39.1.1Web Admin Console Security Notice

When the Privacy Security Notice feature is active, the user will be presented with a separate page to display the Privacy Security Notice. The user must accept the terms to continue. The Privacy Security Notice feature is activated by configuring the version string. Once accepted, the user will not be asked again on subsequent logins to the Web Admin Console until the version string is changed or until the expiry period. The system records these Privacy Security Notice actions per-user with a timestamp. They are also recorded in the audit log.

The default Privacy Security Notice page only includes sample text and is not appropriate for production use. Production usage should configure a custom skin to present the desired text. When the Privacy Security Notice text changes, the configured version string should be changed as well to prompt users to re-agree. Modules

You can use the admin web console to edit a given module's configurations. Please note this will only work if your configuration property source is DATABASE.

To edit a given module's configuration, simply navigate from the root of the admin web console (ex: localhost:9100) and click on the module in question (ex: "persistence").

Example Context Selection Screen

Once there, make your change, save the change, and restart the module. Workflow

Note: We recommend using the edit module functionality strictly as a means of trying out different configurations before committing to one. After you are satisfied, please export and save your configuration:

Help > System Info/ Download Config

Then click on the "Download System Configuration" button.

This will generate a zip file containing, among other things, a cdr-config-Master.properties containing the configuration stored in your clustermgr database at that point in time.

Example Context Selection Screen environment

If you are running cdr within a multi-node environment, please be aware of the following limitation:

  • If you are editing a module that does not belong to the same node as admin web, you will not see any diagnostics for that module until you have done the following:
    1. Save the module
    2. Restart the module
    3. Refresh the page

Only then will the updated diagnostics display on the page.

As a workaround, we strongly recommend that you either:

  • Keep the module in question on the same node as admin web
  • Create another admin web module on that node and use that admin web instance to edit the module in question.