46.19.1smileutil: Realtime Export Generation

This feature is currently experimental. Output should not be treated as complete in and of itself, but as an initial 'template' upon which to build.

The generate-rte-schema command generates a minimal Realtime Export (RTE) json ruleset and an SQL schema creation script based on a package-spec.json which identifies a source Implementation Guide (IG).

See Realtime Export for information on RTE and and Packages and Implementation Guides for information on IGs and package-spec.json.



Example using FHIR Version R4 and POSTGRES database engine.

bin/smileutil generate-rte-schema
-i "./path/to/package-spec.json"
-o "./output/files/path"
-v "R4"
-s "POSTGRES_9_4"
-c "/path/to/child/tables/file.txt"

The following output files will be saved in the specified directory (./outputfiles/path):

  • output.json the RTE schema
  • output.sql the SQL scripts for the specified engine to create the desired tables
  • unmapped_columns.csv a CSV file containing a list of unmapped columns and the reason they are unmapped


  • -i [implementation-guide] – The input package-spec.json defining the IG to use.
  • -o [output] – Path where output json and sql files should be saved.
  • -v [version] – The FHIR version that is to be used. Currently, only supported value is R4
  • -s [sql-engine] – The SQL engine to target for table creation scripts. Currently, only supported values are [MSSQL_2012, MYSQL_5_7, ORACLE_12C, POSTGRES_9_4]
  • -p [table-name-prefix](optional) Tables are named after the resource type with some prefix. The default prefix is rte_; but another can be specified with this parameter.
  • -c [child-tables](optional) An input text file containing a list of fhir paths (one per line) defining child tables to create. Eg, Specifying Patient.name would generate a child patient name table (provided Patient.name is a fhir path utilized by a SP in the given IG). If not provided, no child tables will be created.