSISTENCE_DSTU2.shortName FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
moduletype.PERSISTENCE_DSTU3.shortName FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
moduletype.PERSISTENCE_MONGODB.shortName FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
moduletype.PERSISTENCE_R4.shortName FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
moduletype.PERSISTENCE_R5.shortName FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
moduletype.PERSISTENCE_XXX.shortName FHIR Storage
moduletype.PRIOR_AUTH_CRD.shortName Prior Auth CRD
moduletype.PRIOR_AUTH_DTR.shortName Prior Auth DTR (Documentation Templates and Rules)
moduletype.PRIOR_AUTH_PAS.shortName Prior Auth Support
moduletype.REALTIME_EXPORT.shortName Realtime Export
moduletype.SECURITY_IN_LDAP.shortName LDAP Inbound Security
moduletype.SECURITY_IN_LOCAL.shortName Local Inbound Security
moduletype.SECURITY_IN_SAML.shortName SAML Inbound Security
moduletype.SECURITY_IN_SCRIPT.shortName Scripted Inbound Security
moduletype.SECURITY_IN_SMART.shortName SMART Inbound Security
moduletype.SECURITY_OUT_SMART.shortName SMART Outbound Security
moduletype.SMART_APPS_HOST.shortName SMART App Host (Deprecated)
moduletype.SUBSCRIPTION_MATCHER.shortName Subscription Matcher (All FHIR Versions)
moduletype.SUBSCRIPTION_MATCHER_DSTU2.shortName Subscription Matcher (DSTU2 - Deprecated)
moduletype.SUBSCRIPTION_MATCHER_DSTU3.shortName Subscription Matcher (DSTU3 - Deprecated)
moduletype.SUBSCRIPTION_MATCHER_R4.shortName Subscription Matcher (R4 - Deprecated)
moduletype.SYSTEM_TO_SYSTEM_DATA_EXCHANGE.shortName System to System Data Exchange
moduletype.TRANSACTION_LOG_BROKER.shortName Transaction Log Broker
moduletype.TRANSACTION_LOG_PERSISTENCE.shortName Transaction Log Persistence Authorization Code Client Credentials Implicit JWT Bearer Token Resource Owner Password Credentials Refresh Token
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.CodePointLength.message length must be between {min} and {max}
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.CreditCardNumber.message invalid credit card number
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Currency.message invalid currency (must be one of {value})
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.EAN.message invalid {type} barcode
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Email.message not a well-formed email address
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.ISBN.message invalid ISBN
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length.message length must be between {min} and {max}
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.LuhnCheck.message the check digit for ${validatedValue} is invalid, Luhn Modulo 10 checksum failed
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Mod10Check.message the check digit for ${validatedValue} is invalid, Modulo 10 checksum failed
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Mod11Check.message the check digit for ${validatedValue} is invalid, Modulo 11 checksum failed
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.ModCheck.message the check digit for ${validatedValue} is invalid, ${modType} checksum failed
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty.message may not be empty
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.ParametersScriptAssert.message script expression "{script}" didn''t evaluate to true
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Range.message must be between {min} and {max}
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.SafeHtml.message may have unsafe html content
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.ScriptAssert.message script expression "{script}" didn''''t evaluate to true
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.URL.message must be a valid URL
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.UniqueElements.message must only contain unique elements
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.time.DurationMax.message must be shorter than${inclusive == true ? '' or equal to'' : ''''}${days == 0 ? '''' : days == 1 ? '' 1 day'' : '' '' += days += '' days''}${hours == 0 ? '''' : hours == 1 ? '' 1 hour'' : '' '' += hours += '' hours''}${minutes == 0 ? '''' : minutes == 1 ? '' 1 minute'' : '' '' += minutes += '' minutes''}${seconds == 0 ? '''' : seconds == 1 ? '' 1 second'' : '' '' += seconds += '' seconds''}${millis == 0 ? '''' : millis == 1 ? '' 1 milli'' : '' '' += millis += '' millis''}${nanos == 0 ? '''' : nanos == 1 ? '' 1 nano'' : '' '' += nanos += '' nanos''}
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.time.DurationMin.message must be longer than${inclusive == true ? '' or equal to'' : ''''}${days == 0 ? '''' : days == 1 ? '' 1 day'' : '' '' += days += '' days''}${hours == 0 ? '''' : hours == 1 ? '' 1 hour'' : '' '' += hours += '' hours''}${minutes == 0 ? '''' : minutes == 1 ? '' 1 minute'' : '' '' += minutes += '' minutes''}${seconds == 0 ? '''' : seconds == 1 ? '' 1 second'' : '' '' += seconds += '' seconds''}${millis == 0 ? '''' : millis == 1 ? '' 1 milli'' : '' '' += millis += '' millis''}${nanos == 0 ? '''' : nanos == 1 ? '' 1 nano'' : '' '' += nanos += '' nanos''} Code "{0}" is not in valueset: {1} Code {0} is not valid for system: {1} Inappropriate CodeSystem URL "{0}" for ValueSet: {1} Unknown code "{0}#{1}" Concept Display "{0}" does not match expected "{1}" for ''{2}#{3}''
password_validation.duplicate_new_password_and_old_password New password is the same as the old password.
password_validation.new_password_contain_familyname New password should not contain user's family name.
password_validation.new_password_contain_givenname New password should not contain user's given name.
password_validation.new_password_contain_username New password should not contain username.
password_validation.short_new_password New password should have at least 8 characters.
password_validation.simple_new_password New password should have at least 3 character types including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
permission.ACCESS_ADMIN_JSON.desc User is allowed to invoke operations on the JSON Admin API endpoint. Note that this permission does not give the user the ability to actually perform any of the functions on the API so this permission is generally granted in combination with at least one other. Access JSON Admin API Endpoint
permission.ACCESS_ADMIN_WEB.desc User is allowed to log into the Web Admin Console. Admin
permission.ACCESS_EASYSHARE.desc This permission allows a user to authenticate for EasyShare services and/or web applications. This permission is not typically granted directly, and is instead implied by other specific EasyShare permissions such as <a href="/docs/security/roles_and_permissions.html#EASYSHARE_CREATE_SMART_HEALTH_LINK">EASYSHARE_CREATE_SMART_HEALTH_LINK</a>. Access EasyShare
permission.ACCESS_FHIRWEB.desc User is allowed to access the FHIRWeb Console, which can be used for testing, building FHIR queries, and exploring data in the database. Note that this permission only allows access to the FHIRWeb Console; the user still needs to have other appropriate permissions for any desired operations or they will be blocked. Access FHIRWeb Console
permission.ACCESS_FHIR_ENDPOINT.desc User is allowed to access FHIR services as a client. FHIR Client
permission.AG_ADMIN_CONSOLE_READ.desc User is permitted to access application information using appSphere Admin Console appSphere Admin Console (read)
permission.AG_ADMIN_CONSOLE_WRITE.desc User is permitted to update existing application information using appSphere Admin Console appSphere Admin Console (write)
permission.AG_DEV_PORTAL_READ.desc User is permitted to access application information using appSphere Developer Portal appSphere Developer Portal (read)
permission.AG_DEV_PORTAL_WRITE.desc User is permitted to add new application information using appSphere Developer Portal appSphere Developer Portal (write)
permission.ARCHIVE_MODULE.desc User is allowed to archive modules. Archive Modules
permission.BLOCK_FHIR_READ_UNLESS_CODE_IN_VS.arg_desc The argument for this permission is in the form <code>[resourceType]/[param name]/[ValueSet URL]</code>, e.g. &quot;Observation/code/;
permission.BLOCK_FHIR_READ_UNLESS_CODE_IN_VS.desc When present, this permission indicates that resources of the given type can not be read unless they have a coded field (indicated by a SearchParameter name) is found in the specified ValueSet (indicated by URL). See <a href="/docs/security/roles_and_permissions.html#block-unless-code-in-valueset">Block Unless Code in ValueSet</a> for more information. Block FHIR Read Unless Code is in ValueSet
permission.BLOCK_FHIR_READ_UNLESS_CODE_NOT_IN_VS.arg_desc The argument for this permission is in the form <code>[resourceType]/[param name]/[ValueSet URL]</code>, e.g. &quot;Observation/code/;
permission.BLOCK_FHIR_READ_UNLESS_CODE_NOT_IN_VS.desc When present, this permission indicates that resources of the given type can not be read unless they have a coded field (indicated by a SearchParameter name) is not found in the specified ValueSet (indicated by URL). See <a href="/docs/security/roles_and_permissions.html#block-unless-code-in-valueset">Block Unless Code in ValueSet</a> for more information. Block FHIR Read Unless Code is not in ValueSet
permission.CDA_IMPORT.desc User is allowed to use the $import-cda operation to import CDA documents Import CDA Documents
permission.CHANGE_OWN_DEFAULT_LAUNCH_CONTEXTS.desc User is allowed to update the SMART launch context(s) associated with their own account. Change Own Launch Contexts
permission.CHANGE_OWN_PASSWORD.desc User is allowed to change their own password. Change Own Password
permission.CHANGE_OWN_TFA_KEY.desc User is allowed to set up their own 2FA key (as opposed to having one assigned by an administrator). Can set own 2FA Key
permission.CONTROL_MODULE.desc User is allowed to start/stop/restart modules. Control Module
permission.CREATE_CDA_TEMPLATE.desc User is allowed to create (and update existing) CDA document template scripts. <strong>Use this permission with caution</strong>, as these scripts, when called upon, have the ability to create, view, and modify data without additional permissions. Create CDA templates
permission.CREATE_MODULE.desc User is allowed to create new modules. Create Modules
permission.CREATE_USER.desc User is allowed to create other users. Create Users
permission.DELETE_CDA_TEMPLATE.desc User is allowed to delete CDA document template scripts. Delete CDA templates
permission.DISABLE_2FA_TOTP_KEY.disable Disable Two Factor Authentication for user. Disable 2FA for User
permission.DOCREF.desc User is allowed to use $docref operation DOCREF
permission.DQM_QPP_BUILD.desc Transform MeasureReport into QPP format Dqm QPP Build
permission.EASYSHARE_CREATE_SMART_HEALTH_LINK.desc User is allowed to create a SMART Health Link using either the <a href="/docs/easyshare/easyshare_shl_public_module.html#shl-creation-api">EasyShare SHL REST API</a> or the <a href="/docs/easyshare/easyshare_shl_admin_module.html">EasyShare SHL Admin Application</a>. Create SMART Health Link
permission.EMPI_ADMIN.desc User may perform any administrative functions for the EMPI. EMPI Admin
permission.EMPI_UPDATE_MATCH_RULES.desc User can set/update matching rules for the EMPI. EMPI Update Match Rules
permission.EMPI_VIEW_MATCH_RULES.desc User can view matching rules for the EMPI. EMPI VIEW Match Rules
permission.ETL_IMPORT_PROCESS_FILE.desc User is allowed to initiate the processing of an ETL import job. <strong>Use this permission with caution</strong>, as import jobs have a large amount of flexibility to create and modify data and do not require additional permissions. ETL Import / Process File
permission.FHIR_ACCESS_PARTITION_ALL.desc User is allowed to access (includes both read and write operations) data in all partitions. Note that this permission does not actually authorize any specific read/write operations, it simply implies access to the partitions. Access data in ALL Partitions
permission.FHIR_ACCESS_PARTITION_NAME.arg_desc The argument to this permission is a partition name, or a comma separated collection of partition names
permission.FHIR_ACCESS_PARTITION_NAME.desc User is allowed to access (includes both read and write operations) data in the given partition. Note that this permission does not actually authorize any specific read/write operations, it simply implies access to the given partition. Access data in Partition
permission.FHIR_ALL_DELETE.desc User is allowed to perform any FHIR delete operation. FHIR Delete (All)
permission.FHIR_ALL_READ.desc User is allowed to perform any FHIR read/access-to-data operation (e.g. <code>read</code>, <code>search</code>, <code>history</code>, etc.). FHIR Read (All)
permission.FHIR_ALL_READ_WITH_FILTER.arg_desc The argument of this permission is the FHIR query that resources must match for read operations (e.g. <code>code=foo</code>).
