Processors: Cluster Manager module
Cluster Manager module is available to all other modules, so no specific dependency needs to be configured to use it.
Smile Camel broker is both a consumer and a processor, which means that it can participate in a route as a consumer <from..>
or producer <to..>
Example from
URI: <from uri="smile:clustermgr/broker?topic=?my-kafka-from-topic">
Description: Takes messages from indicated topic, wraps them in a Camel Exchange and sends them to the following route node.
Example to
URI: <to uri="smile:clustermgr/broker?topic=?my-kafka-to-topic">
Description: Sends received Camel Exchange
message to defined Smile internal topic.
The Smile broker allows to reference topics simply by the topic name, which allows replacing a route like the following:
<from uri="kafka:v2-in-topic?brokers=localhost:9092&sslKeystoreLocation=/path/to/keystore.jks&sslKeystorePassword=changeit&sslKeyPassword=changeit&securityProtocol=SSL" />
<to uri="smile:hl7v2/hl7v2ToFhirProcessor" />
<to uri="kafka:bundle-out-topic/brokers=localhost:9092&sslKeystoreLocation=/path/to/keystore.jks&sslKeystorePassword=changeit&sslKeyPassword=changeit&securityProtocol=SSL" />
by the simpler definition:
<from uri="smile:clustermgr/broker?topic=v2-in-topic" />
<to uri="smile:persistence/bundleProcessor" />
<to uri="smile:clustermgr/broker?topic=bundle-out-topic" />
When your route begins with a Kafka consumer as the source, using manual commit mode can be useful in order to guarantee that no messages will be lost in the case of a disruption.
URI: <to uri="smile:clustermgr/kafkaManualCommit" />
In order to use this processor, the Kafka consumer component must include the parameters autoCommitEnable=false
and allowManualCommit=true
The following example shows a route with manual transaction committing.
<from uri="kafka:guaranteed-delivery-topic?brokers=localhost:9092&allowManualCommit=true&autoCommitEnable=false"/>
<to uri="smile:persistence/bundleProcessor"/>
<to uri="smile:clustermgr/kafkaManualCommit" />
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