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FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS)
The FHIR Storage (R4 RDBMS) module includes the following configuration categories:
Capability Statement (metadata)
FHIR Binary Storage
FHIR Bulk Operations
FHIR Configuration
Consent Service
FHIR Interceptors
LiveBundle Service
FHIR Performance
FHIR Performance Tracing
FHIR Realtime Export
Repository Validation
FHIR Resource Types
FHIR Search
Custom Resource Types
IG Support
FHIR Storage Module Conditional Updates
FHIR Storage Module Scheduled Tasks
FHIR Validation Services
FHIR Storage Package Registry
FHIR Storage Partitioning
Versioned References
FHIR Subscription Persistence
JavaScript Execution Environment
Lucene FullText Indexing
Endpoint Validation: Request Validating
Search Parameter Seeding
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