

23.8.2Config Diagnostics


The "Config Diagnostics" page in Smile CDR's Web Admin Console detects and reports common misconfigurations that might lead to errors or warnings while setting up the appSphere. To validate the configurations made to set up the appSphere, refer to the following examples:

[appSphere module ID] should have dependency set up for OpenID Connect Authentication
Sandbox FHIR Endpoint dependency in [appSphere module ID] should be assigned if FHIR Sandbox URL is set
OpenID Connect Security or security.oic.enabled (property key) value should be true in [FHIR Endpoint/Sandbox FHIR Endpoint module ID] for OpenID Connect Client creation and FHIR Endpoint access to work
[FHIR Endpoint/Sandbox FHIR Endpoint module ID] should have OpenID Connect Authentication dependency assigned for OIC Client creation and FHIR Endpoint access to work
[Client ID] should be set up and enabled as an OpenID Connect Client under the module specified in OpenID Connect Authentication dependency for [appSphere module ID]
Sandbox FHIR Endpoint dependency not set in the [appSphere module ID]
FHIR Endpoint should be different from Sandbox FHIR Endpoint
[FHIR Endpoint module ID] and [Sandbox FHIR Endpoint module ID] should have different OpenID Connect Authentication dependencies to prevent sandbox clients from accessing production data

Note: Module ID for each module type can be assigned by users based on preference

23.8.3App Registration Help Text

StepLabelHelp Text
1App NameName of the App as it appears in supported App stores and download sites.
2Supported Operating SystemsThe operating systems for which the App is available.
2App Homepage URLThe URL where the App’s download sites can be found. Use your homepage if no specific App page exists.
2URL to the App’s Privacy PolicyThe URL of a webpage describing the App’s privacy policy.
2URL to App’s Terms of ServiceThe URL of a webpage describing the App’s terms of service.
2OAuth Redirect URLThe URL to which users are redirected upon successful authentication
2Web App Launch URLFor web Apps only. The URL used to start the authentication process. See the SMART App Launch Implementation Guide.
3App DescriptionsThese will appear in the public-facing site.
3Upload App IconUse the guidelines from the Google Play Store. Upload the same icon used on other download sites.
4For the following categories, select all that are applicableChoose one or more options from each category to help users search for and find your App.
4HIPPASelect if your organization is HIPAA compliant. You may be asked to provide supporting documents. Learn More
4GDPRSelect if your organization is GDPR compliant. You may be asked to provide supporting documents. Learn More
4CARIN Code of ConductSelect if your organization attests to following the CARIN Code of Conduct. You may be asked to provide supporting documents. Learn More
4ONC Model Privacy NoticeSelect if your organization has completed the ONC Privacy Notice. You may be asked to provide supporting documents. Learn More
4ConfidentialityDeclare if the app runs in an execution environment that enables the app to protect secrets. If not, toggle to “Public”. Learn More
5Request ScopesType in scopes to request app permissions. Learn More
7Legal AttestationEither accept or decline adherence to the CMS ruling. Note that declining is allowed but may result in a public warning placed on your App on our hosted sites.

23.8.4Sign Up Help Text

StepLabelHelp Text
1Legal Business NameIndividuals without a registered business may enter their full name.
1DUNSFor registered businesses in the USA and Canada, this is a required field. If you do not have a DUNS, please apply for one here.
2AddressEnter the address of your place of business. If you do not have a business address, enter your home address.

23.8.5Smile CDR Config

Legal Company NameThis is used for legal documentation such as in Attestation documents and should not be changed without reason.

23.8.6Attestation Creation

NameTagHelp Text
Legal Company Name{{Legal Company Name}}This is the Company Name configured in Smile CDR. It refers to the Company owning the CDR.
Legal Vendor Name{{Legal Vendor Name}}This refers to the name of the Company registering an app.
App Developer Legal Name{{App Developer Legal Name}}This is the legal name of an individual representing the Vendor or acting as a sole proprietor.
App Name{{App Name}}This refers to the name of the App.
Vendor Position or Designation{{Vendor Position or Designation}}This refers to the job title of the individual or vendor representative.

23.8.7Current Software Versions --TRAIL--


The Current Software versions refer to the latest releases or iterations of Developer Portal and App Management Console. These versions often incorporate improvements, enchancements, and bug fixes to provide users with an updated and more efficient experience. Staying up-to date with current software versions is crucial for businesses and individulas to benefit from new features, security patches, and compatibility with the latest technologies.

NameCurrent Smile CDR VersionCurrent Appshere Version
Developer PortalSmile CDR v2023.11.R01Appshere v2023.11.1
Admin ConsoleSmile CDR v2023.11.R01Appshere v2023.11.1

Trial Issues

Developer PortalWhen entering urls in the registration form, they must be in the following format http://websitename.domain. If the entered url does not follow this format the form will display an error message.Will add an example to each error message in the future
Developer Portal and Admin ConsoleLogging out in an incognito chrome windowEnable cookies by going to the three dots in the top right hand corner of the browser > Settings > Cookies and other site data > select All cookies
Developer Portal and Admin ConsoleTrying to login to developer portal while already logged into admin console redirects user to unauthorized page in portal. The same occurs vice versaOpen an incognito window or a different browser to access the second application
Admin ConsoleAfter promoting the application to Live, admin user is redirected to Unauthorized page.Open Web Admin Console > Users & Authorization > User Management and make sure that the user has all necessary Roles and Permissions Related Issues

Management ConsoleTransitions and states don’t fit customer workflowContact the product team
Management ConsoleCan’t transition multiple apps at onceContact the product team
Management ConsoleCan’t find where to view registration info for an appClick on the app row (anywhere except the three dot menu icon)
Management ConsoleCan’t find where to change the AttestationClick the gear icon, top right corner
Management ConsoleCan’t find notes that app developers entered during registrationLogin to the App Management Console, find the app in the registered apps table, click on the three dots icon for that row, select 'View Audit Log'. The note should appear in the audit log table here. (latest entries appear at the bottom)
Smile CDR (Config)Image URLs for logos, hero images, etc. - images displaying incorrectlyFollow the instructions in Smile CDR config descriptions
Smile CDR (Config)Image URLs for logos, hero images, etc. - images not displayingURL entered correctly? Or contact the product team
Developer PortalDeveloper loses passwordExpected behaviour. Contact the product team.
Developer PortalDeveloper can’t change email, first name or last nameExpected behaviour. Contact the product team.
Developer PortalUpdating contact info in the developer portal will not update contact info in app details for old appsInvestigation needed
GalleryApp not appearing in GalleryStatus must be set to “Live” in Console

23.8.9Reference Documents


23.8.10Glossary of Terms

AttestationTo certify that you’ve met or exceeded the standards for meaningful use
D.U.N.S NumberA unique nine-digit number used as a standard business identifier. It is used to check the identity and legal entity status of an organization
FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource)Provides an API and a set of data models for structuring and accessing medical data
Meaningful useEnsuring that the I.T solution connects in a manner that provides for the safe electronic exchange of health information to improve the quality of care
SMART (Substitutable Medical Applications and Reusable Technologies)Provides a standard for how EHR systems and their applications authenticate and integrate. By standardizing these processes, health care providers can utilize more apps, and developers can write apps for a wider audience
White Label App GalleryPublic facing web page of the App Gallery that is modifiable by customers