Enumerated Types
This page lists enumerated types used in requests/responses on the API.
Descriptions below refer to module, but these status codes apply to node status as well.
STARTED | Module is currently running |
STOPPED | Module is currently not running |
STOPPED_FOR_RESTART | Module is currently not running but is scheduled for restart |
START_REQUESTED | Someone has requested that the module start but the cluster manager on the node where this module is installed has not yet acknowledged the start; if a module remains in this state for an extended period of time it is likely that the cluster manager is not working correctly on the node |
START_ACKNOWLEDGED | The cluster manager is currently starting the module |
FAILED_TO_START | The cluster manager failed to start the module |
STOP_REQUESTED | Someone has requested that the module stop; see note on START_REQUESTED |
STOP_ACKNOWLEDGED | The cluster manager is currently stopping the module |
FAILED_TO_STOP | The cluster manager failed to stop the module |
RESTART_REQUESTED | Someone has requested that the module restart; see note on START_REQUESTED |
RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGED | The cluster manager is currently restarting the module |
ARCHIVE_REQUESTED | Someone has requested that the module be archived |
ARCHIVE_ACKNOWLEDGED | The cluster manager is currently archiving the module |
ARCHIVED | Module is archived |
FAILED_TO_ARCHIVE | The cluster manager failed to archive the module |
REINSTATEMENT_REQUESTED | Someone has requested that the module be reinstated |
REINSTATEMENT_ACKNOWLEDGED | The cluster manager is currently reinstating the module |
FAILED_TO_REINSTATE | The cluster manager failed to reinstate the module |
SUCCESS | Transaction Succeeded |
FAIL | Transaction Failed |
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