30.0.1International Patient Summary (IPS)


The International Patient Summary (IPS) is an international collaborative effort to develop a specification for a health record summary extract. It is specified in the standards EN 17269 and ISO 27269, and supported in FHIR through the International Patient Summary Implementation Guide.

Smile CDR supports the automated generation of IPS documents using data that is stored in a FHIR Storage (RDBMS) module. The built-in generation algorithm can be extended and customized using the HAPI FHIR IPS Generator capabilities.

To enable the IPS Generation module and enable the $summary operation used to initiate a generation, the ig_support.ips.enabled support should be enabled.

30.0.2Generation Rules


By default, a standard set of rules for the universal IPS definition will be used.

A customized Generation Strategy, and customized Narrative Templates can all be included in a customer JAR file in the customerlib/ directory.

See HAPI FHIR IPS Generator for details on how this API works.

A sample project containing a customized IPS Generation Strategy is available at the Demo Projects page.