permission.FHIR_ALL_READ_WITH_FILTER.desc User is allowed to perform any FHIR read/access-to-data operation (e.g. <code>read</code>, <code>search</code>, <code>history</code>, etc.) so long as resources match a given argument. FHIR Read All resources matching filter
permission.FHIR_ALL_WRITE.desc User is allowed to perform any FHIR write/modify operation (e.g. <code>create</code>, <code>update</code>, etc.). FHIR Write (All)
permission.FHIR_AUTO_MDM.desc Perform MDM expansion for all search parameters in the Patient compartment, even if the <code>:mdm</code> qualifier is not explicitly provided in the query Automatic MDM Expansion
permission.FHIR_BATCH.desc User is allowed to perform a FHIR Batch. Note that this permission only allows the batch operation to happen; the user still needs to have other appropriate permissions for the operations in the batch or it will be blocked. FHIR Batch
permission.FHIR_CAPABILITIES.desc User is allowed to access the server's capability statement. This permission is often granted to anonymous users. FHIR Access Server Capability Statement (metadata)
permission.FHIR_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE.desc User is allowed to create a subscription with the <code>message</code> channel type. Create Subscription: Message
permission.FHIR_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_REST_HOOK.desc User is allowed to create a subscription with the <code>rest-hook</code> channel type. Create Subscription: Rest Hook
permission.FHIR_DELETE_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the compartment to which access is being granted.
permission.FHIR_DELETE_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT.desc User is permitted to delete any resource in the given compartment. FHIR Delete (All in Compartment)
permission.FHIR_DELETE_ALL_OF_TYPE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the resource type.
permission.FHIR_DELETE_ALL_OF_TYPE.desc User is allowed to delete any resource of the type specified in the argument (e.g. <code>Patient</code>). FHIR Delete (All of Type)
permission.FHIR_DELETE_CASCADE_ALLOWED.desc User is permitted to perform cascading deletes. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html#cascading-deletes">Cascading Deletes</a> for more information. FHIR Delete - Cascading Allowed
permission.FHIR_DELETE_EXPUNGE.desc User is permitted to invoke the <code>$delete-expunge</code> operation to permanently delete ALL data on the server. <strong>This is a dangerous operation</strong>, as it causes data to be permanently deleted. Use caution when granting this permission. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html">deleting data</a> for information on this operation. Note that the ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER role does not grant this permission, it must be explicitly enabled. FHIR Delete and Expunge ($delete-expunge) All Data
permission.FHIR_DELETE_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the type to allow deletion on, followed by a colon, followed by the name of the compartment to which access is being granted. For example, the argument <code>Observation:Patient/123</code> means that the user is permitted to delete any Observation resource in the Patient/123 compartment.
permission.FHIR_DELETE_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT.desc User is permitted to delete any resource of the given type in the given compartment. FHIR Delete (Specific Type in Compartment)
permission.FHIR_DTR_USER.desc Can execute any DTR operation DTR User privileges
permission.FHIR_EMPI_ADMIN.desc Can execute any EMPI operation. EMPI Administrative privileges
permission.FHIR_EXPUNGE_DELETED.desc User is permitted to invoke the <code>$expunge</code> operation to permanently delete logically deleted resources. <strong>This is a dangerous operation</strong>, as it causes data to be permanently deleted. Use caution when granting this permission. See [/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html](deleting data) for information on this operation. Note that the ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER role does not grant this permission, it must be explicitly enabled. FHIR Expunge ($expunge) Deleted Resources
permission.FHIR_EXPUNGE_EVERYTHING.desc User is permitted to invoke the <code>$expunge</code> operation to permanently delete ALL data on the server. <strong>This is a dangerous operation</strong>, as it causes data to be permanently deleted. Use caution when granting this permission. See [/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html](deleting data) for information on this operation. Note that the ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER role does not grant this permission, it must be explicitly enabled. FHIR Expunge ($expunge) All Data
permission.FHIR_EXPUNGE_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS.desc User is permitted to invoke the <code>$expunge</code> operation. <strong>This is a dangerous operation</strong>, as it causes data to be permanently deleted. Use caution when granting this permission. See [/docs/fhir_repository/deleting_data.html](deleting data) for information on this operation. Note that the ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER role does not grant this permission, it must be explicitly enabled. FHIR Expunge ($expunge) Previous Versions
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_ANY_INSTANCE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the operation name.
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_ANY_INSTANCE.desc User may invoke operation at the instance level on any operation name specified by argument in the form: <code>$fooOperation</code>. When using this permission, the operation response is not validated/authorized in any way, so this authority should only be granted for operations that are known to be appropriate for the user. Extended Operation (Instance Level / Unchecked Response)
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_ANY_INSTANCE_OF_TYPE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the resource type and operation name.
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_ANY_INSTANCE_OF_TYPE.desc User may invoke operation at the instance level with type and operation name specified by argument in the form: <code>Patient/$fooOperation</code>. When using this permission, the operation response is not validated/authorized in any way, so this authority should only be granted for operations that are known to be appropriate for the user. Extended Operation (Instance Level / Unchecked Response)
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_SERVER.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the resource type and operation name.
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_SERVER.desc User may invoke operation with name specified by argument (e.g. <code>$fooOperation</code>). When using this permission, the operation response is not validated/authorized in any way, so this authority should only be granted for operations that are known to be appropriate for the user. Extended Operation (Server Level / Unchecked Response)
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_TYPE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the resource type and operation name.
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_ON_TYPE.desc User may invoke operation at the type level with type and name specified by argument in the form: <code>Patient/$fooOperation</code>. When using this permission, the operation response is not validated/authorized in any way, so this authority should only be granted for operations that are known to be appropriate for the user. Extended Operation (Type Level / Unchecked Response)
permission.FHIR_EXTENDED_OPERATION_SUPERUSER.desc User may invoke any operation except for $expunge and $delete-expunge. When using this permission, the operation response is not validated/authorized in any way, so this authority should only be granted for operations that are known to be appropriate for the user. Extended Operation (Server Level / Unchecked Response)
permission.FHIR_GET_RESOURCE_COUNTS.desc User is permitted to call the <code>$get-resource-counts</code> operation, requesting the total counts of resources on the server. FHIR Get Server Resource Counts
permission.FHIR_GRAPHQL.desc User may invoke the GraphQL Operation. Note that user must still have additional permissions to see the resources being requested via GraphQL. FHIR GraphQL Operation
permission.FHIR_LIVEBUNDLE.desc User is allowed to invoke the $livebundle-watchlist-add, $livebundle-watchlist-delete, $livebundle-watchlist, and $livebundle operations FHIR LiveBundle Operations
permission.FHIR_MANAGE_PARTITIONS.desc User is allowed to manage (add/update/delete) partition definitions in the system. Note that this permission is not automatically granted via the <code>ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER</code> permission and must be granted explicitly. Manage Partitions
permission.FHIR_MANUAL_VALIDATION.desc User is allowed to invoke the <code>$validate</code> operation to validate resources. FHIR Manual Validation
permission.FHIR_MDM_ADMIN.desc Can execute any MDM operation MDM Administrative privileges
permission.FHIR_META_OPERATIONS_SUPERUSER.desc User is allowed to invoke the resource metadata operations (<code>$meta</code>, <code>$meta-add</code>, and <code>$meta-delete</code>) on any resource. Resource Metadata Operations: Superuser
permission.FHIR_MODIFY_SEARCH_PARAMETERS.desc User is allowed to create, update, and delete search parameters. Modify Search Parameters
permission.FHIR_OP_APPLY.desc Execute the Apply Operation Apply
permission.FHIR_OP_BINARY_ACCESS_READ.desc User is allowed to invoke the $binary-access-read operation (note that the user will also need permission to read/write the individual resource that is actually being accessed) FHIR Binary Access Operations (read)
permission.FHIR_OP_BINARY_ACCESS_WRITE.desc User is allowed to invoke the $binary-access-write operation (note that the user will also need permission to read/write the individual resource that is actually being accessed) FHIR Binary Access Operations (write)
permission.FHIR_OP_CARE_GAPS.desc The care-gaps operation is used to determine gaps-in-care based on the results of quality measures. CR Care Gaps
permission.FHIR_OP_COLLECTDATA.desc The effect of invoking this operation is to gather the data required to perform an evaluation of the measure. CR Collect Data
permission.FHIR_OP_CQL.desc Evaluates a CQL expression and returns the results as a Parameters resource. CR CQL
permission.FHIR_OP_DATAREQUIREMENTS.desc The effect of invoking this operation is to determine the aggregate set of data requirements and dependencies for the measure. CR Data Requirements
permission.FHIR_OP_EMPI_CLEAR.desc Delete all EMPI links, and remove all related Persons EMPI Clear Links
permission.FHIR_OP_EMPI_DUPLICATE_PERSONS.desc Request all EMPI Duplicate Persons EMPI Duplicate Persons
permission.FHIR_OP_EMPI_MERGE_PERSONS.desc Merge one Person resource into another, copying over fields that are empty in the target, and copying over links that are missing in the target. MANUAL links will overwrite AUTO links. The original Person resource is deleted. Merge to EMPI Person resources
permission.FHIR_OP_EMPI_QUERY_LINKS.desc Request matching EMPI Links EMPI Query Links
permission.FHIR_OP_EMPI_SUBMIT.desc Submit Patients/Practitioners for EMPI processing. EMPI Batch Processing.
permission.FHIR_OP_EMPI_UPDATE_LINK.desc Update an EMPI Link EMPI Update Link
permission.FHIR_OP_ENCOUNTER_EVERYTHING.desc User is allowed to search/fetch across the entire encounter (all resources belonging to that patient's compartment). Encounter Fetch ($everything)
permission.FHIR_OP_EVALUATE.desc The evaluate operation is used to evaluate cql expressions from a specified library resource and returns it as a Parameters resource. CR Evaluate
permission.FHIR_OP_EVALUATE_MEASURE.desc Execute the CQL Evaluate Measure Operation Evaluate Measure
permission.FHIR_OP_EVALUATE_MEASURES.desc Execute the <code>$evaluate-measures</code> Operation, that allows for processing multiple Measure resources to create multiple MeasureReports with the same subject population Evaluate Measures
permission.FHIR_OP_EXTRACT.desc Execute the Extract Operation Extract
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT.arg_desc The argument to this permission is an optional space-separated list of allowed resource types, or an empty string to allow all resource types. E.g. 'Patient Encounter Observation'.
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT.desc User may invoke the <code>$export</code> operation to initiate a <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export Operation</a>. This permission grants the user permission to initiate <strong>any kind of bulk export</strong>, so it may be more appropriate to use a more nuanced kind. Initiate Bulk Export ($export) - All Permissions
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_ALL_PATIENTS.arg_desc There are no arguments for this permission
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_ALL_PATIENTS.desc User may invoke the <code>$export</code> operation to initiate a <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export Operation</a>. This permission grants the user permission to initiate a <strong>patient-level export</strong> with <strong>NO restrictions</strong> Initiate Bulk Export ($export) - Patient Export with no restrictions
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_GROUP.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the ID of the group that the user is authorized to export, optionally followed by a space-separated list of allowed resource types. E.g. 'Group/123' or 'Group/123 Patient Encounter Observation'.
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_GROUP.desc User may invoke the <code>$export</code> operation to initiate a <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export Operation</a>. This permission grants the user permission to initiate a <strong>group-level export</strong>. Initiate Bulk Export ($export) - Group Export
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_PATIENT.arg_desc DEPRECATED: The argument to this permission is the ID of the patient that the user is authorized to export, optionally followed by a space-separated list of allowed resource types. E.g. 'Patient/123' or 'Patient/123 Patient Encounter Observation'.
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_PATIENT.desc Note: Since 2024.05, this permission has been <strong>DEPRECATED</strong> in favour of <code>FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_PATIENTS</code> and <code>FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_ALL_PATIENTS</code>: User may invoke the <code>$export</code> operation to initiate a <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export Operation</a>. This permission grants the user permission to initiate a <strong>patient-level export</strong>. DEPRECATED: Initiate Bulk Export ($export) - Patient Export
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_PATIENTS.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the comma-separated IDs of the patient that the user is authorized to export, followed either by a * to indicate all resources or a space-separated list of allowed resource types. E.g. 'Patient/123,Patient/456 *' or 'Patient/123,Patient/465 Patient Encounter Observation'.
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_PATIENTS.desc User may invoke the <code>$export</code> operation to initiate a <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export Operation</a>. This permission grants the user permission to initiate a <strong>patient-level export</strong> with restrictions on patient IDs and resources. Initiate Bulk Export ($export) - Patient Export with restrictions on patient IDs and resources
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_SYSTEM.arg_desc The argument to this permission is an optional space-separated list of allowed resource types, or an empty string to allow all resource types. E.g. 'Patient Encounter Observation'.
