1.0.1Installing Smile CDR


Smile CDR can be deployed to a server as an application by extracting the Smile CDR application archive file or as a Docker service by importing the Smile CDR Docker image. Once deployed, the initial installation of Smile CDR should be as simple as editing the configuration file and starting the software. We believe that software should be easy to configure, and should come with sane configuration out-of-the-box.

The following sections will provide a general overview of the basic installation process along with details for deploying Smile CDR as an application. Additional details about deploying Smile CDR as a Docker service are available at this page.

1.0.2Installing to Linux / OSX


The following instructions will focus on deploying the software in a Linux/OSX environment.

  1. Create a service account that the Smile CDR application will run under

    	 sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --disabled-login --group smile
  2. Extract the archive

    	 # Navigate to the directory you wish to install to
    	 cd /opt/
    	 # Extract the Downloaded Archive
    	 sudo tar xf /path/to/smilecdr-2025.05.PRE-20 (build 8cc5ac4d85)
    	 # Reassign the install directory to the smile user
    	 sudo chown -R smile:smile smilecdr
  3. Navigate to the smilecdr directory

    	 $ cd smilecdr

You will now see the following directories in your target folder:

  • bin/ – contains the script used to start and stop Smile CDR's server process
  • classes/ – contains configuration files
  • lib/ – contains the application itself (you should not need to interact with this directory)

1.0.3Basic Configuration


Before starting Smile CDR for the first time, there are two files you will want to examine for settings.

  • Environment Settings

In the bin/ directory you will find a file called setenv. This file may be used to change the amount of RAM available to Smile CDR, as well as number of other low level settings. It is a good idea to glance over it and ensure that the default settings make sense for your installation.

  • Application Configuration

In the classes/ directory, you will find a file called cdr-config-Master.properties. This file contains all of the configuration for the modules which will be created the first time the system is started. A description of these files is found below.

1.0.4Quick Start


With the files unpacked, you can try starting the server by executing the bin/smilecdr start command as shown below.

This will start the server using the default configuration, which is not suitable for production use but is a great first test. If you are not installing Smile CDR for the first time, you can skip this section since it will be throwaway work.

$ bin/smilecdr start
2016-11-27 22:13:06.394 INFO  Smile CDR 2017-05-R01 / master / build 1de9be72
2016-11-27 22:13:06.404 INFO  Starting Smile CDR with configuration[Master]
2016-11-27 22:13:07.420 INFO  Starting module clustermgr
2016-11-27 22:13:16.948 INFO  Starting module local_security
2016-11-27 22:13:19.658 INFO  Starting module admin_web
2016-11-27 22:13:22.984 INFO  Starting module persistence
2016-11-27 22:13:37.863 INFO  Starting module fhir_endpoint
2016-11-27 22:13:38.854 INFO  Starting module admin_json
2016-11-27 22:13:40.591 INFO  CDR has fully started in 34192ms

Assuming you see the phrase CDR has fully started, you have now started the software.