33.8.1HL7 v2.x Transactions


The Smile CDR inbound and outbound HL7 v2.x transaction processors can process a number of different transaction types. Smile CDR-supported transactions are outlined in the following sections.

If there are additional HL7 v2.x transactions you would like to see supported, please let us know!

For more information, refer to Supported HL7 v2.x Elements. Message Types

Any messages that contain a message type or message trigger that is not explicitly supported by Smile CDR will be accepted and ignored. For example, the ADT^A01 transaction is listed below as a supported transaction, and will be converted to FHIR resources and stored. On the other hand, if a sending system sends an MFN^M02 message to Smile CDR it will be accepted, meaning an AA (accept acknowledgement) will be returned.

33.8.2ADT (Patient Administration) Domain


Note: The HL7 v2.x inbound processor ensures that Patient resources resulting from the following event triggers are treated as conditional creates:

  • A03
  • A06
  • A07
  • A11
  • A12
  • A13
  • A60

In addition, Encounter resources resulting from the following event triggers are also treated as conditional creates:

  • A60
Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
ADT^A01 ADT_A01 Begin Encounter (Hospitalization)
ADT^A02 ADT_A02 Transfer Patient to New Location
ADT^A03 ADT_A03 Discharge Patient / End Encounter
ADT^A04 ADT_A01 Begin Encounter (Outpatient)
ADT^A05 ADT_A05 Pre-Admit Patient
ADT^A06 ADT_A06 Convert Outpatient to Inpatient
ADT^A07 ADT_A06 Convert Inpatient to Outpatient
ADT^A08 ADT_A01 Update Encounter
ADT^A11 ADT_A09 Cancel Admit
ADT^A12 ADT_A12 Cancel Transfer
ADT^A13 ADT_A01 Cancel Discharge Patient / End Encounter
ADT^A14 ADT_A05 Pending Admit
ADT^A15 --- Pending Transfer
ADT^A17 ADT_A17 Swap Patient Locations (Bed Swap)
ADT^A21 ADT_A21 Patient Goes on a Leave of Absence
ADT^A22 ADT_A21 Patient Returns From a Leave of Absence
ADT^A24 --- Link Patient Information
ADT^A25 ADT_A21 Cancel Pending Discharge
ADT^A27 ADT_A21 Cancel Pending Admit
ADT^A28 ADT_A05 Create Patient
ADT^A29 ADT_A21 Delete Patient
ADT^A30 ADT_A30 Merge Person Information
ADT^A31 ADT_A05 Update Patient
ADT^A34 ADT_A30 Merge Patient Information
ADT^A38 ADT_A38 Cancel Pre-Admit
ADT^A39 ADT_A39 Merge Person - Patient ID
ADT^A40 ADT_A39 Merge Patients
ADT^A45 ADT_A45 Move Visit Information - Visit Number
ADT^A47 ADT_A30 Change Patient Identifier List
ADT^A54 ADT_A54 Change Attending Doctor
ADT^A60 ADT_A60 Allergy Update
ADT^A61 ADT_A61 Change Consulting Physician

33.8.3BAR (Billing) Domain

Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
BAR^P01 --- Establish Billing Account
BAR^P12 BAR_P12 Update Diagnosis / Procedure

33.8.4DFT (Financial) Domain

Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
DFT^P03 DFT_P03 Post Detail Financial Transactions

33.8.5MDM (Document Management) Domain

Support for mapping MDM messaging to FHIR is presently limited to FHIR R4. If you require support for mapping to other versions of FHIR, please let us know!
Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
MDM^T02 MDM_T02 Original Document Notification and Content
MDM^T04 MDM_T02 Document Status Change Notification and Content
MDM^T08 MDM_T02 Document Edit Notification and Content
MDM^T10 MDM_T02 Document Replacement Notification and Content
MDM^T11 MDM_T01 Document Cancel Notification

33.8.6OMG/ORM (Orders) Domain

Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
OMG^O19 OMG_O19 General Clinical Order Message
ORM^O01 ORM_O01 General Order Message

33.8.7ORU (Results) Domain


For information on how this domain is processed, see Processing Results.

Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
ORU^R01 ORU_R01 Unsolicited Observation Request

33.8.8RDE/RAS (Pharmacy) Domain

Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
RDE^O11 RDE_O11 Pharmacy Order
RAS^O17 RAS_O17 Pharmacy Administration Event

33.8.9SIU (Scheduling) Domain

Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
SIU^S12 SIU_S12 Notification of New Appointment Booking
SIU^S13 SIU_S12 Notification of Appointment Rescheduling
SIU^S14 SIU_S12 Notification of Appointment Modification
SIU^S15 SIU_S12 Notification of Appointment Cancellation
SIU^S17 SIU_S12 Notification of Appointment Deletion
SIU^S26 SIU_S12 Notification That Patient Did Not Show Up for Scheduled Appointment

33.8.10VXU (Immunization / Vaccination) Domain

Transaction Structure Usage Supported Inbound Supported Outbound
(Trigger Transactions)
VXU^V04 VXU_V04 Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update