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_EXPORT_SYSTEM.desc User may invoke the <code>$export</code> operation to initiate a <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_export.html">FHIR Bulk Export Operation</a>. This permission grants the user permission to initiate a <strong>system-level export</strong>. Initiate Bulk Export ($export) - System Export
permission.FHIR_OP_INITIATE_BULK_DATA_IMPORT.desc User may invoke the <a href="/docs/bulk/fhir_bulk_import.html">FHIR Bulk Import</a> operation. Note that data being bulk imported is not subjected to any additional authorization checks, so this permission should only be granted to fully trusted users. Initiate Bulk Import ($import)
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_CLEAR.desc Delete all MDM links and remove all related Golden Resources MDM Clear Links
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_CREATE_LINK.desc Create an MDM Link MDM Create Link
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_DUPLICATE_GOLDEN_RESOURCES.desc Request all MDM Duplicate Golden Resources MDM Duplicate Golden Resources
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_LINK_HISTORY.desc Request matching Historical MDM Links MDM Link History
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_MERGE_GOLDEN_RESOURCES.desc Merge one Golden Resource into another, copying over fields as determined by the survivorship rules, and copying updating MDM links according to the rules. MANUAL links will overwrite AUTO links. The original Golden Resource is deactivated. Merge two MDM Golden Resources
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_MERGE_GOLDEN_RESOURCES_WITH_MANUAL_OVERRIDE.desc Merge one Golden Resource into another, copying over fields specified in the manual override parameter and copying updating MDM links according to the rules. MANUAL links will overwrite AUTO links. The original Golden Resource is deactivated. Merge two MDM Golden Resources with a manual override
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_NOT_DUPLICATE.desc Unduplicate MDM Golden Resources MDM Not Duplicate
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_QUERY_LINKS.desc Request matching MDM Links MDM Query Links
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_SUBMIT.desc Submit target resources for MDM processing MDM Batch Processing.
permission.FHIR_OP_MDM_UPDATE_LINK.desc Update an MDM Link MDM Update Link
permission.FHIR_OP_MEMBER_MATCH.desc Operation to find a member by patient and coverage information Member match
permission.FHIR_OP_PACKAGE.desc Execute the Package Operation Package
permission.FHIR_OP_PATIENT_EVERYTHING.desc User is allowed to search/fetch across the entire patient's record (all resources belonging to that patient's compartment). Patient Search Chart ($everything)
permission.FHIR_OP_PATIENT_EVERYTHING_ACCESS_ALL.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the ID of the Patient for which user is authorized to execute <code>$everything</code> operation. E.g. 'Patient/123'.
permission.FHIR_OP_PATIENT_EVERYTHING_ACCESS_ALL.desc User is allowed to search/fetch across the entire patient's record (all resources that references input Patient, including those outside of patient's compartment). Patient Fetch ($everything) - Access All
permission.FHIR_OP_PATIENT_MATCH.desc User may invoke the MDM <code>$match</code> operation either on a server level or on a Patient type FHIR MDM Match
permission.FHIR_OP_PATIENT_SUMMARY.desc User is allowed to invoke the $summary operation to generate an International Patient Summary document. Generate IPS ($summary)
permission.FHIR_OP_POPULATE.desc Execute the Populate Operation Populate
permission.FHIR_OP_PREPOPULATE.desc Execute the Prepopulate Operation Prepopulate
permission.FHIR_OP_REINDEX_TERMINOLOGY.desc Recreate freetext indexes for terminology entities Reindex Terminology
permission.FHIR_OP_STRUCTUREDEFINITION_SNAPSHOT.desc User may invoke the StructureDefinition <code>$snapshot</code> operation FHIR StructureDefinition Snapshot
permission.FHIR_OP_SUBMIT_DATA.desc The submit-data operation is used to submit data-of-interest for a measure. There is no expectation that the submitted data represents all the data-of-interest, only that all the data submitted is relevant to the calculation of the measure for a particular subject or population. CR Submit Data
permission.FHIR_PATCH.desc Note: Since 2024.05, this permission has been <strong>DEPRECATED</strong> in favour of various WRITE permissions (<code>create</code>, <code>update</code>, <code>patch</code>, etc.). User is allowed to perform a FHIR patch operation. Note that this permission allows a patch to be performed, but the user may need additional permissions in order to be able to write to specific resources. FHIR Patch
permission.FHIR_PROCESS_MESSAGE.desc User is allowed to invoke the <code>$process-message</code> operation on a server that supports it. FHIR Process Message ($process-message)
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the compartment to which access is being granted.
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT.desc User is allowed to read resources of <strong>any type</strong> in the given compartment. This permission takes an argument that should take the form of the name of the compartment (e.g. <code>Patient/123</code>). FHIR Read ANY in Compartment X
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT_WITH_FILTER.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the compartment to which access is being granted, followed by a semicolon, and then a FHIR query to filter by.
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT_WITH_FILTER.desc User is allowed to view resources of <strong>any</strong> type matching a FHIR query as a filter. For use with SMART v2 fine-grain scopes. FHIR Read ANY in Compartment X with Query Filter
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_OF_TYPE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the resource type.
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_OF_TYPE.desc User is allowed to fetch resources (<code>read</code>, <code>search</code>, <code>history</code>, etc.) of <strong>the specified type</strong>. This permission takes an argument that should be the name of the resource type (e.g. <code>Patient</code>). FHIR Read ANY of Type
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_OF_TYPE_WITH_FILTER.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the resource type, as well as the relevant FHIR query expression.
permission.FHIR_READ_ALL_OF_TYPE_WITH_FILTER.desc User is allowed to fetch resources (<code>read</code>, <code>search</code>, <code>history</code>, etc.) of <strong>the specified type</strong>, matching a FHIR query expression. This permission takes an argument that should be the name of the resource type (e.g. <code>Patient</code>), followed by a semicolon (<code>;</code>), and then the query as though following a question mark in a FHIR request URL (e.g. <code>code=foo</code>). FHIR Read ANY of Type matching a filter expression
permission.FHIR_READ_INSTANCE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the ID of the resource instance (e.g. <code>Patient/123</code>).
permission.FHIR_READ_INSTANCE.desc User is allowed to fetch (<code>read</code>, <code>search</code>, <code>history</code>, etc.) <strong>the specified instance</strong>. This permission takes an argument that should be the ID of the resource instance (e.g. <code>Patient/123</code>). FHIR Read Specific Instance
permission.FHIR_READ_SEARCH_PARAMETERS.desc User is allowed to read/search for search parameters. Read Search Parameters
permission.FHIR_READ_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the type to allow reading from, followed by a colon, followed by the name of the compartment to which access is being granted. For example, the argument <code>Observation:Patient/123</code> means that the user is permitted to read any Observation resource in the Patient/123 compartment.
permission.FHIR_READ_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT.desc User is permitted to read any resource of the given type in the given compartment. FHIR Read (Specific Type in Compartment)
permission.FHIR_READ_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT_WITH_FILTER.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the type to allow reading from, then a colon, then the name of the compartment to which access is being granted, all followed by a semicolon, and then a FHIR query. For example, the argument <code>Observation:Patient/123;code=zap</code> means that the user is permitted to read any Observation resource in the Patient/123 compartment with <code>code</code> element whose value matches <code>zap</code>.
permission.FHIR_READ_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT_WITH_FILTER.desc User is allowed to view resources of a given type matching a FHIR query as a filter. For use with SMART v2 fine-grain scopes. FHIR Read (Specific Type in Compartment with Query Filter)
permission.FHIR_TRANSACTION.desc User is allowed to perform a FHIR transaction. Note that this permission only allows the transaction operation to happen; the user still needs to have other appropriate permissions for the operations in the transaction or it will be blocked. FHIR Transaction
permission.FHIR_TRIGGER_SUBSCRIPTION.desc User is permitted to call the <code>$trigger-subscription</code> operation. See <a href="/docs/subscription/manual_triggering.html">Manually Triggering Subscriptions</a> for information on this function. FHIR Trigger Subscription
permission.FHIR_UPDATE_REWRITE_HISTORY.desc User is allowed to update historical versions of a resource without creating new versions. See <a href="/docs/fhir_repository/resource_versions_and_versioned_references.html#rewrite">Rewrite Resource History</a> for more information. History Rewrite
permission.FHIR_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE.desc User is allowed to update a subscription with the <code>message</code> channel type. Update Subscription: Message
permission.FHIR_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_REST_HOOK.desc User is allowed to update a subscription with the <code>rest-hook</code> channel type. Update Subscription: Rest Hook
permission.FHIR_UPLOAD_EXTERNAL_TERMINOLOGY.desc User is permitted to upload external CodeSystems using the <code>$upload-external-code-system</code> operation, as well as by using the Apply Delta operations. See <a href="/docs/terminology/uploading.html#uploading-external-codesystems">Uploading External Terminologies</a> for more information on this function. Upload External Terminology
permission.FHIR_WRITE_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the compartment to which access is being granted.
permission.FHIR_WRITE_ALL_IN_COMPARTMENT.desc User is allowed to write (<code>create</code>, <code>update</code>, <code>patch</code>, etc.) resources of <strong>any type</strong> in the given compartment. This permission takes an argument that should take the form of the name of the compartment (e.g. <code>Patient/123</code>). FHIR Write ANY in Compartment X
permission.FHIR_WRITE_ALL_OF_TYPE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the resource.
permission.FHIR_WRITE_ALL_OF_TYPE.desc User is allowed to write resources (<code>create</code>, <code>update</code>, <code>patch</code>, etc.) of <strong>the specified type</strong>. This permission takes an argument that should be the name of the resource type (e.g. <code>Patient</code>). FHIR Write ANY of Type
permission.FHIR_WRITE_INSTANCE.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the ID of the resource instance (e.g. <code>Patient/123</code>).
permission.FHIR_WRITE_INSTANCE.desc User is allowed to write (<code>create</code>, <code>update</code>, <code>patch</code>, etc.) <strong>the specified instance</strong>. This permission takes an argument that should be the ID of the resource instance (e.g. <code>Patient/123</code>). FHIR Write Specific Instance
permission.FHIR_WRITE_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of the type to allow writing to, followed by a colon, followed by the name of the compartment to which access is being granted. For example, the argument <code>Observation:Patient/123</code> means that the user is permitted to write any Observation resource in the Patient/123 compartment.
permission.FHIR_WRITE_TYPE_IN_COMPARTMENT.desc User is permitted to write (<code>create</code>, <code>update</code>, <code>patch</code>, etc.) any resource of the given type in the given compartment. FHIR Write (Specific Type in Compartment)
permission.HFQL_EXECUTE.desc User is allowed to execute HFQL/SQL statements. Execute HFQL Query
permission.INVOKE_CDS_HOOKS.desc User can call CDS Hooks CDS Hooks
permission.MANAGE_BATCH_JOBS.desc User has permission to manage (i.e. modify and control) batch jobs Manage Batch Jobs
permission.MDM_ADMIN.desc User may perform any administrative functions for the MDM. MDM Admin
permission.MDM_UPDATE_MATCH_RULES.desc User can set/update matching rules for the MDM. MDM Update Match Rules
permission.MDM_VIEW_MATCH_RULES.desc User can view matching rules for the MDM. MDM VIEW Match Rules
permission.MODULE_ADMIN.desc User is allowed to create, reconfigure, and start/stop modules. Module Admin
permission.OIDC_CLIENT_PRESET_PERMISSION.arg_desc The argument to this permission is the name of permissions (e.g. <code>ACCESS_FHIRWEB</code>).
permission.OIDC_CLIENT_PRESET_PERMISSION.desc User is allowed to create OpenID Connect clients with pre-set permissions. Add OpenID Connect Client with pre-set permissions.
