Smile CDR v2024.11.PRE
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   49.30    Member Match 49.32    Da Vinci Health Record Exchange   



The Database configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • Use IAM Authentication

  • Default Query Timeout (Seconds)

  • Log Abandoned

  • Max Idle Connections

  • Connection Max Lifetime (millis)

  • Max Total Connections

  • Max Wait (Seconds)

  • Min Idle Connections

  • Pool Prepared Statements

  • Remove Abandoned on Borrow

  • Remove Abandoned Timeout Seconds

  • Test Connections on Return

  • Database Type

  • Expect database to be writable

  • Database Password

  • Database Update Mode

  • DB Secrets Manager

  • SQL Parameter Bind Mode

  • Database Connection URL

  • Database Username

  • Default Page Size

  • FHIR Version

  • Maximum Page Size

  • Use ordinal date values for day precision searches.

49.31.2Property: Use IAM Authentication

Property Name Use IAM Authentication
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, database connections will be authenticated using AWS IAM credentials. See IAM Authentication for more information.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.auth_using_iam = false

49.31.3Property: Default Query Timeout (Seconds)

Property Name Default Query Timeout (Seconds)
Property Key
Description This setting is the maximum number of seconds that a query may run before being automatically aborted by the database. This setting is a failsafe to prevent overly taxing searches from dominating the database.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value 60
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.default_query_timeout_seconds = 60

49.31.4Property: Log Abandoned

Property Name Log Abandoned
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description Log stack traces for abandoned database connections (default false)
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.log_abandoned = false

49.31.5Property: Max Idle Connections

Property Name Max Idle Connections
Property Key
Description The maximum number of idle connections to keep in the database connection pool at any given time.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value 8
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.maxidle = 8

49.31.6Property: Connection Max Lifetime (millis)

Property Name Connection Max Lifetime (millis)
Property Key
Description If set, provides the maximum total number of milliseconds that a connection is allowed to live. Any connections that are open for longer will be closed instead of being reused. Note that this setting applies only to idle connections in the pool, it does not affect active database operations even if the timeout is exceeded. Minimum recommended value: 120000
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.maxlifetime.millis = 

49.31.7Property: Max Total Connections

Property Name Max Total Connections
Property Key
Description The maximum total number of connections to allow the database connection pool to hold at any given time. Set this value carefully as it may negatively impact database performance when set too low or too high.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value 32
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.maxtotal = 32

49.31.8Property: Max Wait (Seconds)

Property Name Max Wait (Seconds)
Property Key
Description The maximum number of seconds that a request should wait for a database connection before timing out and aborting.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value 30
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.maxwait_seconds = 30

49.31.9Property: Min Idle Connections

Property Name Min Idle Connections
Property Key
Description The minimum number of idle connections to keep in the database connection pool at any given time.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value 0
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.minidle = 0

49.31.10Property: Pool Prepared Statements

Property Name Pool Prepared Statements
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, prepared statements will be pooled by the connection pool. Note that when using schema-based multitenancy, Smile CDR may choose to ignore this setting.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.pool_prepared_statements = false

49.31.11Property: Remove Abandoned on Borrow

Property Name Remove Abandoned on Borrow
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description Remove abandoned connections when they are borrowed from the pool (default false)
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.remove_abandoned_on_borrow = false

49.31.12Property: Remove Abandoned Timeout Seconds

Property Name Remove Abandoned Timeout Seconds
Property Key
Description Sets the timeout in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed (default 300)
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value 300
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.remove_abandoned_timeout_seconds = 300

49.31.13Property: Test Connections on Return

Property Name Test Connections on Return
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, connections will be tested for validity when they are being returned to the pool. This adds a small amount of additional overhead, but can be helpful in order to speed up recovery from network and database issues.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value true
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.connectionpool.test_on_return = true

49.31.14Property: Database Type

Property Name Database Type
Property Key
Property Type ENUM
  • MARIADB_10_1
  • MYSQL_5_7
  • POSTGRES_9_4
  • ORACLE_12C
  • MSSQL_2012
Description The database platform being used. Smile CDR supports several relational database platforms for persistence so this setting selects the dialect that is specific to the platform being used.

