Annotation Interface CdrHook

This annotation should be placed on interceptor methods. The value=Pointcut property determines which event is actually being invoked. See the Pointcut JavaDoc for information on available method parameters for a given hook.
See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Provides the specific point where this method should be invoked
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The order that interceptors should be called in.
  • Element Details

    • value

      Provides the specific point where this method should be invoked
    • order

      int order
      The order that interceptors should be called in. Lower numbers happen before higher numbers. Default is 0 and allowable values can be positive or negative or 0.

      If no order is specified, or the order is set to 0 (the default order), the order specified at the interceptor type level will take precedence.