permission.OPENID_CONNECT_ADD_CLIENT.desc User is allowed to create OpenID Connect clients. Add OpenID Connect Client
permission.OPENID_CONNECT_ADD_SERVER.desc User is allowed to create OpenID Connect servers. Add OpenID Connect Server
permission.OPENID_CONNECT_EDIT_CLIENT.desc User is allowed to edit existing OpenID Connect clients. Edit OpenID Connect Client
permission.OPENID_CONNECT_EDIT_SERVER.desc User is allowed to edit existing OpenID Connect servers. Edit OpenID Connect Server
permission.OPENID_CONNECT_MANAGE_GLOBAL_SESSIONS.desc User is allowed to list and revoke SMART/OIDC sessions for any users in the system. This is an administrative privilege that should only be granted to admin and system users. Manage Sessions (Global/All Users)
permission.OPENID_CONNECT_VIEW_CLIENT_LIST.desc User is allowed to view the list of registered OpenID Connect clients. This permission does not give the user the ability to create/edit clients. View OpenID Connect Client List
permission.OPENID_CONNECT_VIEW_SERVER_LIST.desc User is allowed to view the list of registered OpenID Connect servers. This permission does not give the user the ability to create/edit servers. View OpenID Connect Server List
permission.PACKAGE_REGISTRY_READ.desc User can access data from the package registry. Package Registry: Read Operations
permission.PACKAGE_REGISTRY_WRITE.desc User can write data to the package registry. Package Registry: Write Operations
permission.REINSTATE_MODULE.desc User is allowed to reinstate modules. Reinstate Modules
permission.ROLE_ANONYMOUS.desc This role must be granted to any user that will be used for anonymous access requests. See <a href="/docs/security/anonymous_access.html">Anonymous Access</a> for more information. Anonymous
permission.ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT.desc User has permission to access the FHIR services as a client. FHIR Client
permission.ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER.desc User has permission to perform any standard FHIR client operation. This does not imply superuser status for other parts of the CDR (e.g. user management, FHIR search parameter modification, etc.). FHIR Client (Superuser)
permission.ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER_RO.desc User has permission to perform any standard FHIR client read/fetch operation. This permission allows the user to perform any <code>read</code>, <code>search</code>, <code>history</code>, etc. operation but does not allow the user to perform <code>create</code>, <code>update</code>, etc. This permission does not imply superuser status for other parts of the CDR (e.g. user management, FHIR search parameter modification, etc.). FHIR Client (Read-Only Superuser)
permission.ROLE_FHIR_TERMINOLOGY_READ_CLIENT.desc User is permitted to invoke any terminology read-only operations. In other words, this role includes various capabilities relating to accessing data in the FHIR terminology services. This includes operations such as <code>$lookup</code> and <code>$validate-code</code>, as well as read and search capabilities on <code>ValueSet</code>, <code>CodeSystem</code>, and <code>ConceptMap</code> resources. FHIR Terminology Service Read-Only Client
permission.ROLE_SUPERUSER.desc User has all permissions to do anything. <strong>Use this permission with caution</strong> since it gives the user access to almost all administrative functions. Superuser
permission.ROLE_SYSTEM.desc User is the system itself. System
permission.ROLE_SYSTEM_INITIALIZATION.desc User is the system during system startup only. System (Initialization Time Only)
permission.SAVE_USER.desc User is allowed to create/update users. Save Users
permission.START_STOP_MODULE.desc User is allowed to start/stop modules and nodes. Start/Stop Modules
permission.SUBMIT_ATTACHMENT.desc User is allowed to use the $submit-attachment operation. Submit Attachment
permission.UPDATE_MODULE_CONFIG.desc User is allowed to modify a module's configuration. Update Module Configuration
permission.UPDATE_USER.desc User is allowed to update other users. Update Users
permission.USE_CDA_TEMPLATE.desc User is allowed to create Compositions / Fhir Documents / CDA Documents via the cda template store. Use caution with this permission with severity relative to how much access the scripts themselves allow. Generate CDA documents via the templates
permission.VIEW_AUDIT_LOG.desc User is allowed to view the audit log. View Audit Log
permission.VIEW_BATCH_JOBS.desc User has permission to view batch jobs View Batch Jobs
permission.VIEW_CDA_TEMPLATE.desc User is allowed to view all CDA templates (including script contents and expected parameters list). View CDA templates
permission.VIEW_METRICS.desc User can access internal metrics API, including thread dump API View Metrics
permission.VIEW_MODULE_CONFIG.desc User is allowed to view (but not change) module configuration information. This does not include database passwords. View Module Configuration
permission.VIEW_MODULE_STATUS.desc User is allowed to view (but not change) status information about modules. This includes running/stopped status, health checks, etc. but does not give access to more sensitive details such as logs. View Module Status
permission.VIEW_TRANSACTION_LOG.desc User is allowed to view the overall transaction log. View Transaction Log
permission.VIEW_TRANSACTION_LOG_EVENT.desc User is allowed to view individual transaction log entries. View Transaction Log Entries
permission.VIEW_USERS.desc User is allowed to view list of users and individual user details. View Users Admin appSphere Admin Console appSphere Developer Portal CDA CDS Hooks EasyShare EMPI FHIR Client FHIR Partitioning MDM Package Registry System User Manager
ss Camel Process CDA Document Imported Services List Service Request Submit Feedback Request DOCREF (<code>$docref</code>) Qpp Build(<code>$qpp-build</code>) Apply Codesystem Delta: Add Codes Apply Codesystem Delta: Remove Codes FHIR Binary Access - Read (<code>$binary-access-read</code>) FHIR Binary Access - Write (<code>$binary-access-write</code>) Code Lookup (<code>$lookup</code>) CodeSystem Subsumes (<code>$subsumes</code>) CodeSystem Validate Code (<code>$validate-code</code>) Generate Document (<code>$document</code>) Translate Code (<code>$translate</code>) Fetch Conformance (<code>/metadata</code>) Create Resource Delete Resource Fetch Page History (Instance) History (System) History (Type) Mark all resources for reindexing Add to Metadata (<code>$meta-add</code>) Delete from Metadata (<code>$meta-delete</code>) Fetch Metadata (<code>$meta</code>) Add Partition ($fhir-management-add-partition) Apply ('$apply') Care Gaps(<code>$care-gaps</code>) Collect Data(<code>$collect-data</code>) CQL(<code>$cql</code>) Data Requirements(<code>$data-requirements</code>) Delete Expunge Operation ($delete-expunge) Delete Partition ($fhir-management-delete-partition) Diff Operation ($diff) EMPI Clear links(<code>$empi-clear</code>) EMPI Duplicate Persons (<code>$empi-duplicate-persons</code>) EMPI Merge Persons (<code>$empi-merge-persons</code>) EMPI Query Links (<code>$empi-query-links</code>) EMPI Batch Processing(<code>$empi-submit</code>) EMPI Update Link (<code>$empi-update-link</code>) Evaluate(<code>$evaluate</code>) Evaluate Measure(<code>$evaluate-measure</code>) Evaluate Measures(<code>$evaluate-measures</code>) Search Entire Encounter Record (<code>$everything</code>) Search Entire Patient Chart (<code>$everything</code>) Search Everything Related to Patients (<code>$everything</code>) Expunge Operation ($expunge) Extract ('$extract') Get Resource Counts Operation ($get-resource-counts) GraphQL Operation (<code>$graphql</code>) FHIR Bulk Import ($import) Initiate FHIR Bulk Export (<code>$export</code>) Search for most recent or last n=number of Observation records ($lastn) List Partitions ($fhir-management-list-partitions) LiveBundle (<code>$livebundle</code>) LiveBundle Subscription Group Add (<code>$livebundle-group-add</code>) LiveBundle Subscription Group Delete (<code>$livebundle-group-delete</code>) LiveBundle Watchlist (<code>$livebundle-watchlist</code>) LiveBundle Watchlist Add (<code>$livebundle-watchlist-add</code>) LiveBundle Watchlist Delete (<code>$livebundle-watchlist-delete</code>) LiveBundle Watchlist Subscribers (<code>$livebundle-watchlist-subscribers</code>) FHIR Patient Match (<code>$match</code>) MDM Match Resource (<code>$mdm-match</code>) MDM Clear links(<code>$mdm-clear</code>) MDM Create Link (<code>$mdm-create-link</code>) MDM Duplicate Golden Resources (<code>$mdm-duplicate-golden-resources</code>) MDM Link History (<code>$mdm-link-history</code>) MDM Merge Golden Resources (<code>$mdm-merge-golden-resources</code>) MDM Not Duplicate (<code>$mdm-not-duplicate</code>) MDM Query Links (<code>$mdm-query-links</code>) MDM Batch Processing(<code>$mdm-submit</code>) MDM Update Link (<code>$mdm-update-link</code>) Member match (<code>$member-match</code>) Package ('$package') Poll For Bulk Export Job Status (<code>$export-poll-status</code>) Poll For Bulk Import Job Status (<code>$import-poll-status</code>) Populate ('$populate') Prepopulate ('$prepopulate') Read Partition ($fhir-management-read-partition) Reindex Operation ($reindex) Reindex terminology (<code>$reindex-terminology</code>) Snapshot (<code>$snapshot</code>) Submit attachment operation (<code>$submit-attachment</code>) Submit Data(<code>$submit-data</code>) Suggest Keywords Generate IPS Document (<code>$summary</code>) Manually Trigger Subscription (<code>$trigger-subscription</code>) FHIR Operation (Unclassified) Update Partition ($fhir-management-update-partition) Patch Resource Perform reindexing pass Process Message (<code>$process-message</code>) Read Resource Search Across All Resource Types Search for Resources Transaction Update Resource Upload External Terminology Code System Validate Resource (<code>$validate</code>) Expand ValueSet (<code>$expand</code>) Invalidate Expansion ($invalidate-expansion) ValueSet Validate Code (<code>$validate-code</code>) VRead Resource Execute HFQL Request ADT^A01 (Admit) ADT^A02 (Transfer) ADT^A03 (Discharge) ADT^A04 (Register) ADT^A05 (Pre-Admit) ADT^A06 (Convert OP to IP) ADT^A07 (Convert IP to OP) ADT^A08 (Update Visit) ADT^A11 (Cancel Admit) ADT^A12 (Cancel Transfer) ADT^A13 (Cancel Discharge) ADT^A14 (Pending Admit) ADT^A15 (Pending Transfer) ADT^A16 (Pending Discharge) ADT^A17 (Swap Patients) ADT^A21 (Patient begins LOA) ADT^A22 (Patient returns from LOA) ADT^A24 (Link Patient Information) ADT^A25 (Cancel Pending Discharge) ADT^A27 (Cancel Pending Admit) ADT^A28 (Add Patient) ADT^A29 (Delete Person Information) ADT^A30 (Merge Person Information) ADT^A31 (Update Patient) ADT^A34 (Merge Patient Information) ADT^A37 (Unlink Patient) ADT^A38 (Cancel Pre-Admit) ADT^A39 (Merge Person - Patient ID) ADT^A40 (Merge Patient) ADT^A45 (Move Visit Information - Visit Number) ADT^A47 (Change Patient Identifier List) ADT^A54 (Change Attending) ADT^A60 (Update Allergies) ADT^A61 (Change Consulting) BAR^P01 (Establish Billing Account) BAR^P12 (Update Diagnosis/Procedures) DFT^P03 (Post Detailed Financial Transaction) OMG^O19 (General Clinical Order Message) ORM^O01 (General Clinical Order Message) ORU^R01 (Unsolicited Result) RAS^O17 (Medication Administration) RDE^O01 (Medication Order - Legacy) RDE^O11 (Medication Order) SIU^S12 (Appointment Scheduling) SIU^S13 (Appointment Rescheduling) SIU^S14 (Appointment Modification) SIU^S15 (Appointment Cancellation) SIU^S17 (Appointment Deletion) SIU^S26 (Patient Did Not Show Up for Scheduled Appointment) Unknown Message Trigger VXU^V04 (Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update) Invalid Request CDA Import (<code>$import-cda</code>) P2P batch job request Unspecified ValueSet Subsumes (Not Used)
transaction_log_event_type.CAMEL_PROCESSOR.desc Indicates transaction log was generated from a Camel Processor Camel Processor
transaction_log_event_type.CDA_EXCHANGE_PLUS.desc Indicates that a request has been handled by the CDA Exchange+ module. CDA Exchange+
transaction_log_event_type.CDS_HOOKS_REQUEST.desc Indicates that a REST client request has been handled by a CDS Hooks Endpoint. CDS Hooks Request
transaction_log_event_type.ETL_IMPORTER.desc Indicates that a row has been processed during an ETL import job. ETL Importer
transaction_log_event_type.FHIR_REQUEST.desc Indicates that a FHIR client request has been handled by a Smile CDR FHIR Server Endpoint. FHIR Request
transaction_log_event_type.HL7V2_INBOUND.desc Indicates that an HL7 v2.x message has been <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/inbound_hl7v2.html">received</a> by Smile CDR. HL7 v2.x Inbound
transaction_log_event_type.HL7V2_OUTBOUND.desc Indicates that an HL7 v2.x message has been <a href="/docs/hl7_v2x_support/outbound_hl7v2.html">sent</a> by Smile CDR. HL7 v2.x Outbound
transaction_log_event_type.P2P_BATCH_JOB.desc Indicates that a P2P batch job has been handled by Smile CDR. P2P Batch Job
transaction_log_event_type.SOAP_REQUEST.desc Indicates that a SOAP client request has been handled by Smile CDR. SOAP Request
user_change_own_password_success Password successfully changed.
user_validation.disabled User with username {0} is disabled.
user_validation.duplicate_username User already exists with username "{0}".
user_validation.general_error Error adding user. Please see below for error in red.
user_validation.missing_email Email address must be provided.
user_validation.missing_familyname Family name must be provided.
user_validation.missing_givenname Given name must be provided.
user_validation.missing_password Password must be provided.
user_validation.missing_username Username must be provided.
user_validation_change_own_password_failure.empty_confirm_password Password change failed: Confirm Password cannot be empty.
user_validation_change_own_password_failure.empty_new_password Password change failed: New Password cannot be empty.
