Interface IHl7V2CamelProcessorTxLogHelper

All Superinterfaces:

Transaction log helper to be used by for HL7V2 Camel procedures
  • Method Details

    • logHl7RawMsg

      void logHl7RawMsg(String theProcedureName, org.apache.camel.Exchange theExchange, ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message theMessage) throws ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception
      Adds a transaction log step If a transaction log is present or a new transaction log otherwise
      theProcedureName - the calling procedure name
      theExchange - the camel exchange
      theMessage - the HL7V2 message
      ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception - on message encoding failure
    • addHl7LogStepOrNewLog

      void addHl7LogStepOrNewLog(org.apache.camel.Exchange theExchange, Hl7v2ToFhirConversionResultJson theConversionResult, boolean theIntermediateProcess, TransactionLogEventTypeEnum theLogType, IHL7V2TxLogStepsProvider theStepsProvider) throws ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception
      If transaction logging is active, logs a step if transaction log is present or a new transaction log otherwise
      theExchange - the camel exchange
      theConversionResult - the input Hl7v2ToFhirConversionResultJson
      theIntermediateProcess - boolean indicating if caller is intermediate HL7V2 process
      theLogType - the TransactionLogEventTypeEnum
      theStepsProvider - the HL7V2TransactionLogStepsProvider
      ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception - when original message can't be extracted from exchange
    • getHl7LogStepsForBundles

      List<TransactionLogStepJson> getHl7LogStepsForBundles(org.apache.camel.Exchange theExchange, Hl7v2ToFhirConversionResultJson theConversionResult, String theProcedureName) throws ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception
      Builds a list of bundles corresponding to the received conversionResult
      theExchange - the camel exchange
      theConversionResult - the ongoing process Hl7v2ToFhirConversionResultJson
      theProcedureName - the current procedure name
      the list of transaction log steps corresponding to the bundles contained in received theConversionResult
      ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception - if HL7V2 message can't be extracted from Hl7v2ToFhirConversionResultJson