For example, if you are using Postgres 9.4, select the POSTGRES_9_4 dialect.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.driver = 

49.31.15Property: Expect database to be writable

Property Name Expect database to be writable
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description Fail health-check if the database is read-only.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value false
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.expect_writable = false

49.31.16Property: Database Password

Property Name Database Password
Property Key
Property Type PASSWORD
Description Password for the database.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.password = 

49.31.17Property: Database Update Mode

Property Name Database Update Mode
Property Key
Property Type ENUM
  • NONE
Description Controls whether Smile CDR should attempt to update the FHIR storage database schema on startup. If the database schema is out of date, Smile CDR automatically runs migration on the FHIR storage schema at startup if the value is "UPDATE" If the value is "NONE", then Smile CDR will abort starting the FHIR storage module if its schema is out of date. When set to "NONE", you should use the "smileutil migrate" command to upgrade the database manually.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value UPDATE
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.schema_update_mode = UPDATE

49.31.18Property: DB Secrets Manager

Property Name DB Secrets Manager
Property Key
Property Type ENUM
  • AWS
  • NONE
Description The configured DB connection Secrets Manager provider.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value NONE
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.secrets_manager = NONE

49.31.19Property: SQL Parameter Bind Mode

Property Name SQL Parameter Bind Mode
Property Key
Property Type ENUM
Description Specifies whether parameters in SQL statements should be inlined or bound to parameters.
Applies to Modules
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
Default Value NEVER_INLINE
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.sql_parameter_bind_mode = NEVER_INLINE

49.31.20Property: Database Connection URL

Property Name Database Connection URL
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description JDBC Connection URL for the database.

The following examples show JDBC URLs for a few different database platforms:
  • Derby Filesystem: jdbc:derby:directory:target/testDatabase;create=true
  • Postgresql: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/cdr
  • MariaDB: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/cdr
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.url = 

49.31.21Property: Database Username

Property Name Database Username
Property Key
Property Type STRING
Description Username for the database.
Applies to Modules
  • Audit Log Persistence
  • Cluster Manager
  • EasyShare SHL Endpoint (Public)
  • FHIR Storage (DSTU2 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
  • FHIR Storage (R3 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
  • FHIR Storage (R5 RDBMS)
  • Realtime Export
  • Transaction Log Persistence
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.db.username = 

49.31.22Property: Default Page Size

Property Name Default Page Size
Property Key
Description The default number of resources per page when querying mongo if _count is not provided. If not specified, will be set to 20.
Applies to Modules
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
Default Value 20
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.default_page_size = 20

49.31.23Property: FHIR Version

Property Name FHIR Version
Property Key
Property Type ENUM
  • DSTU2
  • DSTU3
  • R4
  • R5
Description The FHIR version that will be used with the Camel routes.
Applies to Modules
  • Camel
  • FHIR Gateway REST Endpoint
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
Default Value R4
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.fhir_version = R4

49.31.24Property: Maximum Page Size

Property Name Maximum Page Size
Property Key
Description The maximum allowable value for _count. Higher values of _count will be reduced to this value. If not specified, will be set to 100.
Applies to Modules
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
Default Value 100
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.maximum_page_size = 100

49.31.25Property: Use ordinal date values for day precision searches.

Property Name Use ordinal date values for day precision searches.
Property Key
Property Type BOOLEAN
Description If enabled, causes date search params with DAY precision to rely on the ordinal versions of the dates.
Applies to Modules
  • FHIR Storage (MongoDB)
Default Value true
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.use_ordinal_dates_for_day_precision_searches = true
   49.30    Member Match 49.32    Da Vinci Health Record Exchange