user_validation_change_own_password_failure.empty_old_password Password change failed: Old Password cannot be empty.
user_validation_change_own_password_failure.incorrect_old_password Password change failed: Incorrect old password.
user_validation_change_own_password_failure.mismatching_new_and_confirm_passwords Password change failed: New password and Confirm password should match.
user_validation_change_own_password_forbidden.user_not_authorized Not authorized to change password for User: "{0}".
webadmin.action.add Add
webadmin.action.add_argument Add Argument
webadmin.action.archive Archive
webadmin.action.archive.module.desc Archiving a module removes it from the list of modules and prevents it from starting, essentially deleting it. Archived modules can be restored if needed. Modules can not be archived while they are running.
webadmin.action.create Create
webadmin.action.create_module Create Module
webadmin.action.create_module.desc Create a new module configuration.
webadmin.action.edit Edit
webadmin.action.hide Hide
webadmin.action.hide_filters Hide Filters
webadmin.action.invalid_request Invalid Request
webadmin.action.modify Modify
webadmin.action.processing Processing...
webadmin.action.reinstate Reinstate
webadmin.action.reinstate.module.desc Reinstating a module restores it so it can be started.
webadmin.action.reload_scripts Reload Scripts on this Server
webadmin.action.reload_scripts.module.desc Reload the scripts for this module on this server process only. You should Restart the module if you need the scripts reloaded on all servers.
webadmin.action.remove_argument Remove Argument
webadmin.action.reset_filters Reset Filters
webadmin.action.restart Restart
webadmin.action.restart.module.desc Restart this module on all running node processes. Note that any unsaved configuration changes will be lost. Save Save the module configuration.
webadmin.action.save_config Save Config
webadmin.action.save_config.failed.header Save Config Error
webadmin.action.save_config.failed.msg Saving configuration for module: {0} failed with errors. Please review and try again.
webadmin.action.save_config.success.msg Successfully saved configuration for module: {0}.
webadmin.action.save_config_and_reload_scripts Save Config and Reload Scripts Search Show
webadmin.action.show_filters Show Filters
webadmin.action.start Start
webadmin.action.start.module.desc Start this module on all running node processes. Note that any unsaved configuration changes will be lost.
webadmin.action.stop Stop
webadmin.action.stop.module.desc Stop this module on all running node processes. Note that any unsaved configuration changes will be lost.
webadmin.action.view View The value must be a valid e-mail address!
webadmin.notBlank.message The value may not be empty! Health
webadmin.panel.load.title Load
webadmin.panel.reads.title Reads
webadmin.panel.writes.title Writes
webadmin.processId.idDescriptionPrefix <b>About {0}: </b>
webadmin.processId.tooltipExplanation The Process ID is randomly chosen to uniquely identify this process within the cluster.
webadmin.signup.success Congratulations, {0}! You have successfully signed up.
webadmin.status.ARCHIVED Archived
webadmin.status.ARCHIVE_ACKNOWLEDGED Archiving...
webadmin.status.ARCHIVE_REQUESTED Archive Requested
webadmin.status.FAILED_TO_ARCHIVE Failed to Archive
webadmin.status.FAILED_TO_REINSTATE Failed to Reinstate
webadmin.status.FAILED_TO_START Failed to Start
webadmin.status.FAILED_TO_STOP Failed to Stop
webadmin.status.REINSTATEMENT_ACKNOWLEDGED Reinstating...
webadmin.status.REINSTATEMENT_REQUESTED Reinstatement Requested
webadmin.status.RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGED Restarting...
webadmin.status.RESTART_REQUESTED Restart Requested
webadmin.status.RESTART_REQUIRED Restart Required
webadmin.status.STARTED Running
webadmin.status.START_ACKNOWLEDGED Starting...
webadmin.status.START_REQUESTED Start Requested
webadmin.status.STOPPED Stopped
webadmin.status.STOP_ACKNOWLEDGED Stopping...
webadmin.status.STOP_REQUESTED Stop Requested
webadmin.time.seconds Seconds
webadmin.view.alert.close_label Close
webadmin.view.config.addmodule.desc Create a new module
webadmin.view.config.addmodule.failed.header Create Module Error
webadmin.view.config.addmodule.header Create Module
webadmin.view.config.addmodule.label Module Name
webadmin.view.config.addmodule.success Module {0} has been successfully created.
webadmin.view.config.addmodule.title Smile CDR - Create Module
webadmin.view.config.advanced_properties Advanced Properties
webadmin.view.config.category.admin_web_console_config.title Web Admin Console Settings
webadmin.view.config.category.app_gallery.title appSphere
webadmin.view.config.category.app_gallery_payer.title Payer Config
webadmin.view.config.category.app_gallery_seeding.title Initial appSphere Seeding
webadmin.view.config.category.auth_callback_scripts.title Authentication Callback Scripts
webadmin.view.config.category.auth_general_for_apis.title Auth: General for APIs
webadmin.view.config.category.auth_general_for_web.title User Authentication
webadmin.view.config.category.auth_http_basic.title Auth: HTTP Basic
webadmin.view.config.category.auth_openid_connect.title Auth: OpenID Connect
webadmin.view.config.category.browser_syntax_highlighting.title Browser Syntax Highlighting
webadmin.view.config.category.camel.title Camel
webadmin.view.config.category.camel_source.title Camel
webadmin.view.config.category.capability_statement_metadata.title Capability Statement (metadata)
webadmin.view.config.category.caregaps.title Care Gaps
webadmin.view.config.category.cda_generation.title CDA Generation
webadmin.view.config.category.cda_import.title CDA Import
webadmin.view.config.category.cda_interceptors.title CDA Interceptors
webadmin.view.config.category.cda_js_execution.title CDA JavaScript Execution Scripts
webadmin.view.config.category.cda_terminology.title CDA Terminology
webadmin.view.config.category.cds_hooks_definitions.title CDS Hooks Definitions
webadmin.view.config.category.cds_hooks_on_fhir.title CDS Hooks On FHIR
webadmin.view.config.category.channel_import.title Channel Import
webadmin.view.config.category.channel_retry.title Channel Retry
webadmin.view.config.category.clustermgr_kafka.title Kafka
webadmin.view.config.category.clustermgr_maintenance.title Cluster Manager Maintenance
webadmin.view.config.category.clustermgr_message_broker.title Message Broker
webadmin.view.config.category.clustermgr_security.title Cluster Level Security
webadmin.view.config.category.cql.title CQL
webadmin.view.config.category.credentials.title Credentials
webadmin.view.config.category.cross_origin_resource_sharing_cors.title Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
webadmin.view.config.category.data_exchange.title System to System Data Exchange
webadmin.view.config.category.data_exchange_invoke_export.title Invoke Export
webadmin.view.config.category.data_exchange_member_match.title Member Match
webadmin.view.config.category.database.title Database
webadmin.view.config.category.davinci_health_record_exchange.title Da Vinci Health Record Exchange
webadmin.view.config.category.dqm.evaluate_measure.chunksize.title Batch Measure Chunksize
webadmin.view.config.category.dqm.evaluate_measure.thread_batchsize.title Multi-Threaded BatchSize
webadmin.view.config.category.dqm.evaluate_measure.thread_number.title Number of Threads for Multi-Threaded Evaluate-Measure
webadmin.view.config.category.dqm.evaluate_measure.threading_enabled.title Multi-Threaded Evaluate-Measure
webadmin.view.config.category.dqm.title DQM
webadmin.view.config.category.easyshare_shl.title EasyShare SMART Health Links
webadmin.view.config.category.email_server.title Email Configuration
webadmin.view.config.category.endpoint_mdm_ui.title MDM UI
webadmin.view.config.category.endpoint_p2p.title P2P FHIR Client
webadmin.view.config.category.etl_import_csv.title ETL Import: CSV Properties
webadmin.view.config.category.etl_import_source.title ETL Import: Source
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_binary_storage.title FHIR Binary Storage
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_bulk_operations.title FHIR Bulk Operations
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_capability_statement.title Capability Statement
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_configuration.title FHIR Configuration
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_consent_service.title Consent Service
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_endpoint_conversion.title FHIR Endpoint Conversion
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_endpoint_hfql.title FHIR Endpoint HFQL Support
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_endpoint_interceptors.title Interceptors
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_endpoint_partitioning.title FHIR Endpoint Partitioning
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_endpoint_providers.title Resource Providers
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_endpoint_security.title FHIR Endpoint Security
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_endpoint_terminology.title Endpoint Terminology
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_gateway_cache.title FHIR Gateway Cache
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_gateway_config.title FHIR Gateway Configuration
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_interceptors.title FHIR Interceptors
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_livebundle_service.title LiveBundle Service
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_mdm.title FHIR MDM Server
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_performance.title FHIR Performance
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_performance_tracing.title FHIR Performance Tracing
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_realtime_export.title FHIR Realtime Export
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_repository_validation.title Repository Validation
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_resource_types.title FHIR Resource Types
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_rest_endpoint.title FHIR REST Endpoint
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_search.title FHIR Search
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_custom_resource_types.title Custom Resource Types
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_ig_support.title IG Support
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_megascale.title MegaScale
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_module_conditional_updates.title FHIR Storage Module Conditional Updates
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_module_scheduled_tasks.title FHIR Storage Module Scheduled Tasks
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_module_validation_svcs.title FHIR Validation Services
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_package_registry.title FHIR Storage Package Registry
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_partitioning.title FHIR Storage Partitioning
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_storage_versioned_reference.title Versioned References
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_subscription_delivery.title FHIR Subscription Delivery
webadmin.view.config.category.fhir_subscription_persistence.title FHIR Subscription Persistence
webadmin.view.config.category.healthlake_rest_endpoint.title Amazon HealthLake REST Endpoint
webadmin.view.config.category.history_rewrite.title History Rewrite
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_contained_resource.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - Contained Resource
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_dg1.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - DG1
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_forced_namespace_mode.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - Forced Namespace Mode
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_general.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - General
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_medications.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - Medications
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_obr.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - OBR
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_observation_group.title HL7 v2.x to FHIR Mapper - OBSERVATION Group
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_orc.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - ORC
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_order_observation_group.title HL7 v2.x to FHIR Mapper - ORDER_OBSERVATION Group
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pid.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - PID
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_fhir_mapper_pv1.title HL7 v2.x Mapper - PV1
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_listener_interceptors.title Listener Interceptors
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_listener_script.title HL7 v2.x Listener Script
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_listening_endpoint.title HL7 v2.x Listening Endpoint
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_mllp_listener.title HL7 v2.x MLLP Listener
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_mllp_sender.title HL7 v2.x MLLP Sender
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_out_mapper_script.title FHIR to HL7 v2.x Mapper Script
webadmin.view.config.category.hl7v2_out_mapping_general.title HL7 v2.x Outbound Mapping
webadmin.view.config.category.hrex.title Da Vinci Health Record Exchange (HRex)
webadmin.view.config.category.http_access_log.title HTTP Access Log
webadmin.view.config.category.http_listener.title HTTP Listener
webadmin.view.config.category.http_request_pool.title HTTP Request Pool
webadmin.view.config.category.http_security.title HTTP Security
webadmin.view.config.category.hybrid_providers_definitions.title Hybrid Providers Definitions
webadmin.view.config.category.identifier_system_for_local_patient.title Reference System used by Target Patient
webadmin.view.config.category.ig_support.title IG Support
webadmin.view.config.category.initial_user_seeding.title Initial User Seeding
webadmin.view.config.category.javascript_execution_environment.title JavaScript Execution Environment
webadmin.view.config.category.json_web_keyset_jwks.title JSON Web KeySet (JWKS)
webadmin.view.config.category.ldap_authentication.title LDAP Authentication
webadmin.view.config.category.license.title Smile CDR License
webadmin.view.config.category.lucene_fulltext_indexing.title Lucene FullText Indexing
webadmin.view.config.category.mdm.title MDM
webadmin.view.config.category.narrative_generator.title Narrative Generator
webadmin.view.config.category.oidc_http_client.title OpenID Connect Token Validation
webadmin.view.config.category.openid_connect_oic.title OpenID Connect (OIDC)
webadmin.view.config.category.p2p.title Payer to Payer
webadmin.view.config.category.prior_auth_crd.title Prior Authorization Coverage Requirement Discovery
webadmin.view.config.category.prior_auth_dtr.questionnaire_package.url.title Questionnaire Package Url
webadmin.view.config.category.prior_auth_dtr.title Prior Auth DTR
webadmin.view.config.category.prior_auth_pas.title Prior Authorization Support
webadmin.view.config.category.privacy_notice.title Privacy Security Notice
webadmin.view.config.category.provenance_injection.title Provenance Injection
webadmin.view.config.category.qpp.submission_method.title QPP Api Submission Method
webadmin.view.config.category.qpp.title Quality Payment Program (QPP)
webadmin.view.config.category.realtime_export.title Realtime Export
webadmin.view.config.category.request_validating.title Endpoint Validation: Request Validating
webadmin.view.config.category.scheduler_configuration.title Scheduler Configuration
webadmin.view.config.category.search_parameter_seeding.title Search Parameter Seeding
webadmin.view.config.category.security_in_saml_provider.title SAML Provider
webadmin.view.config.category.security_in_script_text.title Security Inbound Script
webadmin.view.config.category.security_in_smart_auth.title Inbound SMART on FHIR Authentication
webadmin.view.config.category.security_in_smart_endpoints.title Inbound SMART on FHIR Endpoints
webadmin.view.config.category.security_oidc_federation.title OAuth2/OIDC Federation
webadmin.view.config.category.security_out_smart_callback.title SMART Callback Script
webadmin.view.config.category.security_out_smart_codap.title Cross-Organizational Data Access Profile
webadmin.view.config.category.security_out_smart_login_skin.title SMART Login Skin
webadmin.view.config.category.security_out_smart_tos.title SMART Login Terms of Service
webadmin.view.config.category.security_smart_authorization.title SMART Authorization
webadmin.view.config.category.security_smart_seeding.title SMART Definitions Seeding
webadmin.view.config.category.sessions.title Sessions
webadmin.view.config.category.support_consent_filtering.title Support Consent Filtering
webadmin.view.config.category.tfa_security_settings.title Two Factor Authentication
webadmin.view.config.category.tls_ssl_encryption.title TLS / SSL (Encryption)
webadmin.view.config.category.transactionlog.title Transaction Log
webadmin.view.config.category.trusted_client.title Trusted Client
webadmin.view.config.category.user_self_registration.title User Self Registration
webadmin.view.config.checkbox Show Advanced Config
webadmin.view.config.checkbox.mouseover Show advanced configuration settings. This will not change your current configuration values. Client Properties
webadmin.view.config.diagnostics.configErrors.title Configuration Errors
webadmin.view.config.diagnostics.configPerformance.desc IMPORTANT NOTE: The following config parameters affect performance. Unlike the lists above, this list should not be viewed as a list of recommendations. It is provided for informational purposes to indicate parameter values configured on your system that can impact performance. A parameter listed here should only be changed if that capability is not required by your system.
