54.109    Narrative Generator 54.111    OpenID Connect (OIDC)   

54.141.1OpenID Connect Token Validation


The OpenID Connect Token Validation configuration category includes the following configurable options:

  • OIDC HTTP Client: JWKS Cache Timeout (mins)

  • OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore File

  • OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore Password

54.141.2Property: OIDC HTTP Client: JWKS Cache Timeout (mins)

Property Name OIDC HTTP Client: JWKS Cache Timeout (mins)
Property Key
Description If set to a non-zero value, any keystore lookups performed by the OIDC HTTP Client will be cached for the specified number of minutes. Caching these fetched keystores improves authentication performance by avoiding unnecessary lookups, but can also mean that invalidated keys will be honored for a period. Setting this to a small setting (such as the default value) is generally a sensible compromise.
Applies to Modules
  • SMART Inbound Security
  • SMART Outbound Security
Default Value 30
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.introspection_client.jwks_cache.mins = 30

54.141.3Property: OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore File

Property Name OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore File
Property Key
Property Type Resource Path
Description Specifies a TrustStore to use for outbound client connections from the OIDC server. This is only needed in cases where the remote OIDC server uses a self-signed certificate for TLS. This truststore applies to outbound (from Smile CDR) HTTPS connections that are made in order to fetch the remote IDP server discovery document, to fetch the remote IDP server JWKS (keystore), and to introspect tokens issued by the remote IDP server.
Applies to Modules
  • SMART Inbound Security
  • SMART Outbound Security
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.introspection_client.truststore.file = classpath:truststore.p12

54.141.4Property: OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore Password

Property Name OIDC HTTP Client: Truststore Password
Property Key
Property Type PASSWORD
Description The password to use to open the truststore, if specified.
Applies to Modules
  • SMART Inbound Security
  • SMART Outbound Security
Default Value (no default)
Example Property
module.[MODULE_ID].config.introspection_client.truststore.password = 
   54.109    Narrative Generator 54.111    OpenID Connect (OIDC)