30.3.1CDA Module Mappings for Export


All code examples in this document assume that you are in your generateCdaExchangeComposition function and already have the following line in your code:
var composition = ResourceBuilder.build('Composition');

30.3.2Valid Document Types

  • "ContinuityOfCareDocument"

To set your document to any of the following types in your cda template, use composition.setType(documentType).

Example: composition.setType('ContinuityOfCareDocument')

30.3.3Valid Resources for the header

  • recordTarget: Patient
  • author: Device
  • custodian: Organization
  • documentationOf: Encounter

There is currently no support for the following optional header tags:

  • dataEnterer
  • informant
  • informationRecipient
  • legalAuthenticator
  • authenticator
  • participant
  • inFulfillmentOf
  • authorization
  • componentOf

30.3.4Valid Section Types and Sources


To add a section to your cda template, use composition.addSection(sectionType).

Example: var medicationSection = composition.addSection("medication");

30.3.5Applicable To All Sections


The following resources are available to all sections listed.

Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • DocumentReference
    • A Note Activity Act entry will be created for each DocumentReference in the section entry.

30.3.6Admission Diagnosis Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Condition
    • A Problem Observation entry will be created for each Condition in the section. These Problem Observations will be nested within a single Hospital Admission Diagnosis entry.

30.3.7Admission Medication Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • MedicationStatement
    • An Admission Medication entry will be created for every Condition resource entry in the section.

30.3.8Allergy and Intolerances Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • AllergyIntolerance
    • An Allergy Concern Act entry will be created for each Coding with system RxNorm found in AllergyIntolerance.code

30.3.9Encounters Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Encounter
    • An Encounter Activity entry will be created for each Encounter in the section.

30.3.10Care Plan Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • CarePlan
    • A Care Plan entry will be created for the CarePlan section.

30.3.11Care Team Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • CareTeam
    • A CareTeam entry will be created for the CareTeam resource.
  • Practitioner
    • A CareTeam performer act will be created for each practitioner in the CareTeam participant.

30.3.12Discharge Medication Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • MedicationStatement
    • A Discharge Medication entry will be created for every MedicationStatement resource entry in the section.

30.3.13Family History Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • FamilyMemberHistory
    • A Family History entry will be created for each FamilyMemberHistory in the section.

30.3.14Functional Status Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Observation
    • If an Observation contains one or more components, a Functional Status Organizer entry will be created, and one Functional Status Observation entry will be nested inside the Functional Status Organizer for each component found.
    • Otherwise, a single Functional Status Observation entry will be created for the Observation.
  • Condition
    • A Sensory Status entry will be created for each Condition in the section.

30.3.15Goals Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Goal
    • A Goal Observation entry will be created for each Goal in the section.

30.3.16Immunizations Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Immunization
    • An Immunization Activity entry with moodCode="EVN" will be created for each Immunization in the section.
  • ImmunizationRecommendation
    • An Immunization Activity entry with moodCode="INT" will be created for each ImmunizationRecommendation in the section.

30.3.17Medical Equipment Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Procedure
    • A Procedure Activity Procedure entry will be created for each Procedure in the section.

30.3.18Medications Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • MedicationStatement
    • A Substance Administration entry with moodCode="EVN" will be created for each MedicationStatement.
  • MedicationRequest
    • A Substance Administration entry with moodCode="INT"will be created for each MedicationRequest.

30.3.19Medications Administered Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • MedicationStatement
    • A Substance Administration entry will be created for every MedicationStatement resource entry in the section.

30.3.20Mental Status Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Observation
    • For each nested Observation resource entry in the Composition's Mental Status Section sub-section(s) will be rendered as a separate Mental Status Organizer. The section and sub-section model of the FHIR Composition will help render grouped Mental Status Observation entries.

30.3.21Past Medical History Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Condition
    • A Problem Observation entry will be created for each Condition in the section. These Problem Observations will be nested directly under the section.