webadmin.view.config.diagnostics.configPerformance.title Performance Factors
webadmin.view.config.diagnostics.configSecurity.title Security Issues
webadmin.view.config.diagnostics.configWarnings.title Configuration Warnings
webadmin.view.config.diagnostics.performance.show_data Show Data
webadmin.view.config.diagnostics.title Config Diagnostics
webadmin.view.config.field_required Required
webadmin.view.config.field_required_msg indicates a required field
webadmin.view.config.mdm.auto_create_mode This setting controls the creation of a new Person resource when no existing Person exists.
webadmin.view.config.mdm.eid_system This setting controls the FHIR Identifier System to use for enterprise identifiers generated and/or recognized by the MDM. ID
webadmin.view.config.mdm.link_rule.desc Link Rules control the automatic creation of links between target resources (Patient, Practitioner) and master resources (Person).
webadmin.view.config.mdm.link_rule.max_score Max Score
webadmin.view.config.mdm.link_rule.min_score Min Score
webadmin.view.config.mdm.link_rule.outcome Outcome
webadmin.view.config.mdm.link_rule.review_queue Review Queue
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.add_reviewQueue Add Review Queue
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.add_rule Add Rule
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.delete_reviewQueue Delete Review Queue
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.delete_rule Delete Rule
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.desc This page controls matching logic for an MDM module. All rules around automatic and manual linking criteria are set here. Changes to this configuration are applied when the module is restarted.
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.header MDM Module: {0}
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.link_rules.header Link Rules
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.link_rules.outcome Outcome
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.reviewQueues.header Review Queues Save
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.desc Standard Matching Rules are applied any time a new potential target resource (Patient, Practitioner) is created or updated in the repository. A search is performed to determine whether a master record exists matching the given criteria, and if so the <strong>weight</strong> is added to a running total. See <strong>Link Rules</strong> below to configure automatic linking based on score thresholds.
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.header Standard Matching Rules
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.match_city Match Address: City
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.match_country Match Address: Country
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.match_dob Match Date of Birth
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.match_gender Match Gender
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.match_name_first_and_last Match Names (Family and Given)
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.match_postalcode Match Address: Postal Code
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.standard_match_rules.match_state Match Address: State/Province
webadmin.view.config.mdm.module.title MDM Module Configuration
webadmin.view.config.mdm.modules.header MDM Modules Name
webadmin.view.config.mdm.no_reviewQueue No Review Queue
webadmin.view.config.mdm.no_reviewQueues No Review Queues Defined
webadmin.view.config.mdm.no_rules No Rules Defined
webadmin.view.config.mdm.outcome_messages.config_saved MDM configuration has been saved.
webadmin.view.config.mdm.outcome_messages.invalid_node_or_module_id Invalid node/module specified.
webadmin.view.config.mdm.outcome_messages.invalid_weight An invalid rule weight was entered. Please check your values and try again.
webadmin.view.config.mdm.reviewQueue.desc The optional ability for the configuration to specify a review queue to be added to any Person resource that has had a link automatically added to it.
webadmin.view.config.mdm.title MDM Configuration
webadmin.view.config.module.dependencies Dependencies
webadmin.view.config.module.intro_section Overview
webadmin.view.config.module.password.placeholder (leave blank for no change)
webadmin.view.config.module.select_dependency --- select dependency ---
webadmin.view.config.module.status.panel.status.running Running
webadmin.view.config.module.status.panel.status.stopped Stopped
webadmin.view.config.module.status.panel.status.title Status
webadmin.view.config.module.status.panel.title Node&nbsp;<b>{0}</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="color: #888;"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Module&nbsp;<b>{1}</b>
webadmin.view.config.module.status.panel.type Type&nbsp;<b>{0}</b>
webadmin.view.config.module.title Smile CDR - Module Config: {0}
webadmin.view.config.module.title.short Module Config
webadmin.view.config.nav.nodeLocked Locked
webadmin.view.config.nav.nodePanel Node: {0} [{1}]
webadmin.view.config.node.locked Node config locked
webadmin.view.config.node.module.locked Module config locked
webadmin.view.config.node.modules Manage Node Modules
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.add Add Module of Type
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.add.header Add Module
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.add.to_node To Node
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.config_failures Config Failures
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.current_value Current Value
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.desc A node is a single running process, and it hosts any number of modules. These modules perform individual functions, and they are configured and wired together via their individual configurations.
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.failures Failures
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.issue Issue
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.moduleId Module
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.moduleId.prefix Module: {0}
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.nodeId Node
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.nodeId.prefix Node: {0} Property
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.shortName Description Show archived Modules
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.status Status
webadmin.view.config.node.modules.type.prefix Module Type: {0}
webadmin.view.config.node.title Manage Node: {0}
webadmin.view.config.node.title.short Manage Node
webadmin.view.config.nodes.locked All nodes are locked on this server. New modules may not be added.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.access_token_validity Access Token Validity
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.access_token_validity.desc Tokens requested by this client will be valid for the given time period.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.always_require_approval Always Require Approval
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.always_require_approval.desc If this is set to "yes", the user will always be directed to an approval page before being redirected back to the client application, even if no scopes need explicit approval.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.authorizedGrantTypes Authorized Grant Types
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.authorizedGrantTypes.desc The grant types supported by the client. See <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_authorization_flows.html#authorization-flows">Grant Types Documentation</a> for information on the various types. Note that you should only enable the types of grants that you are sure that the client actually needs to support, as there are security implications for each type.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.auto_approve_scopes Auto-Approve Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.auto_approve_scopes.desc This is the list of scopes that the client will auto-approve, meaning the user does not need to manually approve them (whitespace separated). Note that unlike Auto-Grant scopes, the client must still explicitly request this scope during the authorization flow in order for it to be granted.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.auto_grant_scopes Auto-Grant Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.auto_grant_scopes.desc Any scopes listed here will be granted to the client every time it authorizes without requiring user approval. Unlike Auto-Approve Scopes, the user/client does not need to request any scopes listed here in order for them to be granted (whitespace separated).
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.can_introspect_tokens Token Introspection
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.can_introspect_tokens.any Any Tokens
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.can_introspect_tokens.desc If enabled, this client will be eligible to introspect tokens.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.can_introspect_tokens.own Own Tokens
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.can_reuse_tokens Token Reuse
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.can_reuse_tokens.desc If enabled, access tokens (and <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_authorization_flows.html#refresh-flow">refresh tokens</a> if they are permitted for the client) can be reissued if the client makes multiple authorization requests with the same parameters. This can be useful for clients that are designed to frequently make the same request for tokens, in order to avoid excessive token creation. When a token is reused, callback scripts are not executed.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails Client Details
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.allowSelfClientSecretChange Client Secret can be changed by Client
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.attestationAccepted Attestation Accepted
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.attestationAccepted.desc Has the client developer attested that they adhere to the policy?
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.authenticationRequired Authentication Required
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.clientId Client ID
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.clientId.desc The ID that is supplied by the client in the request flow. This ID will be passed around as a URL parameter so it is recommended that it be a fairly simple string (e.g. <code>growth_chart</code>).
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.clientName Client Name
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.clientName.desc This is the name/description of this client that will be shown to end users when they are authorizing.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.clientSecret Client Secrets
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.clientSecret.desc The client secret is used to authenticate the Client (as opposed to the user) with the authentication server. The credentials supplied here are used when the Client needs to communicate directly with the Authorization Server, such as during the Authorization Code flow and during the Refresh flow. See the documentation on <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_outbound_security_module.html#client-secrets">Client Secrets</a> for information on how these are used.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.clientSecretRequired Client Secret Required to Authenticate
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.fixedScope Fixed Scope
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.fixedScope.desc If the client is marked as a fixed scope client, all authorization requests will be treated as though the client had explicitly requested the scopes listed in the <em>Scopes</em> section. The list of requested scopes will be ignored.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.rememberApprovedScopes Remember User Approved Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.clientDetails.rememberApprovedScopes.desc If enabled, individual users' approved scopes will be persisted.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.client_authentication Client Authentication
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.client_jwks_url JWKS Url
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.client_jwks_url.desc Public URL that provides the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) needed to validate JWKs during the <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_authorization_flows.html#client-credentials-flow-with-jwt-credential">Client Credentials with JWT Credential</a> flow. If provided, anything specified in Public JWKS will be ignored.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.client_public_jwks Client Public JWKS
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.client_public_jwks.desc If this client will authenticate using the <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_authorization_flows.html#client-credentials-flow-with-jwt-credential">Client Credentials with JWT Credential</a> system flow (used by the SMART Backend Services Authorization Guide), place the Public JWKS Keystore text for this client here. Do not include private keys here. If this form of authentication is used, a client secret does not need to be supplied.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.oauth2_details OAuth2 Properties
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.permissions Client Permissions
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.permissions.desc Use this section to grant permissions to the client itself. Note that these permissions will only be used when the client is authenticating directly, without a user present (i.e. via the <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_authorization_flows.html#client-credentials">client credentials grant type</a>).
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.redirect_urls Authorized Redirect URLs
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.redirect_urls.desc These are the URLs that the application is permitted to use when requesting an OAuth2 redirect. Place one URL per line.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.refresh_token_validity Refresh Token Validity
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.refresh_token_validity.desc If <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_authorization_flows.html#refresh-flow">refresh tokens</a> are enabled, any refresh tokens requested by this client will be valid for the given time period.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.save_completed Client "{0}" has been saved.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.scopes Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.scopes.desc This is the list of scopes that the client is permitted to request (whitespace separated). See <a href="/docs/smart/smart_on_fhir_smile_cdr.html#smile-cdr-supported-smart-scopes">Supported Scopes Documentation</a> for information about available scopes.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.smart_scopes SMART Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add.title Create Client
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add_client Create Client
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add_client.action Add Client Create Client
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add_client.save_error Unable to add client due to errors; please review to fix and try again.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add_client.saved Client {0} has been created.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.add_client.title Add Client
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.client_table.appSphere Managed by appSphere
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.client_table.authorizedGrantTypes Authorized Grant Types
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.client_table.clientId Client ID
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.client_table.clientName Name
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.client_table.module Module No
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.client_table.status Status
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.client_table.yes Yes
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.clients_table_header Clients
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.desc This section is used to create authorized OpenID Connect Clients, which can authenticate via outbound security modules (e.g. SMART applications).
