CDA Export Tutorial
This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process of exporting CDA documents from Smile CDR, it starts from the beginning with installing SmileCDR and setting up the CDA module.
1. Install Smile CDR
Install Smile CDR either from a tarball or using Docker.
2. Start Smile CDR
Start Smile CDR by running the following command:
$ bin/smilecdr start
3. Access the Web Admin Console
Access the Web Admin Console by navigating to the following URL in your web browser:
Log in with the default credentials "admin", "password".
4. Install your license
Navigate to Configuration
Module Config
and click on license
on the left hand side.
Paste your license key into License JWT Text
Click Save Config
Click Restart
to restart the License module.
5. Add a CDA Exchange+ Module
In the Web Admin Console, navigate to Configuration
Module Config
and click the Add Module
Select the CDA Exchange+
module and click Add
Scroll to the Dependencies
section at the bottom and set FHIR Storage Module (any FHIR version)
to persistence (FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS))
Click Create Module
Click Start
to start the CDA Exchange+ module.
Verify that the module is running by checking there is a green checkmark beside cda_exchange_plus on the bottom left. If the module failed to start, there will be an error displayed on the top of the Module Config
page, e.g. you will see InsufficientLicenseException
if your license doesn't grant access to the CDA Exchange+ module.
6. Grant Permissions
In a proper setup, we'd add the following permissions to the user account that needs to export CDA documents:
But since we're just in a quickstart testing environment, we will simply grant superuser permissions to the anonymous user:
Navigate to Users & Authorization
User Management
Beside the ANONYMOUS
user, click on Edit
(FHIR Client (Superuser)) permission and click Save User
7. Creating a CDA template
The generateCdaExchangeComposition()
function is used to build the Composition upon which the CDA will be built. More information on properly building a Composition can be found under the CDA Module Mappings for Export as well as the CDA JavaScript Templating System.
8. Upload CDA export template
Note, this tutorial assumes there is already data in the repository, if no CDAs have been ingested yet, please consult the CDA import tutorial before returning to this page.
Upload the template of your preference to the template endpoint with the template in the body of the request. The template will have to be converted to a JSON format put together, the full call should resemble the following structure:
PUT http://localhost:9000/cda/{module_id}/template/{template_id}
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "default-ccd-template",
"script": "function generateCdaExchangeComposition(inputMap) {[...]}",
"params": ["Patient"],
"description": "Aggregate CCD Template"
: is the id of the CDA Exchange Plus module in SmileCDR
: is the id of the CDA template you intend to create, update, delete or view.
Just like before, special characters will require escaping.
An example CCD template JSON body can be found here. Upload this to the endpoint as mentioned above.
The default-ccd-template
id is special as this is the id that will be used when using the $docref
Upon successful ingestion, a 200 OK
will be displayed.
9. Export a CDA
There are three ways to create a new CDA document:
Method 1: $smile-generate-cda
The $smile-generate-cda
endpoint allows a user to specify which CDA template they want to apply to the Patient via the valueString
under the "name": "scriptName"
More information can be found in Endpoints for exporting CDA documents.
POST http://localhost:8000/$smile-generate-cda
Content-Type: application/json
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
"name": "scriptName",
"valueString": "my_script_name"
"name": "scriptParameters",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
"name": "patient",
"valueString": "Patient/123"
"name": "startDate",
"valueDate": "2024-01-01"
Upon successful creation of a CDA document, the return will be a 200 OK
along with the following body:
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "searchset",
"entry": [
"resource": {
"resourceType": "DocumentReference",
"status": "current",
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/1413"
"content": [
"attachment": {
"contentType": "text/plain",
"data": "PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0nMS4wJOnhzaT0i[redacted]",
"url": "/Binary/1452",
"title": "Uri where the data can be found: [base]/Binary/1452"
Where the data
will contain the generated CDA in base64 encoding and url
will contain a Binary
resource with the generated XML CDA document.
Method 2: using a Bundle or Composition resource
In the event a Bundle
or Composition
resource already exists for the generation of the CDA document, the resource itself can be converted into the CDA format.
For generating a CDA document via a Bundle
resource the following API call is used. This method assumes the Bundle
resource contains all the resources necessary to generate a CDA document:
POST http://localhost:8000/Bundle/{bundle_id}/$smile-generate-cda
For generating a CDA document via a Composition
resource, the following API call is used. This method assumes the Composition
resource defines the structure of a document and contains references to all the necessary resources to include in each section.
POST http://localhost:8000/Composition/{composition_id}/$smile-generate-cda
On success, the output will be similar to the output in $smile-generate-cda
Method 3: DocumentReference/$docref
This method will be changing significantly in SmileCDR versions 2025.02 and upwards
The DocumentReference/$docref
operation uses the default-ccd-template
template to generate a CDA document with. It requires the input parameter patient
which corresponds with the id of the Patient for whom the document will be generated. No other input parameters will be accepted.
POST http://localhost:8000/DocumentReference/$docref
Content-Type: application/json
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
"name": "patient",
"valueId": "Patient/1413"
On success, the output will be similar to the output in $smile-generate-cda
Putting it all together
With this knowledge, identify a Patient
in your repo via
GET http://localhost:8000/Patient
Take its id
and perform a CDA export first using $smile-generate-cda
with the id default-ccd-template
In order to generate from a Composition
find a Composition
resource via
GET http://localhost:8000/Composition
Use this Composition
to generate a CDA document via the Composition
based $smile-generate-cda
For more information on the various CDA endpoints, visit our documentation.
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