1.1.1Populating Sample Data


This guide shows you how load sample data into the Smile Clinical Data Repository. Smile

If you haven't already, the first thing to do is to start Smile CDR. From the root directory of your installation, do the following:

$ bin/smilecdr start
(...starting messages...)
Smile, we are up and running! the Web Admin Console

The next thing is to sign into the Web Admin Console. This console can be used by administrators to configure almost all aspects of the system. Access the console using the following URL: http://localhost:9100

To log into the console, enter your admin credentials. In a fresh self-hosted instance the username will be admin, and the password will be password. You should change these credentials before using Smile CDR in production with real data. Anonymous Access to the FHIR Endpoint

For security and by default, the server will reject anonymous access to the FHIR endpoint. For the purposes of this quickstart guide, we will enable it.

In the console, click on Config User Manager. This will take you to a screen that looks something like the following:

User Manager

Note the user named ANONYMOUS. This is the user whose permissions are assessed when an anonymous request is made to the server. If this user does not have the FHIR Client (Superuser) permission as shown in the screenshot above, do the following:

  • Click on Modify to edit the ANONYMOUS user.
  • Enable the role called ROLE_FHIR_CLIENT_SUPERUSER. This role grants the anonymous user the necessary permissions to perform any standard FHIR client operation.
  • Click Save at the top and wait a moment for the change to propagate. Sample FHIR Resources

Next we will upload a set of example resources to the server. We will be uploading a collection of generated synthetic data that is realistic enough for the purposes of this quickstart guide.

Note: Depending on your system, this may take a while.

From the root directory of your installation, do the following:

$ bin/smileutil upload-sample-dataset -e http://localhost:8000/
INFO  Upload complete