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit.archived Archived
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit.archived.desc Archives the client. Archived clients cannot be unarchived. Use with caution.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit.clientDetails Client Details
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit.clientDisabled Disabled
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit.clientEnabled Enabled
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit.title Modify Client
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit_client Edit Client: {0} Save Client
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit_client.save_error Unable to save client record due to errors; please review to fix and try again.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.edit_client.saved Client {0} has been saved. Note that changes may take a few moments to propagate.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.no_modules Note that there are no OpenID Connect modules configured so no clients may be created.
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.title OpenID Connect Clients
webadmin.view.config.oicclients.viewing_client_status Viewing:
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.jwks JSON Web Keys
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.jwks.desc This section specifies the Public JSON Web Keys associated with this server.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.jwks.key_file Key (File)
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.jwks.key_file.desc For flows that require Smile CDR to verify a JWK that was signed by the remote server (i.e. the Cross-Organization Data Access Profile), this field may be populated with a JWK. Typically this JWK will contain only the public key.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.jwks.key_text Key (Text)
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.jwks.key_text.desc For flows that require Smile CDR to verify a JWK that was signed by the remote server (i.e. the Cross-Organization Data Access Profile), this field may be populated with a JWK. Typically this JWK will contain only the public key.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oauth2_details OAuth2 Details
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.authScriptText Authorization Script (Text)
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.authScriptText.desc When using Federated OAuth2/OIDC Login, a script is used to bridge between the user authorization details received from the federated provider and the requested authorization details in the originating SMART on FHIR application. This script is used to assign appropriate permissions and inject any other required details into the user session. It may obtain all required information by inspecting the access token details, or it may make additional service calls to fetch information.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.authorizationUrl Authorization URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.authorizationUrl.desc The URL to redirect the requesting user to in order to request user authentication/authorization with the federated provider.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.cardtitle Federated OAuth2/OIDC Login
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.desc This section will only be used for Outbound SMART Security modules with <a href="/docs/smart/federated_oauth2.html">Federated OAuth2/OIDC Login</a> enabled. Settings here apply to the remote (federated) OAuth2/OIDC provider.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.jwkSetUrl JWKSet URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.jwkSetUrl.desc The URL from which to obtain the federated provider's token signing public key.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.registrationId Registration ID
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.registrationId.desc A unique identifier for the federation between Smile CDR and the federated provider. If this is left blank, a unique value will be automatically created by Smile CDR. You may choose to use a more descriptive value however, as it will appear in URLs and log statements. Since this value will appear in URL paths, only letters and numbers should be used with no whitespace.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.requestScopes Request Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.requestScopes.desc When requesting authorization against the federated provider, this setting controls which OAuth2 scopes will be requested. Note that the scopes requested by the security module from the federated provider are independent from the scopes requested by the SMART application that is authorizing against Smile CDR. In a typical flow, a SMART on FHIR application will request SMART scopes from Smile CDR, and Smile CDR will in turn request a different set of appropriate scopes from the federated provider.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.tokenUrl Token URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.tokenUrl.desc The service URL used by the SMART Outbound Security module for code exchange when requesting a token from the federated provider.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.userInfoUrl UserInfo URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.userInfoUrl.desc The service URL used by the SMART Outbound Security module for requesting user details.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.userMappingScriptText User Mapping Script (Text)
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.oidc_federation.userMappingScriptText.desc When using Federated OAuth2/OIDC Login, this optional script can be used to map the name of the user created by Smile CDR from the OIDC login information. It will be invoked after a successful login to create an external user ID.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.p2p P2P Related Fields
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.p2p.desc The following fields are required for P2P functionality.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.p2p.requestScopes Request Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.p2p.requestScopes.desc When requesting authorization against the provider, this setting controls which OAuth2 scopes will be requested. Note that the scopes requested by the security module from the provider are independent from the scopes requested by the SMART application that is authorizing against Smile CDR. In a typical flow, a SMART on FHIR application will request SMART scopes from Smile CDR, and Smile CDR will in turn request a different set of appropriate scopes from the provider.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.p2p.tokenUrl Token URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.p2p.tokenUrl.desc The service URL used by the SMART Outbound Security module for code exchange when requesting a token from the provider.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.save_completed Server "{0}" has been saved.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.save_error Error adding server: Issuer and/or Federated Registration ID is not unique.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails Server Details
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.archived Archived
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.archived.desc Archives the client. Archived clients cannot be unarchived. Use with caution.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.audience Audience
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.audience.desc Defines the intended recipients of the token
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.authWellKnownConfigUrl Auth Well-Known Configuration URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.authWellKnownConfigUrl.desc The URL defined within the OpenID Connect specification, which provides configuration information about the Identity Provider (IDP).
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.customTokenParams Custom Token Parameters
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.customTokenParams.desc Customized token parameters set for this OIDC Server.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.fhirEndpointUrl FHIR Endpoint URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.fhirEndpointUrl.desc The URL describing the technical details of a location that can be connected to for the delivery/retrieval of information. This URL can be a locally hosted service, regional service, or national service.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.issuer Issuer
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.issuer.desc The URL associated with this issuer. This URL will be provided within the <code>iss</code> claim in Access Tokens generated by this server. Note that the issuer URL serves as the identifier for a given server definition. It must be unique. Note that any trailing slash will be ignored, and this definition will still be matched if a trailing slash is present in tokens being validated. Server Name A name to give this server (this property is just for convenience, it does not need to match any value elsewhere).
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.notes Notes
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.notes.desc Include details such as Registration URL.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.organizationId Organization ID
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.organizationId.desc The identification code used to specify an organization or business. (i.e. Payer ID/A five digit standardized industry identify used by payers)
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.responseType Response Type
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.responseType.desc Possible values include: code, token, id_token, id_token token, code id_token, code token, code id_token token, none.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.scopes Request Scopes
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.serverDetails.scopes.desc This setting controls which OAuth2 scopes will be requested.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.title Add Server
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.tokenIntrospection Token Introspection
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.tokenIntrospectionClientId Client ID
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.tokenIntrospectionClientId.desc If Smile CDR needs to perform token introspection in order to learn more about an access token, this client ID will be used.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.tokenIntrospectionClientSecret Client Secret
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add.tokenIntrospectionClientSecret.desc If Smile CDR needs to perform token introspection in order to learn more about an access token, this client secret will be used.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add_server Add Server
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add_server.action Add Server Create Server
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add_server.save_error Unable to add server due to errors; please review to fix and try again.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add_server.saved Server {0} has been created.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.add_server.title Add Server
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.desc This section is used to create OpenID Connect server definitions. A server definition in this context refers to an external OpenID Connect server (i.e. 3rd party or a separate instance of Smile CDR) that is trusted to issue tokens that can be used by Smile CDR.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.edit.save_error Error editing server: Issuer and/or Federated Registration ID is not unique.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.edit.server Edit Server: {0}
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.edit.serverDetails Server Details
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.edit.title Modify Server Save Server
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.edit_server.save_error Unable to save server record due to errors; please review to fix and try again.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.edit_server.saved Server {0} has been saved. Note that changes may take a few moments to propagate.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.no_modules Note that there are no OpenID Connect modules defined so it is not possible to create OpenID Connect servers.
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.server_table.issuer Issuer URL
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.server_table.module Module Name
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.servers_table_header Servers
webadmin.view.config.oicservers.title OpenID Connect Servers
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.add.desc1 Keystore Details
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.add.desc2 A JWKS (JSON Web KeySet) is used for signing OpenID Connect tokens issued by this server. They must be provided in <strong>either</strong> <em>File</em> or <em>Text</em> format, not both. File paths will be given preference (if provided). If multiple keys are provided (for example, supporting existing issued tokens), the first key will be used for all newer tokens.
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.add.save_completed Keystore {0} has been saved.
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.add.title Create Keystore
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.add_keystore Create New Keystore
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.desc This section is for creating and storing keys for use in OpenId security modules.
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.edit.title Edit Keystore
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.keystore_details.keysore_json.desc This is a string containing a raw JWKS. Once saved, it will not be displayed again.
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.keystore_details.keystore_file_path Signing JWKS (File)
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.keystore_details.keystore_file_path.desc This is the file/resource path to use to load a JWKS file. Generally, the format should be <code>classpath:/filename.jwks</code> for a file placed in the Smile CDR <code>classes</code> directory.
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.keystore_details.keystore_id Keystore Id
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.keystore_details.keystore_id.desc Keystore ids must be unique across all keystores.
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.keystore_details.keystore_json Signing JWKS (Text)
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.keystore_table_header Keystores
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.no_results No Results
webadmin.view.config.oidckeystores.title OpenID Keystores
webadmin.view.config.overview This section may be used to configure storage modules, endpoints, security, and other features. Smile CDR is divided into modules that are individually configured according to the needs of the deployment.
webadmin.view.config.overview.title Smile CDR - Module Config No
webadmin.view.config.property_boolean.yes Yes
webadmin.view.config.property_default (default is {0})
webadmin.view.config.property_deprecated Deprecated
webadmin.view.config.property_deprecated_msg No longer recommended. Support may end at some point in the future
webadmin.view.config.property_docs Property documentation
webadmin.view.config.property_experimental Experimental
webadmin.view.config.property_experimental_msg Not suitable for production use
webadmin.view.config.property_trial Trial
webadmin.view.config.property_trial_msg Still subject to change. Will likely require professional services support, use with caution in production
webadmin.view.config.status.jump_to.runtime_status Runtime Status
webadmin.view.config.status.warn_properties_unlocked_mode This server is configured in PROPERTIES_UNLOCKED mode. Any changes made here will take effect when the module is saved and restarted, but will be lost when Smile CDR is restarted.
webadmin.view.config.status.warn_upgrade_mode UPGRADE IN PROGRESS. Changes cannot be made to this server while CDR_UPGRADE_MODE is set. Upgrade the server and unset CDR_UPGRADE_MODE before making any configuration changes.
webadmin.view.config.title Configuration
webadmin.view.config.title.short Module Config
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.add_user.action Add User
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.add_user.desc Use this form to create a new user record Create User
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.add_user.save_error Unable to add user due to errors, please review to fix and try again.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.add_user.saved User {0} has been created.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.add_user.title Add User
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.change_password Change password: {0}
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.edit_user Edit User: {0}
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.edit_user.desc Use this form to modify the user record Save User
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.edit_user.save_error Unable to save user record due to errors, please review to fix and try again.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.edit_user.saved User {0} has been saved. Note that changes may take a few moments to propagate.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.filter.moduleId Filter by moduleId
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.filter.moduleId.all All Search Search by Username or Family Name
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.profile Profile
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.title User Management
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.title.short User Manager
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.default_launch_contexts.desc Default launch contexts are contexts associated with a user by default for the purpose of supplying a launch context claim during SMART on FHIR app launch.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.default_launch_contexts.encounter Encounter
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.default_launch_contexts.header Default Launch Contexts
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.default_launch_contexts.location Location
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.default_launch_contexts.patient Patient
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.default_launch_contexts.practitioner Practitioner
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.demographics Demographics
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.disabled Disabled
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.disabled.desc A disabled account is not capable of being used, typically as a result of an explicit administrative action locking it Email Address
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.empty No User records found
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.expires Account Expires
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.familyName Family Name
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.flag.account_disabled Disabled
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.flag.account_locked Locked
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.flag.external External
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.flag.service_account Service Account
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.flag.system_user System User
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.flags Flags
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.givenName Given Name
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.lastActive Last Active Date
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.locked Locked
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.locked.desc A locked account is not capable of being used (functionally it is identical to a disabled account), typically as a result of invalid login attempts or other automatic deactivation by policy
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.module Module
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.notes User Notes
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.notes.header Notes
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.password Password
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.password.placeholder (leave blank for no change)
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.permissions.title Permissions
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.roles Roles and Permissions
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.roles.desc Use this section to grant permissions to the client itself. Note that these permissions will only be used when the client is authenticating directly, without a user present (i.e. via the client credentials grant type). Click the ID for more information about a given role or permission.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.roles.title Roles Security
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.service_account Service Account
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.service_account.desc A service account is an account used by a system for backend processing (as opposed to for user activity). Service accounts do not generate audit log entries.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa Two Factor Authentication
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.disable Disable
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.enabled Two Factor Authentication is enabled for this account.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.enabledAt Enabled At
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.error Unable to get Two Factor Authentication information for User.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.not_confirmed Two Factor Authentication was activated but not confirmed for this account.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.not_confirmed_short Unconfirmed
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.not_enabled Two Factor Authentication is not enabled for this account.
