Interface IOAuth2ClientDetails

public interface IOAuth2ClientDetails
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Any scopes that will be automatically approved if the client requests them during authorization, without prompting the user.
    Any scopes that will be automatically granted to the client even if it does not request them.
    The client ID (used as a primary key, and as a parameter during auth exchange)
    The client's name (used only for display purposes, may be shown to end users)
    The module ID that this client is registered against.
    The node ID that this client is registered against.
    This PID (persistent ID) for this client.
    The client's public JWKS
    Allowable redirect URIs the client can specify as a part of an auth exchange
    Scopes that the client is allowed to request? Callers should not modify the returned collection.
    Was this client created by AppSphere
    Is the client enabled?
    Does the client require a client secret in order to authenticate?
  • Method Details

    • getPid

      This PID (persistent ID) for this client. This is the internal database ID for the client and is globally unique across the smile CDR cluster.
    • getNodeId

      The node ID that this client is registered against.
    • getModuleId

      The module ID that this client is registered against.
    • getClientId

      @Nonnull String getClientId()
      The client ID (used as a primary key, and as a parameter during auth exchange)
    • getClientName

      @Nullable String getClientName()
      The client's name (used only for display purposes, may be shown to end users)
    • getRegisteredRedirectUri

      Allowable redirect URIs the client can specify as a part of an auth exchange
    • getScope

      @Nonnull Set<String> getScope()
      Scopes that the client is allowed to request? Callers should not modify the returned collection.
    • getAutoApproveScopes

      Any scopes that will be automatically approved if the client requests them during authorization, without prompting the user. Callers should not modify the returned collection.
    • getAutoGrantScopes

      Any scopes that will be automatically granted to the client even if it does not request them. Callers should not modify the returned collection.
    • isSecretRequired

      boolean isSecretRequired()
      Does the client require a client secret in order to authenticate?
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Is the client enabled?
    • isCreatedByAppSphere

      Was this client created by AppSphere
    • getPublicJwks

      @Nullable String getPublicJwks()
      The client's public JWKS