30.3.22Payer Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Coverage
    • For each nested Coverage resource entry in the Composition's Payers Section sub-section(s). Each sub-section will be rendered as a separate Coverage Activity. The section and sub-section model of the FHIR Composition will help render grouped Coverage Activity entries.

30.3.23Plan of Treatment Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Encounter
    • A Planned Encounter entry will be created for each Encounter in the Plan Of Treatment Composition Section.
  • MedicationRequest
    • A Planned Medication Activity entry will be created for each MedicationRequest in the Plan Of Treatment Composition Section.
  • ServiceRequest
    • A Planned Observation entry will be created for each ServiceRequest in the Plan Of Treatment Composition Section.

30.3.24Problem Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Condition
    • A Problem Concern Act will be created for each Condition resource.
    • The nested Problem Concern Observation will contain the identifier from an Encounter or EpisodeOfCare in Condition.context. If no context is present, a random identifier will be assigned for the Problem Concern Observation.

30.3.25Procedures Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Procedure
    • An entry will be created for each Procedure in the section.

30.3.26Results Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • DiagnosticReport
    • A Results Organizer will be created for each Diagnostic Report.
    • All Observations referenced in DiagnosticReport.result will be collected.
    • For each Observation, a Result Observation will be nested in the Results Organizer for each value present in Observation.value and every Observation.component.value
  • Observation
    • A Results Organizer will be created for each Observation that was not collected for a Diagnostic Report.
    • A Result Observation will be nested in the Results Organizer for each value present in Observation.value and every Observation.component.value

Only values of type valueQuantity, valueCodeableConcept, and valueString will be read.

30.3.27Social History Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Observation
    • If an observation with Loinc code 72166-2 is present, a Smoking Status Meaningful Use entry will be created.
    • If an observation with Loinc code 76689-9 is present, a Sex Assigned At Birth entry will be created.

For either of these two entries, you can guarantee that an entry will be present even if no FHIR resource is provided by adding the entry to the populateMissing param array. in the /apply CDA Exchange Endpoint.

The full list of acceptable values for that array are:


30.3.28General Status Section

  • A Composition's General Status narrative-only section will be converted to a component entry with the narrative text from the section.

30.3.29History of Present Illness Section

  • A Composition's History of Present Illness narrative-only section will be converted to a component entry with the narrative text from the section.

30.3.30Review of Systems Section

  • A Review of Systems narrative-only section will be converted to a component entry with the narrative text from the section.

30.3.31Vital Signs Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Observation
    • The CDA Exchange v2 module expects Observations to be grouped together in nested sections of the Vital Signs section. A Vital Signs Organizer will be created for each nested section, containing one Vital Sign Observation entry for each Observation in that nested section.
    • If any Observations exist as direct entries of the top-level section, all of the corresponding Vital Sign Observations will be grouped in a single Vital Signs Organizer. This is not a recommended pattern.
    let vitalSection = composition.addSection("vitalsign");
    // All of these Observations will be clustered in a single Vital Signs Organizer
    let topLevelList = Fhir
        .where('subject', subject)
        .where('category', 'vital-signs')
        .where([some suitable filter])

    // All of these Observations will be clustered in a second Vital Signs Organizer
    let clusteredList = Fhir
        .where('subject', subject)
        .where('category', 'vital-signs')
        .where([some other suitable filter])

30.3.32Note Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • DocumentReference
    • A note entry will be created for each DocumentReference in the section

30.3.33Discharge Diagnosis Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • Condition
    • A Problem Observation entry will be created for each Condition in the section. These Problem Observations will be nested within a single Hospital Discharge Diagnosis entry.

30.3.34Admission Medications Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • MedicationStatement
    • A Medication Activity entry will be created for each MedicationStatement in the section. These Medication Activity will be nested within a Admission Medication entry.

30.3.35Discharge Medications Section


Acceptable FHIR resources:

  • MedicationStatement
    • A Medication Activity entry will be created for each MedicationStatement in the section. These Medication Activity will be nested within a Discharge Medication entry.