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.not_enabled_short No
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa.totp_enabled_short TOTP
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.tfa_short 2FA
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table.username Username
webadmin.view.config.usermgr.users_table_header Users
webadmin.view.config.users_auth.title Users & Authorization
webadmin.view.datepicker.apply_label Apply
webadmin.view.datepicker.cancel_label Cancel
webadmin.view.datepicker.from_label From
webadmin.view.datepicker.last_24_hours Last 24 hours
webadmin.view.datepicker.last_30_days Last 30 days
webadmin.view.datepicker.last_6_hours Last 6 hours
webadmin.view.datepicker.last_6_months Last 6 months
webadmin.view.datepicker.last_7_days Last 7 days
webadmin.view.datepicker.last_hour Last hour
webadmin.view.datepicker.last_month Last month
webadmin.view.datepicker.this_month This month
webadmin.view.datepicker.to_label To Today
webadmin.view.datepicker.yesterday Yesterday No results found for search term Search docs Documentation On this page Table of Contents
webadmin.view.error.access_denied.message You currently don't have the required permission to access this page or complete the request. Go back to <a href="/">home page</a>.
webadmin.view.error.access_denied.title Access Denied
webadmin.view.error.bad_request.message The request you've sent was either invalid or malformed. Please try again, or go back to <a href="/">home page</a>.
webadmin.view.error.bad_request.title Bad Request
webadmin.view.error.details Error Details
webadmin.view.error.general.message The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
webadmin.view.error.general.title Server Error
webadmin.view.error.not_found.message We can't find the page you are looking for. Try checking the url, or go back to <a href="/">home page</a>.
webadmin.view.error.not_found.title Not Found
webadmin.view.error.title Error Help
webadmin.view.home.title Home
webadmin.view.home_not_signed_in.heading Web Admin Console
webadmin.view.home_not_signed_in.message You are currently not signed in.
webadmin.view.home_not_signed_in.title (not signed in)
webadmin.view.nodehealth.healthy.title Healthy
webadmin.view.nodehealth.problems.title Problems
webadmin.view.nodehealth.restart.title Restart Required
webadmin.view.offcanvas.close_label Close
webadmin.view.pager.first_page First Page
webadmin.view.pager.last_page Last Page
webadmin.view.pager.next_page Next Page
webadmin.view.pager.previous_page Previous Page
webadmin.view.profile.not_enabled <b>Status:</b> Two Factor Authentication is not enabled for your account.
webadmin.view.profile.password.change Change Password
webadmin.view.profile.password.confirm Confirm Password New Password
webadmin.view.profile.password.old Old Password
webadmin.view.profile.password.title Change Password
webadmin.view.profile.tfa.title Two Factor Authentication
webadmin.view.profile.tfa_confirm Confirm
webadmin.view.profile.tfa_disable Disable
webadmin.view.profile.tfa_enable Enable
webadmin.view.profile.tfa_enabled <b>Status:</b><br> Two Factor Authentication is enabled for your account.
webadmin.view.profile.tfa_unconfirmed <b>Status:</b> A Two Factor Authentication code has been generated. Please scan the following QR code in your authenticator app and enter the verification code below.
webadmin.view.profile.title Profile
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.action.filter.all ---Select All---
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.action.filter_lbl Action Date Filter
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.action Action
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.action.code Code
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.action.display Display Name
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.action.system System
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.additional_json SMART Scopes
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.client Client
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.datetime Date/Time
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.endpoint Endpoint
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.endpoint.module Module
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.endpoint.node Node Id
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.remote_address Remote Address
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.request_headers Request Headers Target Module Module ID Node ID Target Resource Persistence Module ID Persistence Node ID Request Validating Result Not validated Validation failed with error(s) Validation passed Validation passed with warning(s) Resource ID Resource Version Target User
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.targetRequestId Target Request ID
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.targets Targets
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.targets.desc The audit event is the focal object that the event is viewing/changing/acting on/etc.
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.transaction_guid Transaction GUID
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.header.user User Search by ID
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.module.filter_lbl Module
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.no_event_data No events available
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.title Audit Log (User Actions)
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.user.search_lbl Search by User
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.viewTransactionLog.title View Transaction Log Entry
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.viewentry.title View Audit Log Entry
webadmin.view.runtime.auditLog.viewentry.title.short View Entry
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.entry.title Batch Details
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.batch_status Batch Status
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.createTime Created
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.duration Duration
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webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.exitCode Exit Code
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.exitDescription Exit Description
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.failureException Failure Exception
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.job Job
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.jobId Job Id
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.job_execution Job Execution Details
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.job_parameters Job Parameters
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.lastUpdatedTime Last Updated
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.module Module
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.operation_result Operation Result
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.startTime Last Started
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.step Step
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.header.uuid UUID Batch Size Step Type Tasklet Type Current High Threshold Currently processing URL # Total Records Deleted Total Resources Processed Start Time
webadmin.view.runtime.batch.title Batch Jobs
webadmin.view.runtime.batch1.title Batch Jobs (old implementation)
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.filter.moduleId Select Module
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.cancelled Cancelled
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.combinedRecordsProcessed Records Processed
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.combinedRecordsProcessedPerSecond Records Processed Per Second
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.createTime Created
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webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.jobType Job Type
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.module Module
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.progress Progress
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.startTime Started
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.status Status
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.header.warningMessages Warning Messages
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.no_batch_data No batch job data available
webadmin.view.runtime.batch2.title Batch Jobs
webadmin.view.runtime.cluster_processes Cluster Processes
webadmin.view.runtime.log.view.title Event: {0}
webadmin.view.runtime.monitors.daterange_label Date Range
webadmin.view.runtime.monitors.no_charts No metrics data available
webadmin.view.runtime.monitors.title Monitors
webadmin.view.runtime.node.module Module: {0}
webadmin.view.runtime.node.nodePanel Node: {0}
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.failed_health_checks Health Checks Failing
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.failed_modules Modules Failed to Start
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.health_check Health Check
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.health_check_message Message
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.issues Issues
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.no_health_checks No health checks available
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.processId Process
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.running_since Since: {0}
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.status Status
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.status.FORCED_STOP Forced Stop
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process.status.STARTED_WITH_FAILURES Running with failures
webadmin.view.runtime.node.process_information Process Information
webadmin.view.runtime.node.statusTime Status Time
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.active_searches.byline This chart shows the number of currently active searches. An active search remains available for paging in the database (via next/prev links) until it has been purged after a configurable timeout period.
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.active_searches.title Active Searches
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.authentication_failure_count.suffix Attempts
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.authentication_failure_count.title Failed Authentication Attempts
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.authentication_success_count.suffix Attempts
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.authentication_success_count.title Successful Authentication Attempts
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.cpu_stats.jvm.description This chart shows the amount of processing time consumed by each individual Smile CDR process.
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.cpu_stats.jvm.title JVM CPU Usage
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.cpu_stats.system.description This chart shows the amount of processing time consumed by the host where the Smile CDR process is running (including CPU cycles consumed by Smile CDR, but also including cycles consumed by other processes).
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.cpu_stats.system.title System CPU Usage
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.date_range_selector Chart Date Range
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.db_connection_pool.title Database Connection Pool: Active Connections
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.fhir_persistence_across_cluster.title FHIR Invocation Count
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.fulltext_index_queue.title FullText Index Queue Size
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.http_distribution.title HTTP Cluster Distribution
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.http_pipeline_throughput.2xx HTTP 2xx (Ok)
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.http_pipeline_throughput.3xx HTTP 3xx (Ok)
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.http_pipeline_throughput.4xx HTTP 4xx (Client Error)
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.http_pipeline_throughput.5xx HTTP 5xx (Server Error)
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.http_threadpool.busy.title HTTP Pipeline Thread Pool: Busy Threads
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.http_throughput.title HTTP Pipeline Throughput
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.invoc_count.title Invocation Counts
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.jvm_cpu_stats.title CPU Usage
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.jvm_cpu_stats_allnodes.byline This chart shows the CPU usage for all nodes in the cluster.
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.jvm_memory_stats.title Memory Usage
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.jvm_memory_stats_process.title Memory Usage for Process: {0}
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.meter_latency.avg.description <b>Average Latency</b>: This chart shows the average latency experienced across all requests during the measurement period.
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.meter_latency.max.description <b>Maximum Latency</b>: This chart shows the maximum latency experienced by any request during the measurement period.
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.meter_latency.min.description <b>Minimum Latency</b>: This chart shows the minimum latency experienced by any request during the measurement period.
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.meter_latency.title Invocation Latency
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.resources.suffix Resources
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.searches.suffix Searches
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.session_count.suffix Sessions
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.session_count.title Active User Sessions
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webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.val_suffix.invocs_per_minute / minute
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.yaxis.invocs_per_10_minute Invocations / 10 min
webadmin.view.runtime.status.graph.yaxis.invocs_per_minute Invocations / minute
webadmin.view.runtime.status.jump_to.module_config Module Config
webadmin.view.runtime.status.jump_to.module_runtime_status Module Runtime Status
webadmin.view.runtime.status.jump_to.prefix Jump to:
webadmin.view.runtime.status.title Monitors and Health Checks
webadmin.view.runtime.title Runtime
webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLog.applied_filters Applied Filters
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webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLog.header.module Module
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webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLog.header.subtype SubType
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webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLog.modulePrefix Module:
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webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLog.nodePrefix Node:
webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLog.title Transaction Log (System Actions)
webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLog.usernamePrefix Username:
webadmin.view.runtime.transactionLogEntry.body Body
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webadmin.view.security_out_smart.authorize.scopesheader The "{0}" application is requesting the following permissions:
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webadmin.view.security_out_smart.revoke.clientsheader Click "Revoke" beside the application for which you would like to revoke access:
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.revoke.header Revoke access from SMART Applications
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.revoke.title Revoke access to SMART Applications All Granted Authorities View Your E-mail Address View User Profile Launch SMART on FHIR Application
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.scope.launch/ Access Encounter Context
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webadmin.view.security_out_smart.scope.patient/* Write Patient Information Read {0} Information Write {0} Information View User Profile
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.scope.system/* Read Clinical Data
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.scope.system/* Write Clinical Data
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.scope.user/*.*.name Access Clinical Data
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.scope.user/* Read Clinical Data
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.scope.user/* Write Clinical Data
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.signin-tos.agree_label Agree
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.signin-tos.reject_label Reject
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.signin-tos.rejected_error_msg Terms rejected
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.signin-tos.title Grant Access
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.cancel Cancel
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.confirm_password Confirm Password
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.new_password New Password
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.request_new_code Request New Code
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.error Sign-in error. Please try again.
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.forgot_password Forgot Password
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.login Login
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.password Password
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.remember_me Remember Me
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.select_context.desc Select the person whose data you wish to access.
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.select_context.title Select Login Context
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.tfa_code Two Factor Authentication Code
webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.signin.tfa_error Incorrect Two Factor Authentication code
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webadmin.view.security_out_smart.view.username Username
webadmin.view.sidebar.section.admin Administrative Modules
webadmin.view.sidebar.section.application Application Modules
webadmin.view.sidebar.section.cluster Cluster
webadmin.view.sidebar.section.cluster.overview Overview Exchange Modules
webadmin.view.sidebar.section.fhir FHIR Modules Security Modules
webadmin.view.signin-select-context.title Select Login Context
webadmin.view.signin-tfa.heading Confirm Two Factor Authentication
webadmin.view.signin-tfa.title TFA
webadmin.view.signin.MISSING_LDAP_GROUP User does not have appropriate LDAP group membership to login.
webadmin.view.signin.NO_PERMISSION_TO_SYSTEM User does not have permission to access this system.
webadmin.view.signin.bad_password Invalid username or password, please try again.
webadmin.view.signin.bad_username Invalid username or password, please try again.
webadmin.view.signin.error Sign-in error. Please try again.
webadmin.view.signin.error_account_expired Account has expired.
webadmin.view.signin.error_disabled Your account is disabled, and you may not log in.
webadmin.view.signin.error_locked Your account is locked, and you may not log in.
webadmin.view.signin.heading Sign in to admin console
webadmin.view.signin.insufficient_access You do not have sufficient access to sign into this system.
webadmin.view.signin.last_connect Last Connected: {0}
webadmin.view.signin.login Sign in
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webadmin.view.signout Sign out
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webadmin.view.subscriptionMetrics.DELIVERY_SUCCEEDED Successful Delivery
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webadmin.view.subscriptionMetrics.MATCHED_DATABASE Matched With Database Call
webadmin.view.subscriptionMetrics.MATCHED_IN_MEMORY Matched In-Memory Search ID
webadmin.view.subscriptionMetrics.not_available No subscription metrics currently available for this module type
webadmin.view.subscriptionMetrics.select_id --- Select Subscription ---
webadmin.view.subscriptionMetrics.title Subscriptions Build Smile Technical Support Download System Configuration Download System Config Download System Configuration with Logs If you are downloading logs, please remember to check for Personal Health Information and remove it before sending. Support Version
webadmin.view.support_portal.title Support Portal System Info / Download Config