Processors: Camel module
Camel processors only require the Camel (CAMEL
) module.
The following routes fully replicate the functionality in the Channel Import Module when a ResourceOperationJsonMessage message is posted to the kafka topic called channel-import-in-topic.
<routes xmlns="">
<route id="channelImportProcessor">
<from uri="kafka:channel-import-in-topic?brokers=localhost:9092"/>
<to uri="direct:processMessage"/>
<route id="processResourceOperationMessage">
<from uri="direct:processMessage"/>
<to uri="smile:camel/incrementRetryCountProcessor"/>
<log logName="ca.cdr.camel" message="Error processing ${body}. Sending to retry queue." loggingLevel="DEBUG"/>
<to uri="kafka:test.retry?brokers=localhost:9092"/>
<to uri="direct:failureQueue"/>
<log logName="ca.cdr.camel" message="Processing Resource Operation ${body}" loggingLevel="DEBUG"/>
<to uri="smile:camel/channelImportProcessor"/>
<route id="retryResourceOperationMessage">
<from uri="kafka:test.retry?brokers=localhost:9092"/>
<jsonpath>$.headers[?(@.retryCount < 3)]</jsonpath>
<log logName="ca.cdr.camel" message="Retrying ${body}" loggingLevel="DEBUG"/>
<to uri="direct:processMessage"/>
<to uri="direct:failureQueue"/>
<route id="failureQueue">
<from uri="direct:failureQueue"/>
<log logName="ca.cdr.camel" message="Error processing ${body}. Sending to Failure queue." loggingLevel="DEBUG"/>
<to uri="kafka:test.failed?brokers=localhost:9092"/>
See the Example Route in channelImportProcessor above for an example of how it can be used.
Example URI: smile:camel/script?function=myFunction&input=bundle&includeExchange=true
Description: This calls an arbitrary JavaScript function with the input from the route. The function can optionally receive the Camel Exchange as a second parameter.
: The JavaScript function to call (required)input
: Specifies the format to convert the input data before calling the function (optional)
: converts input message into a JSON documenthl7v2
: converts input message into an HL7v2 messagebundle
input type but that is now automatically handled without specifying an inputType)includeExchange
: When equal to true
, passes the Camel Exchange as a second parameter to the function (optional)Input:
: Provides read/write access to exchange message
: Provides read/write access to exchange propertiesOutput: The return value of the function will be passed to the next step in the route.
Below are example routes using the script processor with each of these input types:
<routes xmlns="">
<route id="string">
<from uri="direct:stringStart"/>
<to uri="smile:camel/script?function=processString"/>
<to uri="mock:stringResult"/>
<route id="stringWithExchange">
<from uri="direct:stringWithExchangeStart"/>
<setProperty name="myProperty">
<constant>original property value</constant>
<setHeader name="myHeader">
<constant>original header value</constant>
<to uri="smile:camel/script?function=processStringWithExchange&includeExchange=true"/>
<to uri="mock:stringWithExchangeResult"/>
<route id="json">
<from uri="direct:jsonStart"/>
<to uri="smile:camel/script?function=processJson&input=json"/>
<to uri="mock:jsonResult"/>
<route id="bundle">
<from uri="direct:bundleStart"/>
<to uri="smile:camel/script?function=processBundle&input=bundle"/>
<to uri="mock:bundleResult"/>
<route id="hl7v2">
<from uri="direct:hl7v2Start"/>
<to uri="smile:camel/script?function=processHl7v2&input=hl7v2"/>
<to uri="mock:hl7v2Result"/>
Here are some example JavaScript functions that would work with the above routes:
function processString(string) {
var parts = string.split(/\s+/)
var patient ='Patient');[0].given[0] = parts[0];[0].family = parts[1];
return patient;
function processStringWithExchange(message, exchange) {
// Access exchange properties
var properties =;
var originalPropertyValue = properties['myProperty'];
// Change existing exchange property
properties['myProperty'] = 'changed property value';
// Add new exchange property
properties['newProperty'] = 'added property';
// Access exchange headers
var headers = exchange.headers;
var originalHeaderValue = headers['myHeader'];
// Change existing exchange header
headers['myHeader'] = 'changed header value';
// Add new exchange header
headers['newHeader'] = 'added header';
return message + ", " + originalPropertyValue + ", " + originalHeaderValue;
function processJson(json) {
// Create a patient
var parts =\s+/)
var patient ='Patient');[0].given[0] = parts[0];[0].family = parts[1];
// Add the patient to a transaction bundle
var transaction = TransactionBuilder.newTransactionBuilder();
return transaction;
function processBundle(bundle) {
var resources = bundle.entryResources();
return resources[0].name[0].family;
function processHl7v2(message) {
// Create a patient from an ORU_R01 message
var patient ='Patient');[0].family = message['/PATIENT_RESULT[0]/PATIENT/PID-5[0]-1'];[0].given[0] = message['/PATIENT_RESULT[0]/PATIENT/PID-5[0]-2'];
// Add the patient to a transaction bundle
var transaction = TransactionBuilder.newTransactionBuilder();
return transaction;
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